




最大12人乗りの36フィートのFratelli Apreaモーターヨットに乗って、カンパニア州ポジターノのパノラマの美しさをお楽しみください。料金は1時間あたり250ユーロという低価格 。料金: • 終日:1,600ユーロ • 1時間あたり:200ユーロ • 1泊あたり350ユーロ デポジット: • 200 ユーロ 機内で期待できること: ナポリ湾で建造された美しいFratelli Aprea 36ハードトップボートは、その優雅さで他のボートとは一線を画しています。船体はグラスファイバー製で、貴重な木材にインサートが付いています。n°2のエンジンを搭載し、合計880馬力を発揮します。 問題のボートには、2号冷蔵庫、キッチン、発電機、GPS、オートパイロット、トイレ電気、キャビン2室、バウトラスターなど、すべてのオプションが装備されています。 このボートの最大の利点は、大きな船首(ボートの前部)からなる広大なオープンスペースです。大きなサンルームがあり、快適なクッションと美しいソファのおかげで快適さも抜群です。 一方、船尾(ボートの後部)は太陽に覆われたスペースで構成されています。キャビンと日よけのおかげで、ピーク時の猛暑からの保護に適した日よけは、快適なソファとテーブルを備えています。 アマルフィ海岸は、世界で最も美しい海の一つである海を見下ろす小さな村々で世界的に有名です。しかし、休暇を際立たせる真の美の真珠は、これらの美しい海岸や島々を1日以上航海して楽しむことです 。ボートでしか行けない洞窟やビーチを訪れたり、海岸沿いのレストランに立ち寄って素晴らしいランチやディナーを楽しんだりできます。最も人気のエリアは、アマルフィ海岸、あるいは有名なカプリ島へのルートです 。船内には、マスク、シュノーケリング用のフィン、日焼け止めクリーム、ビーチタオル、フローティングチューブ、ソフトドリンク、プロセッコ、ビール、サラダスナック、テストフード、新鮮なフルーツなどがあります。 ボートはポジターノの港に停泊していますが、プライアーノ、アマルフィ、ミノーリ、マイオリ、ネラノ、ソレント、カプリなど、海岸のすべての港に安全にアクセスできます。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。





5.0 (1件のレビュー)
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  1. MT


    I would give 1,000 stars out of 5 if possible. The boat and Capitan were absolutely amazing!!




You cannot just define “company” a lifestyle! And it was with this belief and strong love for the sea, we were born. I was born in this magical land... by the side of this magical sea, and I made many experiences after my nautical studies and during my years on board therefore I returned at "home" with an idea, a dream, I knew I could make true: I wanted to share my emotions with people wanting to "live the sea".And there is certainly no better way to do that than sailing along one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world: the Amalfi Coast. A magical place where history and mythology mingle together creating fascinating legends. Each tour, hike and experience, will give you the opportunity to try snorkeling and discover the colors and beauty of our sea. On board you'll find all comforts, from the sundeck for a magical tan to a refreshing glass of sparkling wine, assorted drinks and snacks, all accompanied by good music. During private tours, I will pass "the helm", giving you the opportunity to captain the crossing, freely deciding which places to add to your routes and the length of the tour. Even on your return the private transfer could be a fascinating surprise, giving you the opportunity to admire the entire coast for the last time. And if this is not enough, trust me: we'll give a final and special journey during which our captains will be ready to disclose the hidden secrets behind every corner of our coast! So... are you ready for the lure of the sirens?! capri tour full day tour • Leaving Positano in the morning, at an agreed time, we will sail along the coast as far as the archipelago of "Li Galli". Over the years many "legends" have linked these islands to the myth of Ulysses and the sirens, considering it as the residence of these haunting creatures. The name itself leads back to their Greek iconography, half woman and half bird. But the sirens were not the only inhabitants of the popular island. More recently in fact they belonged to the Russian dancer Rudolf Nureyev. A stop for a swim in the crystal clear waters, and then off to another island: Capri. We will make a complete tour of the island, admiring most of its beauties. We will “enter" into its waters, crossing the hole of the Faraglione di Mezzo, and past the other two large rocks, the Faraglione or Lightning, and Faraglione di Fuori or Scopolo. We continue our tour to the fascinating grottos along coast and especially the Blue Grotto, the most striking natural beauty of Capri. Only accessible from a narrow entrance by boat (the visit to the cave is an extra), you will find yourself in a state of complete darkness, before being catapulted into a heavenly atmosphere, a celestial blue you will not easily forget. The tour of the island will also give you the opportunity to learn about other natural beauties, like Punta Carena and the lighthouse, the White Cave, the Green Cave and the Red Grotto, until you reach Marina Grande for an optional stop. The tour concludes in the late afternoon, when we sail along the coasts of Nerano, a little village near Sorrento where you can have an early dinner before our return. AMALFI COAST TOUR After deciding on the departure time together, we will sail along the Amalfi coast, admiring all of its "gems": a succession of small beaches only reachable by sea, alternating with coastal villages and bare cliffs of rock. The first optional stop (extras not included in the price tour), is near Conca dei Marini, to visit the Emerald Grotto, discovered by a fisherman in 1932. Using the entry "from the sea" (there is a second one from the state road, going down the staircase or an elevator), you take a small boat which leads you to such an unreal place flooded with a brilliant blue or emerald light. The feeling you have is to be in a sort of sanctuary, where stalactites and stalagmites create bizarre shapes games and impressive columns. Here you can also admire a submerged ceramic crib. The journey continues in direction to the "capital" of the coast, and you can decide to spend a few hours at leisure (4 hours) and enjoy a good lunch, between Amalfi and Cetara. Visiting Amalfi means learning a lot about the history of the place and the entire coastline and to be enchanted by its beautiful sceneries such as the Valley of the Ferriere, a natural path rich of streams and waterfalls. Cetara, however, is the perfect destination for fine cuisine lovers, with the especially famous fish "anchovies of Cetara." SUNSET • You will have the opportunity to experience the most magical moment of the day in the company... of the sirens! We will leave Positano in the afternoon to reach the archipelago of Li Galli in the exact moment the sun decides to hide behind the horizon when sea and sky create the perfect sunset shades before the moon rises up in the sky. A glass of prosecco with your love before returning to Positano. ONE MORE RIDE? I GUIDE YOU! And if the magic of this land, its flavors and its beauties are not enough, well... now it's my turn! I will introduce you our local legends and myths only a real connoisseur is able to tell with the same emphasis and enthusiasm our ancestors used to narrate them. The history of that particular rock, its name, all the secrets of our coasts will be revealed. Trust me and my crew and you will understand why the Amalfi coast is so popular and people fall in love with it. SERVICES • Shower • Beach towels • Snorkeling equipment (mask and snorkel) • Floating tubes • Music • Fruit Cut • Soft drinks • Snacks • Prosecco and typical Liquor • Double Bed • Bathroom


Fratelli Aprea
  • バー
  • Bluetooth
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • ウォータースポーツ装備
  • Wi-Fi
  • 要免許
  • インバーター
  • 燃料:ディーゼル
  • ツインエンジン
  • プロッター
  • CDプレーヤー
  • バウスラスター
  • オートパイロット
  • 船内エンジン
  • 発電機
  • トイレ
  • キャビン









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