ポルトガルのアングラ・ド・エロイズモをボートでお楽しみください! キャディーキャビンを最大20人までレンタルできます。4時間で1,000ユーロという低料金です 。価格: • プライベートチャーター: - キャプテンなし:4時間1,000ユーロ - キャプテン付き:4 時間 1,500 ユーロ - (ライセンスが必要です) - (ボートは会社のスタッフによってマリーナの外に置かれ、スタッフもマリーナ内の湿原を探します) その他の活動 - ナイトツアー (日没): 価格: 大人:1 時間 20 ユーロ 子供:10 ユーロ - サンクドボートツアー (難破船) 料金:大人:20€ 子供:10ユーロ - シュノーケリング(ヤギ島): 価格: 大人:30 ユーロ 子供:15 ユーロ
Water4fun is a company in the maritime-tourist sector, located in the Azores, on Terceira Island, founded in 2015, being one of the main companies in this sector. With a team of qualified collaborators in the area of tourism, nature guides and marine biology, water4fun aims to show the historical and cultural heritage of Terceira Island, with the main activity being the observation of cetaceans. Mission Our mission is to satisfy our customers through a personalized service that meets your expectations or even exceed them, creating a bond of friendship and concern for your well-being and comfort during the trips on our vessels. Vision Water4Fun's vision is to be a maritime-tourism company recognized for excellence in its personalized services. Values The Water4Fun team believes that a solid foundation of values and work philosophy is the key to business success. Acting in an ethical, transparent and responsible manner, committing and assuming the responsibilities of our work, always in search of excellence and exceeding the expectations of our clients, both on board and on land. Goals To achieve our mission, the Water4Fun team's main objectives are: • Provide differentiated and quality maritime-tourism services, always in harmony with the environment • Continuously improve the quality of our services • Intervene in the preservation of the environment that surrounds our activity.