27フィートのマライアシャババウライダーボートで忘れられない思い出を作りましょう。11名のゲストを収容できるこのアドベンチャーには、釣り、チュービング、シュノーケリング、息をのむほど美しい南部のビーチの探索が含まれます 。料金:期待できること: *プロフェッショナルライセンスを持つボート、船長、乗組員 *フィッシングライセンスが含まれています。 *チュービングとシュノーケリング。 *ロス・アルコスでシュノーケリング *フルシェードビミニ。 *ボウラウンジクッション。 *プロ仕様の道具とライセンス付きでの釣り。 *ホエールウォッチングとイルカウォッチングのライセンスを受けています。 *バスルームは機内にあり、キャビンベッドも付いています。 *キャプテンが南のビーチまでお送りしてレストランで食事をしたり、ラス・アニマスのレストランで遊んだり食事をしたりするまで待つこともできます。 *サウスビーチへのロス・アルコス、コロミトス、ラス・アニマスへのエクスカーション *ロマンティックなクルーズやボートパーティーのサンセット予約 *27フィートのファンボートには最大11人まで乗船できます。 *当社のボートには、最先端のナビゲーション、レーダー、深度、魚群探知機が装備されています。 *私たちのボートには、Bluetoothを備えた最先端のプロ仕様のロックフォードマリンサウンドシステムが搭載されています。音楽を持参するか、当社のものを使用してください。 *旅を楽しく忘れられない成功に導くために必要なものすべて*ボートには450馬力のマーキュリー・マグナム・メルクルーザーと補助マーキュリー・モーターが搭載されています 。*ボートはプエルト・バジャルタ・マリーナ・ドアI、スリップI-4から出発します。また、ラ・クルス・デ・クルス・デ・ワナカストル、ヌエボ・バジャルタのマリーナからの送迎も許可されています 。重要情報: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ *4時間以上の旅行には、飲み物、水、ソーダ、1人あたりビール2本、またはテキーラ/ワイン/ウォッカ、サンドイッチ、セビチェ、ワカモレ、チップスをお選びいただける2食分が含まれます。食べ物、アルコール、その他の飲み物の持ち込みは大歓迎です。 *パンガ(ビーチに出入りする小型ボート)の寄港地観光にはペソをご持参ください。また、船長や乗組員に通常のチップを渡したい場合も、現金でお持ちください。これはオプションで、お客様に提供する優れたサービスに基づいています 。ラスアニマスのレストラン:ビーチに行ってレストランに戻って食事をする場合、一般的なパンガ料金は1グループあたり350〜400メキシコペソです。 ミスマヨヤでお客様をお迎えする場合、通常パンガに乗ってボートまでお一人様150メキシコペソかかります。 プラヤ・ロス・ムエルトスでお客様をお迎えする場合、通常パンガからボートまでお一人様100メキシコペソかかります。 パンガの費用はさまざまですが、これらは概算です。 マリーナバジャルタからは追加料金なしで出発します。追加料金でガス代と手数料を頂ければ、プラヤ・ロス・ムエルトス、ヌエボ・バジャルタ、クルックス・デ・ワナカスルテまでお迎えにあがります。 お知らせください。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paco and the rest of Candy’s team made our day on the bay delightful! The boat was roomy and comfy and we really appreciated the extra shade coverage. Paco was knowledgeable about the area and listened to what we wanted to get out of the day before we took off. They took us snorkeling and to a secret cove where we enjoyed floating and exploring. And, the cherry on top was locating a dolphin! The crew was friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. We had a fun and safe experience all around!
We had a great time on the boat with Kiko and Dany. They were wonderful and made our trip very fun and memorable! We even caught a fish and Kiko made fresh ceviche with it right on the boat! Would definitely recommend!
Great day on Banderas Bay. The owner and boat were terrific and exceeded our expectations. Highly recommend
Great crew! They took us snorkeling and whale watching. Highly recommend
Great relaxing boating experience with Captain Keko and Daniel.
Waiver and Release of ALL Liability I - Agreement to Participate I want and fully agree of my own will and choice to be a passenger on the charter boat that is being operated by your company. I fully agree that my involvement and participation in the boat charter is purely voluntary, and I accept all risks of my own free choice. II - Acknowledgement of Responsibility I acknowledge and take complete accountability for my personal well-being (which includes, without any constraints, adhering to all instructions from the boat's captain and crew) while engaging in the Boat Excursion, and confirm that I am physically capable of participating. III - Awareness of Intrinsic Hazards I know and acknowledge that boating in a charter has intrinsic hazards associated with it. Which encompass, though are not confined to, potential equipment malfunctions, maritime hazards, potential harm resulting from other vessels, actions of co-participants, transitioning in and out of the water, getting on or off boats, and various undertakings on the piers, docks and beach. IV - Consent to Medical Conditions I comprehensively acknowledge that the affiliated vessel possesses restricted medical amenities and that should a situation of illness or injury arise, suitable medical attention will need to be requested via radio, and the provision of care will be postponed until I can be conveyed to an appropriate medical facility. I proactively consent to these stipulations. No individual connected with your company has provided me with any explicit or implicit assurance that they or the vessel's crew can or will execute secure rescues or administer initial medical assistance. Should I exhibit indications of distress or call for aid, I would welcome support and shall not assign responsibility to any individual or entity for their efforts in attempting the execution or rescue or initial medical assistance. V - Authorization for Use of Media I grant your company the permission to utilize any images, personal accounts, interviews, or audio and video recordings, video footage, photo material of my involvement in the Boat Excursion for all social media, website, and promotional purposes. VI - Waiver and Release of Liability Having thoroughly reviewed this waiver, I hereby consent to relieve your company from all liability and hold harmless your company as well as its corresponding executives, directors, staff members, proprietors, associates, managers, affiliates, agents, representatives, legal advisors, heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, all persons linked with the Boat Excursion, and all persons and organizations holding an interest in the vessel employed for the Boat Excursion, from any and all responsibility, claims, requisitions, fair compensation, damages, charges, outlays, and grounds for legal action of any form or nature whatsoever (including negligence), stemming from the boat charter. VII - Assumption of Responsibility for Damage or Harm In consideration for my participation in the boat excursion, I hereby agree to assume full responsibility for any damage or harm caused to the boat, its equipment, or any passengers. I further agree that in the event of such damage or harm, I shall bear full liability and shall indemnify and hold harmless your company and all associated parties from any claims, demands, costs, expenses, or causes of action arising from said damage or harm. I understand and acknowledge that I am obligated to promptly reimburse your company for any and all costs associated with the repair or replacement of the boat or its equipment, as well as any medical or other expenses incurred by affected passengers. VIII - Electronic Signature Agreement I affirm my acceptance of this waiver by renting the boat.