アラブ首長国連邦のドバイをボートでお楽しみください! 最大40人まで乗れる80フィートのパワーメガヨットをチャーターしましょう。料金は1時間あたり1550ディルハムという低価格 。料金: • 1時間あたり1550 AED 。この見事な80フィートのヨットは、週末の休暇に最高のひとときをお届けします。友人や家族とのパーティーに最適です。彼女は贅沢なサロンと絶妙な家具であなたを驚かせるでしょう 。施設:80フィートのパワーメガヨットをチャーターして 、最大40人まで収容できます 。- ゲスト40名、キャプテン1名 - 、クルー2名 - 、- マスターベッドルーム2室、ツインキャビン2室、広々としたフライブリッジ、サンデッキ液晶テレビ、 - iPod対応BBQグリル付きサウンドシステム 。 - 無料:ソフトドリンク、水、アイス
We are one of the leading yacht charter companies in Dubai, UAE. We have been an established company with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction. We have excellent staffs who will provide with their best ideas by keeping in constant touch with customers and informing about the market trends. Our team consist of some of the most savvy, brilliant sales and marketing professionals in the field. Our yachts captains are fully equipped with knowledge and experience in navigation and our crews are the most courteous personnel you will find. We endeavor in keeping the customers delighted and providing them with our service at a very reasonable price. When you take a trip with us, rest assured that you will definitely have a great time.
Rules and Regulations: - All Guests should bring Emirates Id or original Passport (no photocopies) - Report at least 15 minutes prior to the trip at the location. - No delays will be compensated in case guests forget to bring their ID's - Yacht won’t leave from parking unless EVERY guest has a valid ID - Cancelled trip due to bad weather will only be rescheduled and no refunds will be made. - We have comprehensive packages for yacht parties, fishing trips, corporate events and romantic excursions, and are ready to provide customized tours on demand.