グランドバハマ島を訪れている間、45人を収容できる44フィートのカタマランに乗って、このユニークで楽しく、興奮に満ちた、一生に一度の5時間のオールインクルーシブの旅をお楽しみください。 観光、海賊船、シュノーケリング、作りたてのランチ、オープンバーを含む日帰り旅行で、お金と時間を節約しましょう。これらはすべて、大人1人あたり140.00ドル、14歳未満の子供は90.00ドルという快適で手頃な価格です。この旅行の最低参加人数は7名です。参加者が10人以上のグループには、大人1名あたり10.00ドルの割引が適用されます 。最初の1時間は、地元のバハマの音楽を聴きながら、ポートルカヤ地区の水路を観光します。水路の内側には海賊船が座っているのが見えます。この船を直接見たり、乗船して写真を撮ったりすることができます 。その後、このツアーは水路を通り抜けます。島のある地域では、100万ドルの住宅のほとんどを見学できます。この場所では、地元名の「億万長者の列」と呼ばれる住宅や土地が売りに出されています。また、利用可能な各物件には地元の不動産の連絡先が表示されます。ピーターソン・ケイへの旅を続けると、ツアー中にオープンウォーターでイルカをよく見かけます 。その後、バハマで最も小さい国立公園のひとつであるピーターソン・ケイと呼ばれるプライベート・アイランドに到着します。ここでエキゾチックなビーチに降りて、パラソルを置き、音楽を聴き、オープンバーに行き、ロブスターのグリル、またはジャガイモ、ニンジン、オオバコ、ハーブで調理した魚やチキンのランチを楽しみます。すべてのランチは、目の前で完璧に調理されます。オープンバーでくつろぐ前に、シュノーケリングガイドが美しいサンゴ礁に連れて行ってくれます。そこでは、美しいサンゴと最低10種類の魚との触れ合いを体験できます 。
Our excursion with Captain Rico was great! We were a group of 25 that had some special requests and he was very accomodating. He knew I was concerned about making it back to the cruise ship on time but was able to get in all the fun acitivities. Snorkeling, private beach and jet skiing. The group agreed it was the highlight of the cruise!
He was such a great captain. He provided everything that was listed. We had such a great time!
Seeing the dolphins was very entertaining.
We booked a catamaran and ended up on a fishing boat. The listing said 10+ people needed for the catamaran. When we questioned the boat upon boarding, we were told it was 15+ people. The kids (and adults) were really looking forward to lounging on the nets over the water on the catamaran. This was a big deal to us, coming from the Pacific Northwest as it is something we don’t have here. We have plenty of fishing boats and wouldn’t have paid this kind of money for that. This was supposed to be a special Christmas present for our families. Had we known ahead of time about the boat, that would have been one thing. Maybe we could have negotiated a lower price, or even cancelled. But being blind sided at departure was a bit of a shock and we had to make the best of the situation. They were kind enough to drop us off at Taino and Port Lucaya. However, at the Taino drop off it was more of a passing by the dock and get off as the boat is moving. The last person at that location (myself) ended up getting dropped off at a different dock at Taino and was trapped behind a locked gate and private property. I had to climb down onto a jet ski dock and scale a wall/fence to get to the rest of our group. Listing mentioned a pirate ship and private island. We saw neither of those, unless you count hurricane boats as pirate ships. The “private island” was someone’s private beach on the main island. As far as food goes, the lobster was good, the chicken was dry.
I am excited to be a part of the GetMyBoat movement in making boats more accessible and affordable to others. I hope to get out on the water more and help boating grow.