Chelsea Piersの豪華ヨットでは、お飲み物とケータリングサービスをご利用いただけます。広々とした屋外デッキラウンジ、船首の深いクッション、冷暖房完備のキャビンラウンジ、6人掛けのテーブル席を備えた冷暖房完備のキャビンラウンジ、トイレ、Bluetooth接続付きのサウンドシステムなどの5つ星の宿泊施設もあります。プロの船長と乗組員によるコンシェルジュサービス 。水上での生活を祝いましょう。誕生日、デートナイト、プロポーズ、バチェラー・パーティー、バチェロレッテ・パーティー、親密な結婚式、記念日、卒業式、写真・ビデオ撮影など、お客様が必要とするすべてのお手伝いをいたします。お友達やご家族を一生の思い出に誘ってください 。各クルーズには、お客様の好みに合わせた旅程が含まれています。太陽の下で航海したり、月明かりの下で街の魔法を発見したりできます。セーリングの旅は、初めての訪問者、ジェットセッターだけでなく、ネイティブのニューヨーカーにも喜ばれること間違いなしです。 人気の旅程:ハドソン川を下って自由の女神像まで2時間航海し、エリス島、ガバナーズ島、金融街、マンハッタンのスカイライン、ブルックリンとジャージーのウォーターフロントなど、ニューヨークハーバーの主要な名所をすべて巡り、スタテンアイランドやヴェラザノ橋まで広がる景色を堪能しましょう 。3時間 ハドソン川を下って自由の女神像まで行き、ニューヨークハーバーの見どころをすべて見学しましょう。イーストリバーを上ってブルックリンブリッジ、ウォールストリート、サウスストリートシーポートに行くツアーもあります。 4 ~ 8 時間自分だけのセーリングアドベンチャーをお選びください !ヴェラザノ橋に向かって南に向かい、大西洋からやってくる巨大なタンカーに会いましょう。または、ジョージ・ワシントン・ブリッジに向かって北上し、ハドソン川の静かなツアーを楽しみましょう。あるいは、イーストリバーをセーリングしてブルックリンとクイーンズのウォーターフロントを探索するのもいいでしょう。あるいは、自由の女神像のそばで長居するのもいいでしょう。心ゆくまでニューヨークを探索してください。 ボートの特徴 -6人掛けの広々とした座席と日陰用の天蓋付きの屋外デッキラウンジ-6人掛けのテーブル席を備えた屋内キャビンラウンジ -日光浴用の深いクッション付きサンパッド - サブウーファーとBluetooth接続を備えたサラウンドサウンドミュージックシステム- 簡易キッチンと トイレサービス込み -米国沿岸警備隊の資格を持つプロの船長 -セーリングパーティーに飲食サービスを提供する経験豊富な乗組員 -専門ガイドによるニューヨークツアー -マンハッタンチェルシーピアのドッキングおよび搭乗料込み -燃料費と清掃費が含まれています-ボトル入り飲料水(含まれていないもの )- チップ(18~ 22% 推奨 )チップはすべて船長と乗組員に送られます。 -デコレーションパッケージ -お飲み物&ケータリングメニュー 6名様分のケータリングメニュー無垢材の大皿とトレイに盛られたエビカクテルシャルキュトリーボードチーズ ボードファーマーズマーケットクルーディテサンドイッチラップボードホールケーキ&タルトドリンクメニューシャンパンドンペリニヨンヴーヴクリコブリュットリザーブキュヴェモエエシャンドン ブリュットリザーブインペリアルセグラヴィウダスカバブリュットロゼウィスパリングエンジェルロゼフルールドメールコテドプロヴァンスロゼ白ワインルイジャドーシャルドネスチールレインストームピノグリ ビール(季節限定)IPA、エール、小麦ビール、オールインクルーシブメニューシャンパンブランチランチオープンバー付きオープンバーパッケージ誕生日パーティーパッケージロマンチックパッケージ ラブボート究極のロマンティックなセッティング !ヨット全体が赤いバラの花輪、花束、ハート型の枕で飾られた状態で到着します。サンパッド、デッキラウンジ、デッキ下のプライベートキャビンラウンジで花に囲まれてください。無料のシャンドン・ブリュット・キュヴェのボトル1本と、お好きな看板(「結婚してください」、「ラブ」、「記念日おめでとう」、「ハッピーバースデー」)が付いています。 250ドルのサプライズプロポーズ完璧なサプライズプロポーズをお望みなら 、プライベートキャビンラウンジをローズガーランド、ブーケ、ハートピロー、そして必須の「Will You Marry Me」のサインで、秘密のロマンチックなオアシスへと変身させます。シャンドン・ブリュット・キュヴェの無料ボトルも付いています 。ロマンチックなデート、記念日、誕生日プライベートキャビンラウンジは、バラの花輪、花束、ハートピロー、そしてお好きなサイン(愛、記念日おめでとう 、または誕生日おめでとう)でロマンチックなオアシスに変身します。デッキラウンジは、ハート型の枕とバラで優しく装飾されています。シャンドン・ブリュット・キュヴェのボトルを無料で提供しています 。---- 私たちのクルーは経験豊富でプロフェッショナルで、楽しいです!当社は、適切なライセンスと保険により、米国沿岸警備隊のすべての規則と規制を遵守しています。必要な安全装置はすべて搭載されています 。
Could not be more grateful to Martin and Chris for helping create what is now one of the most memorable evenings of my life. We left the pier around 6pm for an evening sunset sailboat cruise around Manhattan. Everything was perfect. I had told Martin and Chris that I planned to propose to my girlfriend on the cruise, and they went above and beyond to make every moment special. Martin and Chris were both knowledgeable, personable and professional, making us feel welcome and at ease. We were served charcuterie, dinner, wine and champagne at the front of the boat while watching the sunset. Before I proposed, Martin made sure we had a nice view behind us, and Chris took great pictures of the moment. We will definitely book with them again!
We had a wonderful time and couldn’t have asked for anything else. The sailboat is very comfortable and luxurious. Captain and crew were very kind and thoughtful. It has ample of space for a party of 6. Would recommend to anyone who wants a different perspective of the city.
Amazing. So perfect. Took my husband for his birthday and it was so great beginning to end! The captain and crew were so thoughtful, helpful, and kind. We brought our own food due to dietary restrictions and they even helped us set it up nicely. Above and beyond- thank you!
Best trip EVER! We enjoyed sailing around and getting to see the city. The crew was amazing too! We even encountered a small rain shower and the crew was so fast to help us downstairs and keep us dry - I recommend Martin’s boat to anyone looking for a fun activity in NYC!
This is our third boat ride on captain Martins boat and as always we had the absolute best time. I’m always so glad I choose to sail with them and always leave, planning on when is the soonest time I could come and book again. Captain Martin was extremely accommodating & professional throughout the entire booking process and his boat has everything you could ever need. The boat is extremely clean and in great condition. Highly recommend to every single person. Captain Caleb and Gino also made our experience so much more enjoyable & went above and beyond for us. 10/10 - 5 stars isn’t enough to explain what a beautiful experience this is. Runnnnn - don’t walk to book!
Hi! I love to share the joy of sailing. I have a USCG 100 Ton Master Captain’s License and am a NYC architectural and history tour guide. I learned to sail in the NY Harbor more than 25 years ago. Sailing the NYC archipelago is always beautiful and interesting. It's what I live for. Let's go sailing!
WEATHER POLICY Each sail is flexible in nature due to tides, winds and other weather conditions. We will do their best to stick to the sailing schedule but cannot be held responsible for sails that end earlier or later than scheduled. There are no full or partial refunds for sails ending prior to the scheduled arrival time. We reserves the right to cancel any sail due to mechanical failure and/or adverse weather conditions. Adverse conditions include but are not limited to excessive winds, thunder and lightning storms, small craft advisory, and other extreme conditions. If there’s a chance of rain or adverse weather conditions, the Captain will monitor the radar 2 hours prior to departure and determine if rain pockets or conditions can be avoided during the charter. If not, the Captain will reschedule the sail during the same calendar year. Radar is only available 2 hours prior to departure. Only the Captain can reschedule a sail. Dock access is five minutes before the start of your sail. Please don’t miss the boat! Due to a tight sailing schedule, we try to cast off five minutes past your scheduled sailing time. If you do not arrive by five minutes past your scheduled departure, there is no refund. If someone in your party is late or does not show up, there is no refund. CANCELLATION POLICY We are not able to offer refunds at this time. TERMS & CONDITIONS I agree, and all members of my sailing party agree, to the following Terms and Conditions: – Service animals are permitted, pets are not. – Smoking and vaping are not permitted. – Illegal drugs, weapons, sharp objects, and other pirate accessories are not permitted. – Red wine and hard coolers are not permitted. – Excessive consumption of alcohol on a sailboat is unsafe. If passengers become unsafe due to alcohol consumption, the US Coast Guard and NYS Liquor Authority require the captain to limit alcohol service. – Passengers are responsible for their personal items. – We recommend that you wear a USCG approved Life Jacket. Adults 18 years and older have the sole responsibility to decide if they want to wear a Life Jacket. Passengers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents or guardians are responsible for determining if a minor age 14-17 must wear a Life Jacket. New York State law requires persons 13 years of age and under to wear a Life Jacket. USCG requires all infants and children, regardless of age, to be considered in the six-person maximum. Maximum 3 children on the vessel. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. – By booking a sail, you agree that we may take photographs or video of the sail or for the event you are attending, and we may use those photographs or video on our website and for other promotional purposes. – Sailing is inherently dangerous and all risks outside the reasonable control of the owners or operators of are waived. We have the right to refuse or terminate passengers we judges incapable of meeting the rigors or requirements of a passenger for the safety of other passengers and employees. We shall not be liable for damages for emotional distress, mental suffering/anguish, psychological injury, or damage to or loss of personal property. We shall have the benefit of all statues of the United States of America providing for limitation and exoneration from liability. – We shall not be liable for any claims for personal injury, illness, or death unless filed within 1 year after voyage. We shall not be liable for any other claims unless filed within six months after voyage. All disputes and matters whatsoever arising under, in connection with or incident to this contract shall be litigated before the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan or before a court located in New York County, New York. COVID-19 POLICY In consideration of being allowed to board the vessel, you understand, acknowledge and agree that in the past 7 days, neither I, nor anyone in my sailing party, has: – Knowingly been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 – Experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 – Tested positive for COVID-19 If the status changes for me or anyone in my sailing party prior to departure, I understand that I must contact the Company, and I understand that the individual will not be allowed to board the vessel until 7 days after exposure or symptoms or positive diagnosis.