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Desfrute de velejar no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil! Navegue pelo monocasco Peterson Cruising “Terra Firme Rio” de 33 pés para até 6 pessoas. O que você pode esperar: Veleje com segurança e veja a paisagem do Rio a partir do mar. Charters & Tours partindo da Marina da Glória, com duração de cerca de 6 horas (da manhã à noite), para até 6 pessoas. A programação pode ser ajustada para sua conveniência. Fornecemos gelo e água mineral. Bebidas e alimentos podem ser trazidos. Temos geladeira elétrica mais um refrigerador com gelo para bebidas e fogão com forno e todos os utensílios de mesa e cozinha, pratos, talheres, tigelas, etc. Também temos churrasqueira a bordo. Velejar no Terra Firme Rio é exclusivo para o cliente, o iate estará disponível somente para você e seus convidados. Barbatanas, máscaras e snorkels são fornecidos para as pausas para nadar. O iate é pilotado pelo capitão e pelo primeiro companheiro. Eles são responsáveis pelas manobras e tarefas a bordo, responsáveis pelo seu conforto, segurança e tranquilidade. O que esperar a bordo: O Yacht Terra Firme Rio é um Peterson 33 projetado por Doug Peterson. Ela está totalmente equipada para cruzeiros e velejar, oferecendo total conforto, segurança e instalações para a tripulação. Ela também tem todo o equipamento de segurança e salvamento de acordo com a Marinha do Brasil em sua classe . Especificação ● LOA: 10,06 metros (33 pés) ● LWL: 8,71 metros ● Viga: 3,18 metros ● Calado: 1,80 metros ● Deslocamento: 5.000 kg ● Área de vela: 49m2 ● Motor: Yanmar 29hp Bebidas e alimentos Fornecemos gelo e água mineral. Bebidas e alimentos podem ser trazidos ou fornecidos pelo iate mediante solicitação prévia. Temos cerveja em lata, coca, guaraná (refrigerante brasileiro) e água mineral. Não incluído nos preços acima.
Sergio was a wonderful host and his boat was perfect for a sunset cruise around Guanabara Bay. He was really communicative from the beginning to the end, and gave us all the time we needed to soak in the view and the experience. I would 100% recommend taking a boat trip on Sergio’s boat!
Sergio is super cool and competent. His vessel is comfortable and sturdy. Sergio is a great skipper. Recommend him and the without hesitation. I was finally able to see Rio from the sea. Something that I had wanted to do for a long time. Great day trip. I imagine a longer voyage would be awesome aboard the Peterson yacht.
Our trip with Sergio was great. Sergio was very responsive to email and provided all of information about the vessel and what we should bring for the day on the water. Sergio is an accomplished sailor with decades of experience. He is easily able to handle the vessel by himself, affording guests a relaxing experience on the water. The boat is equipped with a bathroom and kitchen complete with a stove, grill, refrigerator, and sink. There is also a cooler with ice for keeping water, and other beverages cold. We sailed to a series of islands a few miles offshore from Ipanema and Copacabana. The views of Rio were amazing and at anchor we enjoyed swimming from the boat. Before returning to port, Sergio prepared the food that we brought and we enjoyed a nice lunch. I would definitely recommend a trip with Sergio, and I look forward to another trip myself.
The entire experience was very pleasurable! Sergio went above and beyond to give a great trip. Thank you!
You can’t go wrong with Sergio.
Sergio, started sailing at 10 years of age in the monotypes Penguin and Snipe. At eighteen acquired his first Terra Firme, a Tonight 21 feet. A wooden sailboat with torpedo fixed keel. She had a small cabin and watertight cockpit. At the time was called "Ocean Dwarf", designed and built by Fischer, a german builder living in Brazil. In 1976, crossed the South Atlantic from Rio to Cape Town aboard the yacht Undine, 39 feet, with the South African flag. During the same year, sailed the French Mediterranean coastal area on several yachts of varying sizes. Through the years, he has continued cruising for more than 50 years, acquiring extensive sailing experience. His experience is available for you.
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