ワイキキのベストバリュー・サンセット・クルーズ!ベネトー 43フィートプライベートチャーター (パーティーに参加している人のみ、他のメンバーは不可)!ベストオブゲットマイボート2021、2022、2023年の勝者!🥇! 豪華セーリングヨット(43フィート)のベネトーに乗って、ワイキキ沖のお得なサンセットクルーズをお楽しみください。ハワイ随一のサンセットクルーズの魔法をお楽しみください。 サンセット3時間セイル:最大6人の乗客で555ドル。船長は料金に含まれています !出発毎日午後4時30分から午後7時30分までイルカ 、ウミガメ、クジラを探します。また、立ち止まって泳いだり、シュノーケリングをしたり、魚やサンゴを探したりすることもでき、必要なシュノーケル用具はすべて揃っています 。
Great time with friendly and competent Cap and first mate. I definitely prefer the vibe of a sail boat with just a few friends vs a large motor boat with half of Waikiki on board. Highly recommend!
Great boating trip!! We ended up being late because parking was difficult, but they were so understanding and let us sail for longer! We were able to see dolphins and it was a lovely experience all around!
We went sailing with Captain Tom and deckhand Raul. They were fantastic! We saw the sunset, a nearly full moon over Diamond Head, and just had the most wonderful time. So much more enjoyable than a group catamaran trip. We'll be doing this again. Thank you!!
Thank you so much for such a wonderful experience with sunset sailing yesterday. It was perfect, captain Tom and Kenny both were really good partners in our voyage and kept us very comfortable and engaged. Overall it was an excellent sail and I would highly recommend them and go sailing with them again
We had Captian Tom and Ken on our booking . Great value , We didn’t have time to grab drinks and snack/ sandwiches prior to sailing as the cab driver taking us to the marina did know where the supermarket was on the way . Ken was gracious enough to drive me to the closet store so we could enjoy the day. booked 4 hour trip and went snorkelling ( didn’t see much ) it was still great . then put the sails up and it was awesome to experience a sailboat for the first time andfortunate enough to see some whales up close (pretty cool ) Both Tom and Ken were excellent . remember to bring your own supplies for food. we were 7 in total and it was the right amount of people for this vessel . Thanks again Tom and Ken . wish you all the best !
Sail away in Paradise! This is our mission, to enjoy sailing and share with all people! We offer many types of sailing venues, from sunset cruises, snorkeling, and whale watching. Captain Rob has been sailing in Hawaii since 1979 and has traveled the world before coming to Hawaii. He sailed from San Francisco to Miami and from San Diego to Hawaii. Hawaii is the best!
サンセット2時間セイル:最大6人の乗客で370ドル。最大12名様まで、追加1名様につき75ドルの追加料金がかかります 。毎日午後 4 時 30 分から午後 6 時 30 分まで出発します。 また、3 時間のセーリング、スイミング、シュノーケルクルーズも提供しています。イルカ、ウミガメ、クジラを見ることができます。ホノルル海岸の最高のシュノーケリングスポットに立ち寄ります 。3時間のクルーズは以下のとおりです。 午前 9 時~午後 12 時 午後 12 時 30 分から午後 3 時 30 分 料金は 1 時間あたり 185 ドルです。最大12名まで、追加1名につき75ドルの追加料金が発生します。 水に入らずに2時間のセーリングをご希望の場合は、午前9時から午後4時30分までいつでも予約できます。料金は1時間あたり185ドルです。最大12人まで、追加1人につき75ドルの追加料金がかかります。