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pWelcome to the world of DIVING IN ELBA!pp 0px 0px 15px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: 003366 font-family: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-variant: normal font-weight: normal letter-spacing: normal line-height: 19.6000003814697px orphans: auto text-indent: 0px text-transform: none white-space: normal widows: auto word-spacing: 0px -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px background-color: ffffff"A reality for many years on the Island of Elba, can provide the best services for your vacation.pp 0px 0px 15px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: 003366 font-family: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-variant: normal font-weight: normal letter-spacing: normal line-height: 19.6000003814697px orphans: auto text-indent: 0px text-transform: none white-space: normal widows: auto word-spacing: 0px -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px background-color: ffffff"Unforgettable diving, beautiful lodging packages with ALL INCLUSIVE studied with renowned tour operators on the island, diving courses of all levels and a special "diving school dedicated to children," all this is DIVING IN ELBA ... plus lots of fun , kindness and sympathy at your service.p