ジップタイドに乗ってみましょう!これは、テキソマ湖でのユニークなセルフガイドの釣りまたはボート体験です。ボートの経験と訓練を必要とする高価でリスクの高いボートのレンタルとは異なり、ジップタイドはお金に敏感な初心者にとってシンプルで楽しい方法で水から出ることができます。ジップタイドはとても簡単で 、誰でもできます!Ziptideには、速度、深度、GPS位置を表示し、ClearVuテクノロジーを使用して魚をより適切に追跡できるGarmin Striker Vivid 4 ClearVuなど、素晴らしいセルフガイドバスフィッシング体験に必要なアメニティがすべて揃っています。Ziptideは、6.5馬力の杭海水冷式船外機と30ポンド推力ミンコタ耐久トローリングモーターによって推進されます 。レンタルに含まれるもの: -1 3.17ガロンのフルガスタンク。モーターは非常に効率的で、燃料をあまり使用しません。ただし、借り手が冒険のためにより多くの燃料を必要とする場合、どのように、どこで、いつ燃料を必要とするかは賃借人次第です。Ziptideは満タンで返却する必要はありません 。-ケンブリッジ・ショアーズまたはレイク・テキソマのハイ・ポートで降車してください。打ち上げ前に、Ziptideの簡単なデモンストレーションを行い、基本的な動作を確認します 。-ライフベスト 週末は午前 7 時~午後 7 時のみ 賃借人は25歳以上でなければなりません。 ジップタイドは湖を一周する楽しく簡単な方法です。ダジャレは意図していません。ぜひ出てきて水を楽しんでください 。ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
Hello y’all! My name is Kyle Rhinehart. I grew up on Lake Texoma and absolutely love the area. I am excited to share a part of Texas that means so much to me. My little boat was a passion project renovating and customizing and I am thankful for your consideration in renting it out. Everyone have fun and be cool! -Kyle
READ THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS FULLY AND CAREFULLY PRIOR TO SIGNING. THIS IS A LEGALLY VALID AND BINDING OBLIGATION TO RELEASE BOAT OWNER FROM ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OBLIGATIONS, AND TO INDEMNIFY COMPANY AGAINST CLAIMS BROUGHT AGAINST IT BASED UPON YOUR USE OF THE BOAT. THIS INSTRUMENT AFFECTS IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS. RELEASE AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS For valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged Renter does hereby remise, release, and forever discharge Boat Owner, Boat Owner’s agents, servants, successors, heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives, of and from all, and all manner of, actions, causes of action, suits, proceedings, debts, dues, contracts, judgments, damages, claims, and demands whatsoever in law or equity, which Renter ever had, now has, or which Renter’s heirs, executors, administrators or personal representatives hereafter can, shall, or may have for or by reason of any matter, cause, or thing whatsoever arising out of this Agreement; out of the use (misuse, or abuse) of the Boat; or in any way arising out of the rental relationship between Renter and Boat Owner. INDEMNIFICATION For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Renter hereby expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Boat Owner, Boat Owner’s agents, servants, successors, heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives against all suits, actions, claims, demands, or damages that arise out of Renter’s use, misuse or abuse of the Boat. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Assumption of Risk. Renter acknowledges that the activities for which the Boat is designed include inherent dangers, including the risk of bodily injury and/or death. Renter assumes and accepts all risks associated with the use of the Boat. 2. Acceptable Use. Renter agrees and acknowledges that he/she will be the sole operator of the boat, and will use the Boat in a careful, safe and conscientious manner. Renter shall at all times observe and adhere to any rules and guidelines posted by Boat Owner, and any applicable laws or regulations. Renter shall be responsible at all time for the safety of any and all passengers in the Boat. 3. Prohibited Activities. Renter shall not violate any of the following rules and regulations during his/her operation of the Boat: There is no smoking while in the Boat.There are no alcoholic beverages or consumption of alcohol while operating the Boat. Boat Owner reserves the right to inspect any coolers, bags or other containers belonging to the Renter or any of Renter’s passengers.There are no pets permitted in the Boat. There is no docking of the Boat at any location other than the Boat Owner’s designated docking area, except in the case of emergency. 4. Children. Any children under the age of 12 in the boat must wear a life jacket at all times. 5. Unsafe Use. If at any time Boat Owner determines that Renter has engaged in an unsafe or hazardous use of the Boat, Boat owner may board the Boat, or otherwise notify the Renter that it is immediately terminating the rental. Upon termination, Renter must return the Boat to the designated docking area immediately. If the rental is terminated for unsafe or hazardous use, Renter will not be refunded his/her security deposit. Boat Owner shall determine, in its sole discretion, whether any behavior or activity is “unsafe or hazardous.” 6. Condition of Boat upon Return. The Renter shall return the Boat to the designated docking area clean, free of garbage and debris, and in the same condition as it was in when given to Renter, excepting ordinary wear and tear. Renter shall be responsible for any damage caused to the Boat during the rental period. Boat Owner shall retain any portion (or all) of Renter’s security deposit as necessary to cover repairs for such damages. To the extent that damages to the Boat exceed the amount of the security deposit, Renter shall be billed by Boat Owner for the full amount of damages caused by Renter during the rental period, including reasonable attorney’s fees. 7. Late Return. If Renter returns the Boat to the designated docking area more than 1 hour after the predetermined “Time In,” Renter shall forfeit 50% of his/her security deposit. If returned 3 hours after the predetermined “Time In,” Renter shall forfeit 100% of his/her security deposit. Renter has read and understands all of the terms, conditions and rules set forth above, and agrees to all terms without reservation.