



ベトナムでのデラックスでリラックスできるソーシャルクルーズ!ハロン湾の美しいツアーとウォーターアクティビティ、そして世界のトップ7の自然の驚異を楽しみたい若い旅行者にはさらに多くのことを組み合わせた素晴らしい体験を若い旅行者に提供しています。3つのデッキにまたがる彼女には、設備の整った専用バスルーム付きのデラックスベイビューキャビン(30室)、バー、レストラン、ダイニングエリア、サンデッキ、ジャグジーがあります。 冒険家でもなければ、のんびりしたい気分でもありません。私たちのクルーは、信じられないほどの感動の旅を作り、ベトナムの特別な回想録となるようサポートします。僕らのフリーダム・アイランド 素晴らしいプライベートビーチに驚かされる準備はできていますか? この隠れた名所は、お粗末な生活から離れ、プライバシーが守られた平和な島への休暇に最適です。オアシス・ベイ・ソーシャル・クルーズから小さなジャンクボートで移動すると、ゆっくりと姿が見えてきます。フリーダムという名前は、島の魂とそれがあなたにもたらす価値を表しているからです。 退屈している暇はない!バーベキュー、ワイン、キャンドルを用意した屋外ダイニングエリアで、夜は思いっきり楽しめます。パーティーは一晩中続いていますが、輝く星を見上げて海風に包まれるのを忘れないでください... ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $139/人









  • エアコン
  • バー
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • ウォータースポーツ装備
  • Wi-Fi
  • 発電機
  • トイレ
  • キャビン







TERMS AND CONDITIONS Welcome to Oasis Bay Party Cruise. Your concern and booking are our honor. To obtain a successful  purchase, understanding each other is very necessary. You accept to purchase our products. It means that you agree with our terms and conditions. Therefore, terms and conditions are really significant to be paid attention and understood carefully if you do not want to misunderstand or make mistakes about booking. 1.  Obligations of the Customer The Customer prior booking is deemed to have carefully read and fully accepted the terms and conditions on behalf of all persons in the party.The Customer is responsible to ensure all travel documents (passport 6-months validity and pre-arranged Vietnamese visa) and health certificates are in order.The Customer is responsible to check the booking reservation to ensure that all reservation details are correct and should notify OasisBay Cruise immediately of any errors or omissions.The Customer agrees to conduct himself in a proper manner so as to not to cause danger, disturbance or offence to the crew and to other passengers.The Customer agrees not to damage accommodation and should such damage arise, agrees to pay the owner for the repair or replacement costs.Travel insurance is strongly recommended. It should cover personal accident, medical expenses, emergency repatriation and personal liability. 2.  Deposit and final payment A deposit of 30% of the tour price per person is required upon confirmation of your booking. We accept a wide variety of different payment methods by cash or credit card or bank transfer plus bank charges.The balance will be paid at least 2 days prior to the check in date, or you can pay us in cash at our office the latest will be 1 day before your departure when we meet in Hanoi (Booking will not be valid if the whole tour fee isn't completed).Expenses incurred for onboard services/products by the Customer , or by Oasis cruise on behalf of the Customer , shall be paid by the Customer  prior to disembarkation. 3.  Cancellation Cancellation by Oasis Bay Cruises In case, Port Authorities do not grant the daily sailing permit, due to bad weather conditions / tropical storm, we will contact you as soon as we get the news and offer you the choice of an alternative of equivalent quality or a full refund of all monies paid. No additional compensation will be paid over and above the total sum received from you. Cancellation by the Customer All cancellations must be received in writing, by fax or email. More than 30 days prior departure, no cancellation charge. From 15 to 30 days prior tour departure, the cancellation charge is 30% of the full amount plus any additional or costs resulting       to us. Within 15 days prior departure or no-show, the cancellation charge is 100% of the full amount. The above penalties apply when the entire booking is cancelled and apply to all services including cruise and land             arrangements. Customer or their travel agent must telephone or send a fax to OasisBay Cruise’s Reservation Department to cancel the reservation and land arrangements. 4.  Currency All cruises, visa, land tours and hotel prices and charges are quoted in USD or VND unless otherwise indicated. 5.  Refunds Before a determination regarding a refund can be made, all cruises and air documents must be returned to OasisBay Cruise, Partial use of cruise, airfare, hotel and land extensions does not qualify a Customer  for a refund. All refund requests pertaining to cruise, land and air are subject to final review by OasisBay Cruise No refunds will be made for unused services or no-shows. Please allow up to 20 days for any refund to appear in your account. All money (following cancellation policy) will be refunded via Online Payment System if Consumers make deposit/payment by Credit Card via Internet, consumers will receive money within 3 – 4 working days when OasisBay Cruise do refund. If Consumers make deposit/payment by banking transfer via bank, consumers will receive money via bank account after one week when OasisBay Cruise do refund! 6.  Optional Travel Insurance •     Oasis Bay Cruise is not responsible for any injury or damage sustained by passengers incurred due to delay, accidents, natural disaster, political actions and unrest must be borne by passengers. Passengers are required to have full travel insurance. Airline schedules and local conditions may be affect accommodation and itineraries. Should this occur, will endeavor to substitute suitable arrangement of similar value. Participation on any tour implies full agreement to above conditions by all parties involved. •     Baggage And Valuables Though we take all reasonable care in the handling of baggage, OasisBay Cruise 's responsibility for lost, damaged or misplaced baggage and other personal property is limited by the Passage Contract. OasisBay Cruise is not responsible for camera equipment, jewelry, cash or other similarly fragile and valuable items contained in checked or unchecked baggage. These items, as well as medications or prescriptions, should be carried on and off the cruises by the Customer s themselves. Safes are available free of charge on board. Under no circumstances will Bhaya Cruises be responsible for loss or damage to valuables if not placed in security boxes at the reception desk. 7.  Special Requests Special requests shall be communicated by the Customer  in writing at the time of the booking. OasisBay Cruise will make its best to fulfill them but declines the fact that special requests are part of the Contract. OasisBay Cruise do not take responsibility for failure to comply with a special request. In additon,the Customer should disclose, prior to booking, any relevant physical or mental condition of a member of his party. OasisBay Cruise reserves the right to decline booking to a person when OasisBay Cruise considers that the tour is inconsistent with the special needs of that person. OasisBay Cruise accepts no responsibility for the provision of an unsuitable tour for any person which special needs have not been disclosed at the time of booking. If Customer s have special dietary needs, OasisBay Cruise must be advised at time of booking or, at the latest, six weeks before sailing. Every effort will be made to comply. 8.  Customer With Disabilities/Special Diets Client is requested to submit all passenger details at least 24 hours prior to check-in of passengers (Full name, Date of birth, Gender, Nationality, Passport number, Vietnam visa expiry date, Contact number). Customer  with disabilities is welcomed aboard OasisBay Cruise. We have limited facilities aboard cruises for Customer s with disabilities. Any person requiring special services, assistance, equipment or accommodations must advise OasisBay Cruise Reservations Department at time of reservation. The Customer  will be informed whether early embarkation will be necessary. OasisBay Cruise have right to refuse requested accommodation that is not readily available. For safety reasons, Customer s in wheelchairs cannot be carried on launches in ports where the cruises are at anchor. Upon notification by Customer  with a disability, OasisBay Cruise Reservations will provide written specifications detailing suite and bathroom doorway widths and other pertinent access limitations on board the cruises. Customers using wheelchairs must be accompanied by a companion for access to all other areas of the cruises. Please note that accessible cabins are subject to availability and must be requested at the time of booking. 9. Limitation of liability The liability of the company and any other party that may be involved in providing services in connection with any of the holidays in this brochure may be limited where international apply. The company is not to be responsible for any act, event or omission during the time passengers are not aboard the vessel. Beside we also provide professional travel liability insurance package with limit of indemnity up to US$250,000 provide a safeguard and immediate help for problems occurred during the trip. 10. Passengers must not bring any dangerous or illegal substances onto the vessel. 11. Tickets are non transferable and non refundable and will not be replaced if lost, destroyed or damaged. 12. Special conditions apply to private charter & event bookings. Contact our sales department for details. 13. Other Operators Whilst all care is taken, no responsibility/liability whatsoever is borne or accepted by the Company for any other operator that is included, for any reason, as part of a package holiday, or conference or meeting within the Company’s Boat. The passenger agrees that any independent contractors with whom the Company so contracts provide their services subject to our usual Oasis Bay Cruises terms and conditions.


Bai Chayのヨット · 4名様


Bai Chayのヨット · 4名様


ハロン湾1泊2日 4スタークルーズ付き
Tuần Châuのツアー · 20名様

ハロン湾1泊2日 4スタークルーズ付き

Tuần Châuのヨット · 90名様


ラベンダーエレガンスクルーズ | 2日間のカヤック-ケーブス-タイチ-ハノイからのオーシャンビュー!
Tuan Chau Islandのツアー · 40名様

ラベンダーエレガンスクルーズ | 2日間のカヤック-ケーブス-タイチ-ハノイからのオーシャンビュー!
