定格は16名ですが、沿岸警備隊は12名(および船長)に制限していますが、安全性と快適性の理由から11名を超える予約は行いません。追加の収容人数が必要な場合は、他の3隻の船で最大30人を収容できます。 Tritoonボートは水上での快適性においてはるかに優れています。2つのポンツーンボートよりもはるかにスムーズな乗り心地で、波打ちの多い海にもはるかにうまく対処できます。ベニントンは高級品で知られています。ボートでリラックスできる十分なスペースと、無料の追加機能もたくさんあります 。基本的なチャーター、ミッドレンジ、そしてフローティングダンスドック、ステレオBluetoothアウトドアスピーカー、インフレータブル、パドルボード、アイスチェスト、氷、水、その他たくさんのものを含む9ヤードを用意しています。水上では他の会社とこれ以上楽しいことはありません 。お子様向けに、見つけた宝物を保管できる、他に類を見ない宝探しツアーを用意しています。私たちは毎年少なくとも100回の独身旅行を行っており、その正しい方法を知っています 。年配のお客様のために、大音量の音楽パーティーの雰囲気が苦手な方のために、ハーバークルーズ、プライベートアイランドクルーズ、貝殻エリアなど、興味を持続させるものがたくさんあります。 ご質問は、このサイトのメッセージアプリをご利用ください。回答には数時間かかる場合がありますが、回答いたします。 このチャーターは裸船チャーターとして運営されています。船長の費用は1時間あたり約50ドルです 。ボートを予約後、キャプテンリストをお送りします。選択が完了すると、彼/彼女が船長になります。
We had such a blast with captain Rob!! He made sure we had a great time, with a great music system, multiple coolers of ice, and fun floats. He also took us on a gorgeous cruise after crab island and let us go swimming and jump off the boat in some deeper water. Would recommend to anyone! Thank you soooo much :)
We did a captained trip out to Crab Island for our girl’s bachelorette party. Robert M. was our captain and he made sure all our needs were catered to without question! From pickup to drop off everything went smoothly. They provided a lily pad, coolers with ice and water. Robert blew up our floats and played bartender for entire day. He made sure we had the best experience. We would 100% recommend him to anyone and will definitely be using him again in the future!
This was our 2nd trip with this outfit. Great communication and very thoughtful and experienced captain that took us to see dolphin and to enjoy Crab Island. He waited out the rain to make sure he was right there to pick us up as promised, and he was so accommodating and pleasant to the kids and adults in our group. Wonderful experience, thanks Rob!
Robert was a great Captain. Our group was blessed to have him as our guide. He went above and beyond to make sure everyone was happy. He was very personable and easygoing. He made sure we saw dolphins and other sea life throughout the trip. He even saved a life. There was a man who yelled for help and Robert tossed him a life vest and a rope to get him on board and back to safety. I lost my hat on the ride back and Robert tried his best find it but unfortunately it sunk. We would definitely book with Robert again.
We had so much fun going to crab island for our friends bachelorette trip! Robert was such a fun captain and bartender! He took us on a little ride when we were done at crab island and dropped us off at the Destin Marina which was perfect for us to get home. Definitely would use this service again.
Most people who come to Destin and want to visit famous Crab Island have no idea where to start or who to trust their day of fun to. All of our boats are Tri Toon boats which give a much smoother ride even in choppy water. They are safer than the Bi toon boats other rental companies have. They all are fully equipped and depending on what kind of event you have scheduled will be equipped additionally to make your day special. Ice, ice chests, lily pad, bluetooth music, and more. The company is owned by a retired AF colonel and as much as possible, we try to find available captains that are military veterans for the list.