当社の豪華な45フィートのセーリングモノハルセンターコックピットスループヨットには、プライバシーと快適さを提供する2つのスリーピングキャビンがあり、後部キャビンにはクイーンサイズのベッドがあります。室内シャワー付きのバスルームが2つと、冷凍庫、冷蔵庫、ダブルバーナーコンロ、グリル/オーブンを備えた広々としたキッチンがあります。食事を楽しめるテーブル付きの大きなギャレーがあります。ザ・ユニバースには、水に出入りしやすいように2段階のはしごが付いたスイミングプラットフォームがボートの後ろにあります。また、便利な屋外シャワーもご利用いただけます 。コックピットは広々としており、日陰になっているので快適にお過ごしいただけます。印象的なレースヘルムの後ろで写真を撮り、夕日を眺めながら広々としたデッキでくつろぎましょう 。ザ・ユニバースは、カップルやご家族、グループでくつろげる親密でリラックスできる雰囲気で、海の心地よい魔法を満喫していただけます。冒険はアラワイ・ボート・ハーバーから始まり、有名なダイヤモンドヘッド・クレーターを過ぎて美しいワイキキの海岸線を探索します。 休暇のハイライトになるので、感動するような体験を作りましょう。息をのむような景色を眺めながら、海風に吹かれてみてはいかがでしょうか。イルカ、カメ、クジラがこの魔法の旅に参加するかもしれません 。帰りはワイキキビーチの前に停泊し、太平洋の暖かい海で泳いだりシュノーケリングしたりします。 シュノーケリング用具は無料で提供されています!
Captain Tony made our proposal an absolutely magical experience! His kindness, professionalism, and warm personality set the perfect tone for our sunset sail, creating a moment we’ll cherish forever. From start to finish, he went above and beyond to make everything feel special, and we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect setting for such an important day.
Fantastic family outing. We brought poke and drinks on board for a 3 hour sunset cruise and snorkel. Our kids saw turtles and we had a great relaxing time. Enjoyed the trip and the company. Tony and Quinn were welcoming and shared their experiences from life. Thanks for providing exactly what I was looking for.
Best time on the water! Great captain and charter. Exceeded our expectations!
Captain Tony went out of his way to help me with my proposal to my girlfriend. He called me a day before and he was happy to help with planning. We sailed out far enough where diamond head was in the backdrop of the proposal. While I was surprising my girlfriend he was taking photos and videos! Overall it was a great experience and highly recommend. We will certainly be touring with him again. Thank you!
Tony is a great captain. If you stick by his reasonable rules, the trip is really great. He has a lot of knowledge of the area and his boat is perfect for a smaller private group. Would recommend going early as possible to avoid the tourist convoys for snorkeling
Captain Tony moved to Hawaii 20+ years ago with a dream of surfing big waves, and representing Europe and Hungary as his home country in the international big wave towing competition. His love for the water was born when his grandfather introduced him to swimming at age 4. By 6 years old , he was winning swimming competitions and started to play water polo. He first fell in love with sailing and windsurfing when he was taught by his grandfather at age 10. Captain Tony has travelled to over 100 countries and 6 continents. He has been in every sea and every ocean of the world. He has been a dive and surf instructor, and became one of less than 50 people in the world to surf 60+ feet waves. His passion for adventure has led him to explore surfing, windsurfing , kitesurfing, and stand-up paddling. It also led him to leave the sea and explore the altitude of the mountains, including the mountains of South America and Mt. Everest. Tony has been a captain for 15 years in Waikiki on O’ahu. He has worked for many sailing and diving companies on the island. In his experience, he has worked in the Bahamas on a multimillion dollar yacht, as well as, as a fisherman in Alaska in the Bering Sea. He has completed several Pacific Ocean crossings. The ocean is part of his life like breathing. His love for the ocean led him to his purpose to teach and educate people about the crucial importance of marine life and how to respect it, protect it, and live in harmony with it. Come set sail with me on an adventure into the unknown on The Universe. “Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets.” -Marco Polo
船内は禁煙です。 ハワイの天候、大雨、高波、強風のため、ツアーはキャンセルまたは再スケジュールされる場合があります。 ボートに靴を履かなかったり、ショーがなかったり、30分以上遅れたりした場合、返金はありません。 ツアーは予定時刻に開始し、予定時刻に終了します。開始時刻に遅れて到着した場合でも 、元の帰りの予定時刻に戻ってきます。追加料金を支払わない限り、 余分な時間は追加されません 。