

(2) シードゥースパーク 3upジェットスキーのスリルを2〜8時間体験してください!!(2) シードゥースパーク 3upジェットスキーのスリルを2〜8時間体験してください!!(2) シードゥースパーク 3upジェットスキーのスリルを2〜8時間体験してください!!

(2) シードゥースパーク 3upジェットスキーのスリルを2〜8時間体験してください!!


Sea-Doo独自のiBRシステムにより、より早く停止することができます。両手でハンドルバーに触れることで、ライダーは前進、中立、後退の操作が可能になり、低速でも安定して安心して操縦できます !*シングルジェットスキー料金* 料金:1時間あたり95ドル-最低予約時間2時間 。両者ともフルタイムで働いているため、平日は勤務スケジュールの都合上 、空き状況に限りがあります。当社では同一のウェーブランナーを2名用意しています。両方のレンタルをご希望の場合は、メッセージを送って割引料金をお送りください !*特徴* このウェーブランナーは3人掛けなので、2人でも快適に座れます 。1982年1月1日以降に生まれた場合は、オハイオ・ボーターズ・セーフティ・カードを所持している必要があります。ボート乗りの安全カードが必要な場合は、無料のカードの入手方法についてお問い合わせください 。18歳未満の方は、PWCに乗る前に親/保護者の書面による同意が必要です。同意が得られない場合、未成年者はPWCに乗ることができません 。注意:これらのウェーブランナーには制限がなく、時速50マイルを超える速度での走行が可能です。ドライバーとライダーは、運転中は注意を払い、すべての水路法に従う必要があります。バックアイ湖には通行禁止区域があり、PWCは時速5マイルを超えてはならないことに注意してください。 お問い合わせ時の天候が良くないと思われる場合は、危険な状況になる可能性が高いため、予約を受け付けることができません。お客様の安全は私たちの最優先事項です !




04 Nov 2024から復活予定です。






5.0 (7件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. JN


    Danielle and her husband run a small business and were quick to communicate. They were very helpful in stream lining the process and no issues before or on the water. I would describe them as friendly, on time, and knowledgeable. Sea doos run great and as expected. I highly recommend. We will be doing business with them again in the future. We wish you the best!

  2. SD


    We had a great experience renting jet skis from Danielle! I highly recommend her and she’ll be my go to for future jet skis rentals! Couldn’t be happier! Thank you!!

  3. RG


    Very nice people up front just as they said all was as advertised very kind.

  4. CG


    Our experience with renting a Jetski from Danielle was excellent. Booking was very easy and timely. Danielle messaged with important details and helpful reminders. She and her husband met us at the marina and went over the operation of the machine with us. They truly made the experience easy and very enjoyable. We plan to rent from them again in the future!

  5. Jesse

    The rental went smooth. They were at the dock ready for us to ride. Id recommend them for sure. They are very nice and helpful.




We are a young active couple. When not on the lake, we enjoy skiing and snowboarding. We are so excited to share our passion for the lake with you!


Sea-Doo Spark 3-up Rotax 900 ACE CONV & iBR
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • 要免許
  • トレーラー式
  • 燃料:ガソリン
  • シングルエンジン
  • 船内エンジン
  • 3シート
  • ウェーブランナー
  • ジェットスキー







In consideration of the agreement herein, our company (herein after referred to as the LESSOR) agrees to lease to the undersigned (herein after referred to as the LESSEE) the craft and equipment described herein. In the event the craft is not returned at time specified herein. Said LESSEE agrees to pay for OVERTIME at rate of $50.00 per every ten minutes. The lessee certifies that he/she has examined the craft and equipment and finds it acceptable and suitable for the purpose for which it is leased. That he/she will operate the craft in accordance with all safety rules and regulations as posted in this office or on the craft, and further certifies that he/she has read and understands said rules and regulations. Lessee agrees to report any accident, malfunction or breakdown of rental craft to lessor immediately . This certifies that I (We), the LESSEE (S) am sufficiently experienced and capable in all aspects of the handling and operation of the craft such as the one rented above. LESSEE agrees said craft will not be occupied by a greater number of persons that is shown in this rental agreement. I, the LESSEE (S) am/are aware of the NO WAKE areas and am/are responsible for any damaged caused by my wake.   The LESSEE acknowledges he/she has carefully examined the craft and finds it suitable for the purpose for which it is leased, and that or other accessory equipment is in suitable and acceptable condition: that he/she will maintain both craft and equipment in a safe, dependable condition while in he/she has custody.  LESSEE agrees not to use, nor permit the use:   a. Of the rental craft for any unlawful purpose;   b. Of the rental craft in a careless or negligent manner;   c. Of the rental craft while under the influence of liquor or narcotics; or any other drugs   d. By any other person not the signatory of the agreement, or not equally qualified  Lessee acknowledges his/her responsibility for the safe and proper operation of the craft; and for the safety and welfare of other boaters, persons, and passengers. It is AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BY LESSEE that the LESSOR shall not be held liable for damages inconvenience or time lost caused by accident, breakdown or malfunction of the rental craft. LESSEE FURTHER AGREES to indemnify and hold harmless the LESSOR and its agents, affiliates, and personnel from, and against any and all claims for loss of or damage to property or injury to persons (including death) resulting through the use, operation or possession of said rental craft. LESSEE further agrees to hold the LESSOR harmless should loss or damages occur to any LESSEE’S personal property while carried in, or on, the rental craft, including loss or damage by fire, water, theft or any other causes whatsoever.   LESSEE expressly agrees to indemnify and hold LESSOR and its agents, affiliates and personnel, harmless of, from and against any and all loss, cost, damages, attorney fee and/or liability in connection with the enforcing of the forgoing rental contract by LESSOR, including expense incurred in connection with attempting to collect delinquent rent and in the event of suit by LESSOR, to recover possession of said rental property and/or to enforce any terms, conditions and/or provisions hereof. It is understood and agreed that Venue and any action hereunder shall be in the county of LESSOR.   In the event of malfunction, breakdown, or if any defect is discovered after acceptance of the rental craft the LESSEE will immediately report it to LESSOR. Continued use of it shall be entirely at the LESSEE’S risk and thus LESSEE assumes all liability of injury and damage to all persons and property that may become involved by its continued use.   LESSOR’S ability to provide a rental craft if reserved, is contingent upon and subject to the return of the unit by the previous lessee, or any other cause beyond LESSOR’S control.   LESSOR reserves the right to cancel this rental agreement due to inclement or impending bad weather. Rental fees will be prorated based on time used.   The rules and regulations contained herein and as posted in the office, on the craft and/or the grounds by the LESSOR are for the safety and welfare of all who use the facilities. The LESSEE certifies that he/she has read and understands said rules and regulations and further assumes the responsibility that his/her family and or guest(s) will obey the rules.   Should any term or condition of Rental Agreement be held void or unenforceable, then that term shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and the unenforceable, then that term shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and the enforceability and the remainder shall not be affected and will remain in full force and effect.  The terms and conditions on both sides of this contract contains the entire understanding between lessee and lessor and no other representation or inducement, oral or written, has been made which is not included in this rental agreement. I (we) have read all pages of the agreement and fully understand the terms and conditions as set forth on both sides; that I (we) acknowledge receipt of a copy of this AGREEMENT.   General List of Requirements:  1. You must be at least 18 years of age to rent from Hitchcock Enterprise LLC. If you were born after 1/1/1982, you must possess an Ohio Boaters Safety Card. 2. If you decide to not Acquire a boater’s safety card before the day of your rental, you will be required to find someone who can legally operate the PWC.   3. You agree to strictly adhere to the driving guidelines listed below -   a) DISTANCE You will keep a minimum distance of 300 feet between yourself and other watercraft at all times while operating the PWC.  b) DRIVING AREA You will stay within the designated driving area. c) LAWS You will not break any laws or local ordinances while operating the Jet Ski. This includes everything from illicit drugs to respecting idle speed zones. Buckeye Lake HAS A NO WAKE ZONE. YOU ARE NOT TO EXCEED IDLE SPEED UNTIL YOU ARE OUTSIDE THE BOUYS. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS LAW WILL RESULT IN YOU BEING TICKETED AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE.  d) LIFE JACKETS The driver and passengers must keep a life jacket on at all times while riding the Jet Ski. Life jackets will be provided upon rental.  e) DRIVERS Only the driver(s) who had been declared in this agreement are permitted to operate the Jet Ski. No one may drive the Jet Ski who is below the age of 18 &/or has not completed a boater’s safety course.  f) WEIGHT Limited to 450 lbs / 204 kg. You are responsible for knowing the weight of your rider(s) and their belongings. No more than two passengers at any given time.  g) TOWING No tubing, skiing, or any towed watersports activity is permitted on Jet Ski rentals h) SAFETY You will make every reasonable effort to keep yourself and the Jet Ski out of harm’s way. You will follow the rules of the water, keep a safety lanyard attached between you and the Jet Ski, and will remain in a safe driving position while underway. We will provide you a 10 minute overview of the Jet-Ski prior to departure. Throw cushions and fire extinguishers are not to be used for any purposes other than in the event of an emergency. Any equipment misused will have to be paid for in full. We will provide safety equipment onboard the Jet Skis.  i) WEATHER You will immediately return to the boat launch if conditions deteriorate. We track the weather conditions very closely and will let you know what we think beforehand. We will not permit rentals to go out when waves exceed 3 ft. We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule rentals due to adverse weather.   j) SECURITY DEPOSIT We will hold a $200 deposit that will be refunded immediately upon return of the Jet Ski in good condition.  k) GASOLINE Rental price includes one tank of gasoline.  l) CLEANLINESS Any PWCs returned extremely muddy, dirty, with food bits and trash strewn about will be subject to an additional $50 cleaning charge.   m) BOAT RETRIEVAL Any Jet Skis that we must retrieve will be charged the full cost of towing in addition to a fee of $10 per mile from Buckeye Lake, OH. Late fees will also be assessed if the rental is not returned before the end of its lease term.  Your rental will NOT be refunded and your deposit will be lost if, on the day of the rental, you:  a) Choose not to operate or cannot become legal to operate the vessel  b) Fail to show up show up 30 minutes late c) Consume ANY alcoholic beverages the day of the rental  d) The Jet Ski must be retrieved (also subject to damage costs)  e) Drive outside of the designated driving area  Cancellation/Bad Weather Policy:  If you choose to cancel your reservation at least 7 full days in advance of your rental time, we will try to re-book the Jet Ski. If we are able to, we will refund your rental fee. If you choose to cancel your reservation less than 7 days before your rental day, there is no refund. On occasion we may be forced to cancel any rentals for the day in the event of hazardous boating conditions. We will issue you a full refund, or reschedule your rental appointment.   Late Fees:  Late fees will be charged at a rate of $50 for every 10 minutes beyond the initial 10 minute grace period. Rest assured, if you arrive late, you will be charged this fee.