Choosing the right shaft length for your outboard motor is a crucial decision that can impact the performance and efficiency of your boat. The shaft length can affect the boat's speed, fuel efficiency, and overall handling. This guide will help you understand the factors to consider when choosing the right shaft length for your outboard motor.

Understanding Shaft Length

The shaft length of an outboard motor is the distance from the motor's mounting surface to the propeller's hub. This length is crucial because it determines how deep the propeller sits in the water. If the propeller is too deep, it can cause drag and reduce the boat's speed. On the other hand, if it's too shallow, it may not provide enough propulsion.

Outboard motor shaft lengths are typically categorized into three types: short, long, and extra-long. Short shafts measure 15 inches, long shafts measure 20 inches, and extra-long shafts measure 25 inches. The right shaft length for your boat largely depends on the type of boat and its transom height.

Measuring Your Boat's Transom Height

The first step in choosing the right shaft length for your outboard motor is to measure your boat's transom height. The transom is the stern cross-section of your boat, and its height is the vertical distance from the bottom of the hull to the top of the transom.

Here's how to measure your boat's transom height:

  1. Place the end of a measuring tape at the bottom of the hull, where it meets the transom.
  2. Extend the tape vertically up to the top of the transom, where the motor will be mounted.
  3. Note the measurement. This is your boat's transom height.

Matching Shaft Length to Transom Height

Once you've measured your boat's transom height, you can match it to the appropriate outboard motor shaft length. As a general rule, the waterline should be located at the lower third of the motor's cavitation plate when the motor is in use.

Here's a general guideline for matching shaft length to transom height:

  • Short shaft: 15-inch shaft for a 15-inch transom height
  • Long shaft: 20-inch shaft for a 20-inch transom height
  • Extra-long shaft: 25-inch shaft for a 25-inch transom height

Considering Boat and Motor Type

While transom height is a crucial factor in determining the right shaft length, it's also important to consider the type of boat and motor. Different types of boats and motors may require different shaft lengths for optimal performance.

Boat Type

For instance, sailboats typically require long or extra-long shafts because they have deeper hulls. On the other hand, small fishing boats or inflatables usually work well with short shafts.

Motor Type

When it comes to motor type, four-stroke motors are heavier than two-stroke motors. This extra weight can cause the stern to sit lower in the water, which may require a longer shaft.

Additional Factors to Consider

While transom height, boat type, and motor type are the primary factors in choosing the right shaft length, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind.

Water Conditions

If you frequently boat in rough water, a longer shaft can help ensure the propeller stays submerged and provides consistent propulsion. In calm water, a shorter shaft may be sufficient.

Boat Load

The weight of your boat load can also affect the shaft length you need. A heavier load can cause the boat to sit lower in the water, which may require a longer shaft.

Performance Expectations

Your performance expectations can also influence the shaft length you choose. If speed is a priority, a shorter shaft may be beneficial because it reduces drag. However, if stability and handling are more important, a longer shaft may be a better choice.


Choosing the right shaft length for your outboard motor is a critical step in ensuring optimal boat performance. By considering factors such as transom height, boat type, motor type, water conditions, boat load, and performance expectations, you can select the shaft length that best suits your needs. Remember, when in doubt, it's always best to consult with a marine professional or your motor manufacturer for guidance.

Maximize Your Boat's Potential with Getmyboat

Now that you know how to choose the right shaft length for your outboard motor to optimize your boat's performance, it's time to turn your attention to growing your boating business. With Getmyboat, you can list your boat for free and tap into a global audience eager to book a boat just like yours. Our comprehensive tools are designed to help you manage bookings, attract new customers, and handle payments with ease, all while enjoying the lowest transaction fees in the industry. Ready to expand your reach and become a Superowner? List your boat today and set sail towards a more successful future.