友達を誘って、ハバス湖の美しい海を走りながら一日を過ごしましょう!このキャプテン付き22フィートビアジオスポーツトリトゥーンを最大6人まで予約できます。キャプテンはUSCGライセンスのマスターキャプテンで、ハバス湖とコロラド川下流について幅広い知識を持っています。食べ物や飲み物を持ってきて、湖での素晴らしい一日を過ごしてください!このボートは広々として快適で、湖で楽しい一日を過ごすのにぴったりです。トポック渓谷を探索したり、砂州でリラックスしたり、海峡をクルーズしたり、プライベートな入り江やビーチでくつろいだりしてください。船長がすべての面倒を見てくれます。 ただ現れるだけです。予約時に予約したい時間を指定してください。下記の料金体系に従ってオファーを送ります。 料金:船長、燃料、安全装備、クーラー、20ポンドの氷は料金に含まれています。パイレーツ・コーブ/トポック66までの上流への旅行には、50ドルの燃油サーチャージがかかります 。週末(金曜日、土曜日、日曜日)-最低4時間予約:600ドル、追加時間は1時間あたり135ドル平日(月~木)-最低4時間予約:600ドル、追加時間は1時間あたり125ドル主要祝日 - 4時間以上の予約:750ドル、 追加時間は1時間あたり155ドル
Captain Tommy provided our family a truly magical day on the water. Service was top notch as we were picked up early on a pristine boat, with all the amenities including ice chest w/ice for our drinks and Bluetooth speaker for our tunes. Then we cruised through inlets and coves, went for a swim and finished the day going under the bridge and through the channel. We didn't have a worry in the world as the captain took care of our every need. It was so fun and relaxing as we didn't have to worry about docking, anchoring, or driving as Captain Tommy did it all. He was able to maneuver in and out of coves and around other boats with ease. We will definitely be booking him again. Can't wait for our next trip!
This is our 4th trip with Tommy! We love that he always knows the best spots. He’s kind and considerate to people young and old (dogs too)! He’s very aware of his surroundings when driving the boat. We look forward to seeing him again on our next visit!
Tommy was AWESOME! He took us around to explore different parts of the lake and anchored in for us to enjoy being in the water! He provided a large cooler, the ice, Lilly pad, and a speaker and we all had such a blast! We had some great conversations and he was very informative of the area. Thank you for the great time and we will definitely be returning customers! 🎉
Highly recommended and will for sure book with Tommy again. The whole experience was worth every penny from start to finish. Tommy knows his stuff which made our experience that much more pleasant because we learned something new. We are forever grateful for everything 🙏🏼 ❤️
This was hands down the highlight of our trip. We had never been to Lake Havasu before and completely relied on Captain Tommy's knowledge to show us around and wow, did he deliver!! We are a family of five and he was very kind to the children and made sure they had fun. The whole process was so easy and stress free. The Lake was beautiful and swimming in the coves was such a magical experience. Definitely book this for your trip!
Hi! I am an experienced mariner and resident of beautiful Lake Havasu City. I am a United States Coast Guard licensed Captain (Master 25T). Let me take you and your family or friends out for a great day. Lake days are the best days!
すべての旅行には権利放棄契約が必要です。船長は、ボートに乗る際にお客様に本を読み、署名してもらいます。 キャンセル: オーナーが何らかの理由で旅行をキャンセルした場合、お客様には 100% 返金されます 。お客様が旅行の 7 日前までに予約をキャンセルした場合、100% 返金されます。 旅行の7日前を過ぎてから予約をキャンセルした場合、50% の払い戻しが行われます(旅行出発の48時間前まで)。旅行出発後48時間以内は払い戻しできません。 スケジュール: 出発時刻と帰国時刻は柔軟で、お客様が選択できます。 ボートは通常、夕暮れまでにドックに戻ります。 ご旅行の前日の夜に、ご希望の出発時刻を船長にお知らせください。 ルール: 船内ではいつでも禁煙してください。 12歳以下のお子様は、ボートに乗っている間は常にライフジャケットを着用しなければなりません。