美しい36フィートのエクスプレスヨットに乗って、忘れられない時間を体験してください。ファハルド・キーズ(パロミノ、イカコス、ピニェロ)を訪れるか、もっと冒険して、人混みや長蛇の列、厳しい時刻表がないクレブラやビエケス*に行きましょう 。豪華でスポーティーなヨットには、一流のサービス、おいしい料理、バスルーム付きの設備の整ったキャビン、淡水、十分な収納スペース、ストリーミングミュージック、Wi-Fi、広々としたオープンコックピット、快適な座席エリア、日光浴やリラックスできる広々とした船首など、お好きなアメニティがすべて揃っています。 エッセンシャルツアーには以下が含まれます: - - - - - USCGライセンスのキャプテンアンドメイトディーゼルセキュリティ機器とライフジャケットシュノーケリングギア浮き装置クーラー - - アイスウォーター、ソーダ 、- 軽めのランチ付き。追加料金をお支払いいただくと、より充実した体験をお楽しみいただけます。- ボートで作りたての食事をより豊富に取り揃えたBBQをお楽しみください 。 - パドルボードを1つ追加してください。 - 誕生日やバチェロレッテにぴったりな、自分だけのケーキを注文しましょう。 - ビエケス島またはクレブラ島をお選びください* 世界有数のレクリエーション・ボートの目的地でエキサイティングな冒険に参加し、豊かなカリブ海を体験してください 。いつでも歓迎されている子供たちを含め、愛する人と忘れられない思い出を作りましょう。特別な一日を計画するお手伝いをし、地元の情報をお伝えします 。
My husband and I took our college kids and we all had a great time. We stopped at a few islands for some snorkeling and swimming. Nice snacks provided. Fun captain and mate. We brought our own ‘drinks’ to enjoy on the boat. Would do this again next time in PR
Nil and the captain made sure we had an awesome experience. Our day was perfect from the point of contact to the end. Nil had some delicious snacks waiting for us after hanging out in the beach. Highly recommend trying their services as they pay attention to detail, the vessel is clean and has great amenities. We will definitely be back!
Booked a day trip with the family and can't say enough about the trip with Nil!! She was extremely helpful and there was great communication from beginning to end. The boat was big enough for us to enjoy the day without feeling crammed. Due to weather we left it up to Nil and the captain to select were we went and they found us a great location at Cayo Icacos. Day was beautiful and went by too fast. Thank you Nil and crew!! We will definitely see you again for the Culebra trip.
Nadia and Elvin made this trip memorable! The captain was very experienced and took us to a very quiet amazing aqua water beach! Nadya prepared wonderful snacks and a filling lunch She also took tons of pictures for us. They were warm, approachable, kind and funny;) Definitely recommend them!!!! We had an awesome time
Extraordinary experience! The Captain and mate were beyond kind and treated us like family. Their experienced knowledge of the area, boat, and activities made the day truly special AND they made us feel welcomed as if it was our boat, too. They cooked BBQ on the boat, and we had the BEST taco lunch and apps! This was a day we will never forget!!
We are a family-owned operation. The Captain is an experienced waterman with ample knowledge of our coastal waterways. The Caribbean sea has played an important role in his life ever since he was a young boy. He also has experience and knowledge as a bodysurfer and fisherman, which adds to his appreciation of Puerto Rico’s many enchantments and treasures. He is a certified US Coast Guard Captain (Merchant Mariner Credential) and he provides excellent private boat experiences. He will welcome you into his family and will guide you on an exploration of the different islands and Caribbean sea cays.
悪天候または当社の制御が及ばない状況による旅程の変更またはキャンセルは、機長が判断します。変更があった場合は、出発前と同じ旅行日にマリーナで通知されます 。ご旅行当日に雨が降るとの予報が出た場合でも、船長が航行条件が安全でないと判断しない限り、キャンセル理由にはなりません。 予定されているツアーに天候が良くない場合、船長が代替ルートを提案し、プライベートなボートトリップを体験できるようにいたします。決定はクライアントと話し合い、お客様の好みに合わせてさまざまな代替案を提案します。 ボートの機械的な問題やその他のメンテナンスの問題で船長が旅行をキャンセルしなければならない場合は、全額返金されます。