マーリン5.40なら、隠れた入り江や入り江などに自由に足を伸ばすことができます。静けさ、海、太陽を楽しみながらリラックスした一日を過ごすのに最適です。この素敵なRIBを借りれば、ネラノ、プライアーノ、ポジターノ、カプリなどの主要観光スポットの間を自由に移動して、ソレント半島の美しさを存分に味わうことができます 。マリナー6.20はボートの免許を必要とせず、最大2人の乗客を乗せることができるため、家族や友人との両方で楽しい船内滞在が保証されます。 船内には、デッキにはハンドシャワー、飲み物用のアイスチェスト、実用的な日よけがあり、暑い時間帯の防護に最適です。 出発と帰りはピアノ・ディ・ソレントのマリーナ・ディ・カッサーノ港から予定されています。 RIBは燃料タンクがいっぱいになった状態で配送され、同じ条件で返却する必要があります。 差額は1日の消費量に応じて計算され、1日の終わりには、スタッフが最寄りのガソリンスタンドを喜んでご案内します。RIB のご利用は 9:00 から 17:30 までとなります。 私たちの専門チームが詳細をお伺いし、休暇で最も忘れられない体験の1つを一緒に企画いたします!
Alessandra was great and really laid back which suited us well. Paulo our Captain was great. He took us to Capri and showed us all the caves and tunnels that not any of the ferries or tour boats had access to. We then went to Positano for lunch. Paulo made sure to point out sights along the way and help take pictures when needed. Truly a once in a lifetime experience and seeing the Almafi Coast in a way that no cruise ship or many others will ever see. Thank you to Paulo and Alessandra for an amazing trip.
Thanks so much Alessandra and Angela - office paperwork was completed swiftly, boat was in fantastic condition - a great day out touring around Capri.
V nice experience. Friendly owner. Nice gesture by offering a small bottle of limoncello at the end.
We are based in Sorrento, Italy. Enjoy hikes and beautiful boat trips, retracing a wonderful throwback to the places where before the Greeks and then the Romans left traces of their love for beauty.
Cancellation by the Guest: If the customer decides to cancel his/her booking for any reason, he/she must promptly inform the company. The Guest will be charged an amount of: - 100% of the amount if the cancellation is received less than 5 days before the tour Cancellation by the Company: The Company reserves the right to cancel the reservation in case of extraordinary technical maintenance, or in case of adverse marine weather conditions. In this case the company will offer: a) A boat of similar or larger size, at no additional cost. b) A new date for the tour. If it is not possible to agree on a new date for the service - the full amount paid will be returned to the Customers.