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BIG BOAT for up to 36 people - at NAVY PIER MARINABIG BOAT for up to 36 people - at NAVY PIER MARINABIG BOAT for up to 36 people - at NAVY PIER MARINABIG BOAT for up to 36 people - at NAVY PIER MARINA

BIG BOAT for up to 36 people - at NAVY PIER MARINA

Com Capitão

Up to 36 people on this boat built purely for big groups. Huge open area forward, and huge covered area as well. You will have MORE than enough space for your group. We cruise out of the new NAVY PIER MARINA for great proximity to the river and swimming spots. This is an inspected vessel, therefore we can provide the captain. Gratuity is INCLUDED in all pricing for this boat.



36 convidados
Lanchas, Pontões e Botes Infláveis Casco Rígidos
Barco de Convés



That's Judge Smails from Caddy Shack in the picture by the way...

Características e Detalhes

  • Bar
  • Bluetooth
  • Coletes Salva-vidas/equipamento de segurança necessário
  • Toldo
  • Proteção de Cabine
  • Cabeça (banheiro náutico)
  • Som
  • Charter
  • Toalete
  • Motor de Popa
  • Rádio

Localização Aproximada

Você receberá as direções para o local de partida ao concluir a reserva.

A localização aproximada do barco em um mapa
Localização Aproximada

Política de Cancelamento

90% de reembolso até 60 dias antes.

Termos e Informações Adicionais

Cancellations are, the greater of $300 or: $300 – 60 full days or more in advance of scheduled charter ($600 for special events) 30% – for cancels/changes at least 45 full days or more in advance of scheduled charter (60% for special events) 50% – for cancels/changes at least 30 full days or more in advance of scheduled charter (100% for special events) 75% – for cancels/changes at least 14 days or more in advance of scheduled charter (100% for special events) Weather Policy: CBBR will decide if your charter will be cancelled or delayed due to current conditions and approaching systems using the current and predictive radar, as well as the marine forecast and actual observations for the intended/probable area of charter. Charters will go out in the rain (feel free to take cover in the covered area if you choose), but not persistent electrical storms. We will not begin a charter during an electrical storm, or if we believe that such approaching conditions will be unavoidable during a charter by altering course or returning to harbor. We ask you to think of it like a ballgame, some rain during a few innings, or a delay or early end, does not ruin the whole game. If we are delayed by conditions (1 hour maximum before cancelling), we ask you to come aboard and start the party (at no charge while at dock while we have the charter on hold), while we watch conditions and radar to see when/if it will clear. This decision will be made by CBBR as early as we are certain, and you will be notified immediately if we determine that the charter should be delayed or cancelled. In general, charters are not cancelled in advance of charter time unless we are certain that we will not charter based on the above criteria. While the weather forecast (advance or even hourly) may say there is a high chance of a storm, this is very broad and may not affect the time of your charter or the area where your captain may navigate or could only result in a delay of your charter. If you do not show and conditions do allow for a charter, this will be considered a no-show and the full fee will apply (sorry, we just do not want to be left standing on the dock with an empty boat that could be out on the water for a good time).

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