

Classy Motor Sailerは、終日または半日のプライベートチャーター&イベントにご利用いただけます! Classy Motor Sailerは、終日または半日のプライベートチャーター&イベントにご利用いただけます! Classy Motor Sailerは、終日または半日のプライベートチャーター&イベントにご利用いただけます! Classy Motor Sailerは、終日または半日のプライベートチャーター&イベントにご利用いただけます!

Classy Motor Sailerは、終日または半日のプライベートチャーター&イベントにご利用いただけます!

こんにちは、私はTizianaです。私たちのユニークで美しいギリシャの伝統的な上品な20メートルのボートを紹介させていただきます! 1947年に「ジョージ・プサロス(George Psarros)」によって建造されました。現代では見つけるのが難しい芸術と非の打ちどころのない造船の見本です。 今日でも、「ジョージ・プサロス」という名前は、優雅な木製の船、海の物語、そして時代全体と密接に結びついています。彼は最も革新的な造船業者の1人として広く認められ、各顧客の要望に合わせた素晴らしい船体を製作する能力に長けていました 。彼が建造した最も注目すべき船の中には、リカルドプロス氏のために35メートルの「イーグル」、レモス氏のための「パンドラ」、マヤ・カリガ夫人が購入し、最終的にロスチャイルド家に買収された「サイタ」があり、後に有名なファッションデザイナーのジバンシィに引き継がれました。 2010年、「サンニコラス」は文化省によって文化遺産として正式に宣言されました。他に類を見ない造船業の優雅さと芸術的な職人技の歴史を体現しています。この特別な船は世界で4つしかないこのような個人コレクションのうちの1つであり、芸術性と完璧な造船技術の証です 。この並外れたギリシャ船を紹介し、監督できることを光栄に思います。この船は、海事文化の導管としての役割を果たし、多くの海事の物語を分かち合うことができます。 最大25人の乗客と2人の乗組員を乗せる「セント・ニコラス」は、ユニークで思い出に残る体験を提供します。 このボートは、終日のアドベンチャー(最大10時間)だけでなく、半日の朝または夕日の体験(最大5時間)にもご利用いただけます。 なお、提示価格にはVAT(現在 24%)が加算されますのでご注意ください。 経験豊富なチームが、バチェロレッテ、夢のプロポーズ、結婚式後の写真撮影、誕生日パーティーなど、お客様が夢見てきたあらゆるイベントなど、機内でのオーダーメイドのイベントの企画をお手伝いします。 - - - - ご要望に応じて、- プライベートシェフサービスケータリングテーマのボートデコレーションバルーンデコレーション花火大会など 、ご要望に応じてさまざまな機能強化をご提供いたしております。 - プロフェッショナルDJサービス - 、- ライブサックスパフォーマンス 、VIP送迎サービスなど... 私の専門知識、イベントプランニングへの情熱、そして完璧への揺るぎないコミットメントがあれば、ユニークなデイクルーズ体験を一緒に作り上げることができると確信しています。 お客様の水上イベントを次のレベルに引き上げるために設計された、おすすめクルーズの詳細と料金の詳細については、お気軽にご連絡ください。 私と私のチームが喜んで皆さんを乗船させてください! ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


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Terms & Conditions 1. Booking and Payment: 1.1 To book a cruise, you must provide accurate and complete information about yourself, including your full name, email address, phone number, and payment information. The Client is personally responsible for any inaccuracy in the information provided. 1.2 The price of the cruise is displayed on our website, and you agree to pay the full amount at the time of booking. Reservations for seats on the specific cruise can be made by email, phone, or through the website, on the condition that a) payment of the full amount in cash or by bank transfer to our company or by credit/debit card, and b) unconditional acceptance and compliance with these Terms. 1.3 We accept payments by credit card, debit card. All payments are processed securely through our third-party payment gateway provider. Payments in cash are accepted in EURO. 1.4 Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive an email with your booking details and confirmation. 1.5. Reservations for minors must be made by their legal guardians and will be accepted only if the minor is traveling with at least one of their parents or another authorized adult who assumes full responsibility for the minor and has the relevant documents with them. Children who have not completed the 3rd month of age cannot travel. 2. Cancellation and Refund Policy: 2.1 If you need to cancel your booking, please contact us as soon as possible. Cancellation fees may apply, depending on the time of cancellation and the terms of the specific cruise. 2.2 If we cancel a cruise due to unforeseen circumstances or weather conditions, you will receive a full refund. 2.3 Refunds will be processed to the original payment method used at the time of booking. Cancellation/Refund Policy (Daily Shared Cruises) Cancellation fees may vary and are calculated depending on the period of time between the date of cancellation and departure date. No cancellation fee, for bookings canceled 48 hours prior to embarkation date. Full Cancellation fees are applied for cancellations made on the same date or for no-shows. Cancellation/Refund Policy (Daily Private charter) Cancellation fees may vary and are calculated depending on the period of time between the date of cancellation and departure date. Cancellation fee of 30% of the total charter fee, for bookings canceled within a period of 30-21 days prior to boat embarkation. Cancellation fee of 50% of the total charter fee, for bookings canceled within a period of 20-11 days prior to boat embarkation. Cancellation fee of 100% of the total fee, for bookings canceled in a period less than 10 days prior to boat embarkation. In case that the boat under cancellation is re-chartered to another Charterer for the same period and under the same conditions only the dossier expenses (150 Euro) will be charged. If you need to withdraw from the contract for unavoidable reasons, you may suggest a suitable replacement, who can take over the contract; for the same period, under the same conditions. If this is not possible, we will try to charter the boat to someone else. If this is successful, then you will be entitled to a refund as above. In the event that the charterer should elect to determinate the charter and deliver the boat prior to the date designated in this agreement, the Owner (or the representative company) shall not be liable to the return of any proportional part of hire money. Chargebacks If we receive a charge-back or payment dispute (i.e. PayPal Dispute) from a credit card company or bank, your service and/or contract will be suspended without notice. A 50€ charge-back fee (issued to recover fees passed on to us by the credit company), plus any outstanding balances accrued as a result of the charge-back(s) must be paid in full. Instead of issuing a charge-back, please contact us to address any billing issues. Requesting a chargeback or opening a PayPal dispute for a valid charge from us is fraud, and is never an appropriate or even a legal mean of obtaining a refund. Please read carefully and make sure you fully understand our Cancellation/Refund policy prior to making a payment. 3. Safety: 3.1 The safety of our passengers is our top priority. Our boats and equipment are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they meet the highest safety standards. 3.2 Passengers must follow all safety instructions provided by our crew and must wear life jackets when required. 3.3 We reserve the right to refuse passage to any person who poses a safety risk to themselves or others. 4. Liability: 4.1 We are not responsible for any loss of life or personal injury that may occur at any time and at any place when the passenger has boarded, is ashore, whilst at an intermediate port, either after disembarking at the final port. 4.2 We are not responsible for the loss or damage of private property, such as cash, jewelry, decorative items, tools, computers, works of art or other valuables. 4.3 We are not liable for any delay, cancellation, or alteration of the cruise due to unforeseen circumstances or weather conditions and any other causes that are interpreted as force majeure events according to common experience and cannot be predicted or prevented. 4.3.1. Our company is not able to predict or control circumstances that are outside its sphere of influence and may lead to the cancellation of the cruise or damage due to non-performance or improper performance of its agreed services. Examples of such situations include accidents, illnesses, epidemics, organic disorders due to local conditions, weather conditions, and any other situation of emergency or force majeure. 4.3.2. In the above cases, our company bears absolutely no responsibility for restoring any damage caused by them or for covering related extraordinary expenses, which should be covered, as in cases of force majeure, exclusively by the clients themselves. 4.4. We are not liable for any expenses, losses, or damages incurred as a result of missed flights or other travel connections due to delays or cancellations. 4.5. Our company is not responsible for the health problems of customers. The traveler is obliged to take care of their own health, as well as the health of their children and other individuals traveling with them (chronic illness, allergies, age, disability, psychiatric illness, and others) when entering into a contract, and to request in writing the provision of special services in this regard. Otherwise, our company will not be liable for any damages arising from this, nor can any complaints be submitted against us related to this. 4.5.1. The travelers, especially those with health issues (blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, allergies) or mobility issues, as well as pregnant women, should consult with their doctor and inform the company, as well as provide a medical certificate, which is required by carriers and other service providers, that they can travel safely. Otherwise, they must take responsibility themselves, with a responsible declaration. 4.6. In the event you have purchased a trip through‘Athenian Riviera Escapes’, and this trip is operated by a third-party partner of us, our responsibility is limited to the operation of the purchased trip at the time booked, without us being responsible for the delivery or the enjoyment of the trip booked. However, we are in constant contact with our partners to ensure that all our guests will be having a safe and joyful trip. 4.7. We do not guarantee that the ship shall approach all advertised ports of call nor that it shall follow a specific sea route or time schedule. The captain and the carrier shall have the absolute right to alter or replace the advertised program or ports of call for any reason. 4.8. We highly recommend purchasing a personal travel insurance before taking this tour which may cover your travels/tours for any unforeseen event such as illness or travel delays beyond your control. Please note that 48 hours or less prior to the scheduled departure or for NON-SHOWS, your tour is non-refundable whereas a travel insurance may cover issues of illness, travel delays that could cause you to cancel/miss your departure. 4.9. This does not affect our liability for death or personal injury arising from our gross negligence, nor our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter, nor any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. 5. CLIENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 5.1. The client who makes a reservation through the website has the right and obligation to read and accept these Terms and Conditions, which can be downloaded and printed from the website together with the browser program. 5.1.1. The client who makes a reservation by phone or email and cannot sign a hard copy of the contract, but wishes to make the payment electronically, must acknowledge and accept these Terms and Conditions through the website. In this case, the client is deemed to have agreed to the Terms and Conditions by paying the price. 5.2. The client is obliged to pay the amount according to the selected cruise/program. 5.3. The client is responsible to notify us upon making the reservation or in a reasonable amount of time prior to the tour, of any food allergies or restrictions. 5.4. The client is personally responsible and bears all possible consequences for the damage caused to our company because he/she does not comply with or violates these or other laws, rules, and regulations. 5.5. The client is obliged to compensate for any damages caused to the areas of the cruise ship. 5.6. The Client is obligated to comply with the rules of the cruise ship during the program and shall be personally responsible for any damage to the objects and the cruise ship during their voyage. 5.7. As other individuals may participate in the organized cruise, participation requires appropriate social behavior and understanding towards fellow travelers and the factors of its realization. For this reason, the absolute compliance of travelers with the cruise program, crew instructions, their timely attendance at gathering places for various program services, and their compliance with any administrative or legislative regulations applicable during their journey is necessary. 5.8. The Client is fully responsible for all costs and consequences that may arise due to incorrect information provided to our company during the reservation. Our company is entitled to compensation for damage if the Client did not provide the correct information of any kind that could affect the realization of the cruise, and if it is found that this was done intentionally, there may be additional costs for the Client. 5.9. Clients under alcohol consumption or intoxicated guests are not allowed to participate on any of our tours. Boarding of intoxicated guests will not be possible and will be refused by the staff of our tours. In addition, the staff/guides of the tours hold the right to expel any intoxicated guests that will come up at their attention or guests that disturb the tour routine or other guests in anyway, without any prior notice. No refund will be given on any of the above case, and the tour will automatically considered as a non-show, where 100% cancellation charges will apply as per our cancellation policy. 6. CUSTOMER’S SPECIAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 6.1. The contracting party, who represents his family or group, is obliged to have the authorization to make a reservation on behalf of all co-travelers mentioned in the participation declaration, and that they will comply with the Terms of Participation and to inform all those represented by him, co-travelers, of the details and Terms of the cruise. Third-party participants have the same obligations as the representative who registered them for the cruise, and the company provides them with any relevant information if requested. 6.2. The Company reserves the right to offer alternative or supplementary terms for special types of contracts. The specific terms agreed upon in each case in the contract to be concluded shall apply in addition to these Terms. 6.3. If the Customer cannot continue due to a breach of the rules, the Company is not obliged to accept the request for a refund. 6.4. In the event that the Customer obstructs the realization of the trip due to improper behavior, not respecting our recommendations, the Customer is obliged to compensate the Company for any damage. 6.5. In case of any violation of Greek legislation by any customer or group of customers, the company bears no responsibility. 6.6. Any special wishes, needs or requirements of the customer regarding the cruise they are participating in, should be explicitly included in the contract, provided that they have been agreed upon and are feasible. Given that these details may constitute personal data of the customer (often, sensitive personal data), our company retains them exclusively for the duration of the cruise in order to serve the customer’s needs during the trip, and then deletes them. 7. Privacy: 7.1 We collect personal information from you for the purpose of processing your booking and providing you with our services. This category includes, as the case may be, information such as full name, tax identification number, residential address, gender, age, email address, telephone numbers, etc. We will always ask you for the minimum required by law of your personal data exclusively and only in relation to its services that you receive/purchase. 7.2 We will not share your personal information with any third parties except as necessary to provide our services, as required by law, or with your consent. 7.3 We may use, with your express consent, which you can revoke at any time, your personal information to send you promotional emails or newsletters. In any case, you can change your preferences at any time by contacting us in any convenient way (by phone, email or SMS). 7.4 We keeps your personal data only for as long as is required by the contractual conditions of each service/package, in combination with the current legislation, based on the purpose of each processing, and then anonymizes or destroys them. You can ask and find out what data is being collected and correct or delete it by filling out an application we provide, unless its retention is required by law for tax, evidentiary or judicial purposes and for the prosecution of illegal acts. 7.5 We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union in relation to the collection, use, and processing of your personal information. 8. Governing Law: 8.1 These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Greece. 8.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Greece. Thank you for using our daily cruise booking website. If you have any questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, please contact us. SUBMIT


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