気品、エレガンス、快適さを完璧に兼ね備え、洗練されたデザインと優れたパフォーマンスを兼ね備えたジャンノープレステージ34に乗って、ユニークなセーリングアドベンチャーにぜひご参加ください。このヨットは比類のないクルージング体験を提供し、海を愛する人々に忘れられないひとときを過ごすユニークな機会を提供します 。*料金からの料金 :• 1日: 1450ユーロご希望の旅程とピックアップポイントを明記してリクエストをお送りください。夢の休暇を計画しているのか、特別な日を祝うのか、外洋での冒険を求めているのかに関わらず、私たちのチームはお客様の夢を現実に変えることに全力を注いでいます 。
As soon as you get to know him, you immediately understand that Sergio is a person you can trust even keeping your eyes closed: his experience in managing boats and planning boat trips is crystal clear in everything he does! With his excellent technical skills, he is the best captain to guide you through a wonderful boat holiday!
Dress: Beachwear! It is suggested that you wear a swimsuit under your clothes. The experienced captains monitor sea conditions and are solely responsible for deeming them acceptable or not. If necessary, routes may be changed Important note: The boat tour will be refundable only if on the scheduled day the weather is deemed unsafe by the captain, in which case the tour will be rescheduled or a full refund offered. If the captain determines that conditions are safe, the tour is non-refundable. Please note: rain is not considered an adverse sea condition