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Descubra o Lago Minnetonka no iate Crownline 210 CCR, aprecie as vistas, sinta a brisa e desfrute de um dia luxuoso na água. Esta embarcação é uma cabine aconchegante para 6 passageiros com 350 cavalos de potência. Belo iate esportivo feito pela Sea Ray .
We had a fabulous time with David on lake Minnetonka. Very clean and fast boat, lots of knowledge of the lake and great vibes all along. David is calm, relaxed and very accommodating. We have nominated him into out friend group he’s so delightful and his boat is great too!
Captain Dave was the best, and we couldn’t have asked for a better day on lake Minnetonka. He was communicative, attentive, and ensured that we had everything we needed. Highly recommend!
I have been boating for 25 years. This is my 5th boat and my favorite. I have experienced a lot of lakes in Minnesota but my main body of water is Lake Minnetonka. Trips to big island, restaurants or just floating for a day in the beautiful sunshine are just a few of the many things to do on this lake.
Você receberá as direções para o local de partida ao concluir a reserva.
Reembolso total até 5 dias antes.
Se o mau tempo for recomendado, por favor me avise com 4 horas de antecedência. Não fumar. Regra mais importante: divirta-se!