✅ 定員17名 ☀ 船首で日光浴をする人2人 🏁 ヤマハ300馬力エンジン2台 🚻 ボウスイム 🔊 JL ブルートゥースとUSBサウンド 🎶 4発の音弾、植物 🍽 ボウテーブル 🥂 後部テーブル 🛖 アフト・ルーフ・エクステンション 🧊 冷蔵庫2台 🧑 ✈ 優れたサービスと姿勢を備えた船長と船乗り:👨🏽 ✈️ キャプテン&セーラー ⛽ Fuel 🧊 Ice (15 kg) 💦 ボトル入り飲料水 12 本 🤿 シュノーケル
Hi, I'm Alain Vergara, I'm the commercial director of a company specialized in tourist transport for the islands of Rosario - Baru - San Bernardo Islands. Therefore, we have different plans that are designed so that even those who do not have much budget can make a nautical plan with us... We have plans: a trip to Bahia to see the sunset or just for a party on the water, we have day trips to Rosario islands, overnight cruises to Rosario islands, cruise to san Bernardo Island. From Monday to Thursday we try to get our clients to get 1 hour in the bay to see the sunset or welcome drinks or breakfast on board so that you are comfortable and even if it is not a weekend rent without difficulty Contact me for me, it would be a pleasure to assist you.