活気に満ちた28フィートのポンツーンに乗ってルイスビル湖に出航しましょう。1時間219ドルで完璧なエスケープ体験ができます。楽しいウォータースライダー、最大15人の冒険者を収容できるスペース、無料の18 x 6フィートのリリーパッドフローティングマットで、水上での一日が忘れられないものになりそうです 。アドベンチャーには以下が含まれます:- エキスパートキャプテン:経験豊富なキャプテンがガイドするので 、簡単にナビゲートできます 。- 無限の楽しみ:湖に滑り降りたり、18x6フィートのリリーパッドフローティングマット(無料)でリラックスしたりできます。 - パーティーの必需品:大音量のBluetoothサウンドシステムと70qtの大型クーラーで、飲み物を冷たく保ちます。 - 快適性と安全性:満タンのガソリンタンクとすべての乗船者用のライフベストで、安心してご旅行いただけます。 - ナイトライト:当社のクールなナイトライトは、午前7時から午後8時30分までご利用いただける魅惑的なイブニングクルーズをお約束します。 アジェンダには何がありますか? パーティーコーブでのんびり過ごしたり、隠れたスポットを探索したり、単に水を楽しんだりと、当社のポンツーンは笑いと派手な楽しさに満ちた一日への切符です。ご搭乗前: - 早めにご到着ください。スムーズな出発のため、出発の20~30分前までにお越しください 。- お気に入りを詰める:食べ物、飲み物、アルコールを持参してください。小さなクーラーも大歓迎ですが、スペースは自分たちでカバーしています。ガラス瓶、薬物、未成年者の飲酒はご遠慮ください 。雨でも晴れでも:少し雨や雲が降っていても 、私たちの冒険は続きます。ただし、安全が最優先事項であるため、暴風雨によりスケジュールが変更されます 。フレキシブルなキャンセル :プランは変わりますか?心配ありません。予約の3週間前までにキャンセルすると、全額返金されます。スケジュールの変更により旅行がキャンセルされた場合、シーズン前の割引または直前予約割引を適用し、忙しい時間帯に再予約することを選択した場合、その日によって料金が上昇する可能性があります。テキサス州ルイスビルで、 夢の湖の日の準備はできていますか?乗組員を誘って、波を起こしましょう!今すぐ予約して、楽しいひとときと思い出をたくさん作りましょう 。*平日の予約には、最大 15% の平日割引をご用意しています! *
We are a professional boat rental and charter company offering our customers up to 5 different party vessels to choose from!
When: ALL members of your party must arrive 20-30 minutes before the start of your trip. We will not tie up to start boarding until all members of your party are on land next to the ramp. Wait until all members of your party are together in the parking lot before heading down. We will not add time onto the end of your trip if you are late; we are on very tight schedules. Once the boat departs, we will not pick up individuals that arrive late. The boat must leave the dock with all of the passengers. There will be a quick safety briefing and a waiver to sign before you board. What to bring: Food, drinks, and alcohol are all welcome on board. No glass bottles allowed, they are illegal on the water. No drugs or underage drinking allowed. No smoking of any kind is strictly enforced. If you would like to bring coolers/ice, please feel free to bring one, maybe two smaller coolers. All of our pontoon and party boats include a cooler on board, you just bring your own ice we do not provide ice. If there are too many coolers on board we reserve the right to cancel the trip or remove adequate weight from the boat to ensure the safety of all passengers. No bringing any jet skis along with our vessels. No excessive decorations or more than a few balloons. Water toys: Must request lillipad (floating matt) at the time of booking or well in advance for a small additional fee. If you request on the day of there are no guarantees that there will be one available. Please confirm that the booking confirmation image above reflects any water toys you have requested (the water toy you requested should be listed in the calendar title above in parenthesis) Charter trips: our captains work hard to make sure you have a good day on the water, tips are not required but are greatly, greatly appreciated. Our captains rely on tips to supplement their income much like restaurant servers. Cancellation: If you cancel more than 3 weeks prior to the booking, you will be issued a full refund. After those 3 weeks, there will not be any refunds. We do not offer refunds in the event of cancellation due to weather. We do not cancel trips the day before for potential bad weather, we wait until the morning of or up to 3 hours before the trip to make any final determinations. We do not cancel trips for overcast conditions or spotty light rain. If there is a storm (thunder/lightning/heavy ), then we will cancel for safety precautions and reschedule for a future date within the same summer. Our management will make clients aware if rescheduling is necessary on the evening prior to a scheduled trip, or up to 2 hours before the trip depending on the weather conditions. If a storm begins during your trip we will refund the portion of the trip that was canceled. If the trip is canceled due to reschedule, price is subject to increase depending on the day if we gave a pre-season discount or last-minute booking discount and you opt to rebook for a busier time Safety: All adult life vests are provided. If you have children please bring life vests for them, or speak with us and we will provide life vests for them. All children 13 and under are required by law to wear a life vest at all times. Infants and children still count towards the person capacity of the vessel. We highly recommend that all adults wear life vests at all times, as well. We take safety very seriously. If there are too many coolers on board or the total weight limits are not followed, we reserve the right to cancel the trip or remove adequate weight from the boat to ensure the safety of everyone on board (see website for boat weight capacities). If someone throws up due to alcohol consumption on the vessel, there will be a $150 cleaning fee and the trip will be terminated for safety precautions with no refund. Wheelchairs will not fit through the gate on our vessels so we are unable to accommodate wheelchairs at this time. Please let us know if you have any additional questions, and we look forward to getting you out on the water!