




カタマランでプラヤデルカルメンとリビエラマヤを体験してください!メキシコのカリブ海沿岸を楽しむ最高の方法です。広々とした44フィートのヒョウ柄セーリングカタマランは、当社の艦隊の中で最大の船の1つで、安定していてスタイリッシュで、この日の海での素晴らしいチョイスです。このオールインクルーシブのチャーターで、水泳、シュノーケリング、食事、飲酒、お祝いなど、クルーズで忘れられないひとときを体験してください!! --> 一度乗船したら、私たちがお手伝いします!<-- 私はこの会社を経営していますが、ブローカーではないので、一流の乗組員を雇っています。お客様のニーズに合わせてツアーを手配できることを保証します。私の艦隊には、モーターヨットから36フィートから65フィートまでのカタマランまで、あらゆる予算に合うボートがあり、10人から100人のゲストを収容でき、すべてにおいて競争力のある価格を提供しています。お越しいただくだけで、あとは私たちにお任せください。地元の最高のサンゴ礁への一生に一度の小旅行を体験してください。このツアーは、ここパラダイスで想像できる他のすべてのアクティビティに匹敵します! この素晴らしいカタマランは最大30名のお客様を収容できますが、サイズの異なる船がいくつかあり、畏敬の念を起こさせるようなツアーも多数ご用意しておりますのでご注意ください。海に出て、素晴らしい場所への半日または終日のツアーに出かけましょう。さらに詳しい情報が必要な場合は、このページの「予約問い合わせを送信」をクリックしてください。驚異的なプライベートヨットツアーがお客様のニーズに合うようお待ちしています !船上で期待できること: この素晴らしい44フィートのヒョウ猫は、私たちの艦隊の中で最大のものの1つで、後ろにはたくさんの日陰があり、カリブ海を航海しながら太陽を浴びて壮大な景色を望む人のために、正面には広々としたサンデッキがあります 。エアコン付きの広いリビングスペースがあり、デッキの下には十分なスペースがあり、ベッドルーム4室、バスタブ4つ、シャワーが付いています。広いキッチンとリビングエリアがあり、テレビやパワフルなサウンドシステムなどのアメニティがすべて揃っています。 友達とサンセットクルーズを楽しんだり、特別な日を祝ったりするのに最適な船かもしれません。何を待っているの?行こう!一生に一度のツアーを予約しましょう! オールインクルーシブの内容: オープンバーはすべてのツアーに含まれており、飲み放題です。のどが渇いたグループでも、ビールやリキュールを豊富に取り揃えています。また、アルコールを飲みたくない人のために、ボトルウォーター、ミネラルウォーター、ジュース、ソフトドリンクなどのノンアルコール飲料も用意しています 。スタンダードオープンバーには以下のブランドがあります。 テキーラ-ホセクエルボ-スペシャルウォッカ -スミノフラム -バカルディウイスキー -ジョニーウォーカーレッドレーベルまた 、メキシコビールのほか、コカコーラ、コカコーラライト、スプライト、ボトルウォーター、ミネラルなどのソフトドリンク水、ジュース、マルガリータ、キューバリブレ、パロマスなどの素晴らしいドリンクを作っています。 すべてのツアーには食べ物が含まれています! 船内には以下も含まれます: タオル 、ライフジャケット 、シュノーケルギア、フィッシングギア (すべてのツアーで魚をトロールしています!参加して釣った魚をリールすることもできます!また、ご希望であれば、船上で作りたてのご用意も可能です !)パドルボードインフレータブルウォーターフロートすべての船内のバスルーム素晴らしい乗組員が 、ツアー中ずっとお客様にハイエンドサウンドシステムを提供してくれます 。いつでも好きなときに音楽を再生できます! 追加サービス: 標準往復送迎(最大14名様):160米ドル(この価格は場所によって異なる場合があります)船内シェフ:1人あたり75米ドル船内マッサージ師:315米ドル**他にご不明な点がございましたら 、GetMyBoatのメッセージでお答えします 支払い前のプラットフォーム。「予約問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください。 **


  • $415/時間


Best of 2023



5.0 (5件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. プラヤデルカルメンの44フィートのレオパードカタマランオールインクルーシブチャーター。
  2. プラヤデルカルメンの44フィートのレオパードカタマランオールインクルーシブチャーター。
  3. プラヤデルカルメンの44フィートのレオパードカタマランオールインクルーシブチャーター。
  4. プラヤデルカルメンの44フィートのレオパードカタマランオールインクルーシブチャーター。
  5. プラヤデルカルメンの44フィートのレオパードカタマランオールインクルーシブチャーター。
  1. Licole

    Amazing tour for my birthday celebration. Chef “ Fer” is so sweet and outstanding. Aldo made sure everything was perfect even with some miscommunications and still made up for it. Thee whole entire crew did a great job. I will return!

  2. Siiri

    Such a fun experience! They were super easy to work with and everything was timely. Would definitely recommend for a group.

  3. SB


    Amazing time, would book with them again. The crew made you feel so comfortable and safe.

  4. ML


    This is great! The crew was great and our whole experience was super easy

  5. RA



Best of 2023

I'm Danish and come from a long line of Vikings with saltwater in our veins! I've been living in the Playa del Carmen area for over 10 years now and I love being on the water so I decided to run my own yacht tour company and it's the best choice I've ever made! I love getting clients out on our yachts and catamarans. It's great to see visitors to this area see all the things that make this place so special. The biodiversity of the Riviera Maya, Mexico is unmatched. I've traveled much of the world and this is by far my favorite place. You will have such an unforgettable time snorkeling with sea turtles and around famous local reefs. You can fish on board too or just hang out, taking in the sun and the spectacular views, eating delicious food and enjoying cocktails from the open bar. You will be waited on by our outstanding crew members the entire tour. I assure you, you will leave with some incredible memories and we hope to have you back for more in years to come. My crew and I await your visit!


  • エアコン
  • 釣り具
  • Bluetooth
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • シュノーケル
  • ベイト
  • パドル/オール
  • 要免許
  • 音響システム
  • SUPボード
  • カタマラン
  • トイレ
  • キャビン







**EVERYTHING is included from your licensed captain, local guide, chef/bartender, and certified crew. Your safety is always our top priority. If you have any additional questions, please contact us by clicking "Send a Booking Inquiry" -- we're here waiting to answer your questions or customize the tour to your needs! Now let's get out and enjoy this amazing day at sea! ***  *** The pricing listed is for up to 15 guests. However, this yacht can accommodate up to 20 guests. For additional pricing options for over 15 guests, just click "Send a Booking Inquiry" and someone will be there ready to answer all your questions! EVERYTHING is included on our tours from your licensed captain, local guide, chef/bartender, and certified crew. Your safety is always our top priority. Contact us anytime, we're standing by waiting to answer your questions or customize the tour to your needs! Now let's get out and enjoy this amazing day at sea! ***  Booking Terms & Conditions RESERVATION: This confirmation automatically initiates the terms below which are published in our rate sheet and on our website. Your Contract is with our company. By reserving a tour with us it means you have read and accepted these booking conditions. The party leader, hereinafter referred to as the “Charterer," will be responsible for the full cost of the vacation including any insurance premiums, cancellation, or amendment charges. A contract exists as soon as our company issues your invoice. You should check the details of your invoice carefully to ensure that it accurately reflects the booking and charges accurately, based on the tour and extras you have requested, and immediately inform us of any discrepancies. Our company may delegate the performance of any part of this agreement to its affiliates, employees, officers, directors, and agents who, hereinafter, shall be referred to collectively as our company. DELIVERY: Our company will deliver the Yacht, to the start port on the specified start date in full commission and ready for service. Should the specified Yacht not be available, we reserve the right to substitute a similar Yacht with an equal or greater number of cabins. The Charterer must examine the Yacht prior to departure to determine whether the vessel and dinghy are in good working order, and are properly outfitted with all standard safety equipment, accessories, and utensils, as well as any other requested items (Inventory). Acceptance by the Charterer certifies that the obligations of our company for delivery have been fulfilled. If we are unable to deliver the Yacht or a substitute within 24 hours of the delivery time specified, the Charterer may cancel this agreement and the total fee paid to us will be refunded. Should the Charterer not be present or not ready to accept delivery of the Yacht for whatever reason at the specified time and place, we reserve the right to reset the time of delivery within a 24-hour period thereafter. ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE, DEATH & INJURY: Our company strictly prohibits the use or consumption of illegal drugs on its Yachts or at its facilities. The consumption of alcohol or drugs may increase the risk of injury around water and boats and the Charterer and their passengers accept that risk. Our company shall be held harmless from any and all claims or liability for property damage, personal injury, or death arising from or related to, directly or indirectly, the use or consumption of alcohol or drugs, even if the property damage, personal injury, or death is caused in whole or in part by the negligence of our company. This shall in no way limit or diminish our company's accountability for its negligence where the property damage, personal injury, or death does not arise from or relate to, directly or indirectly, the use or consumption of alcohol or drugs. SKIN DIVING & SWIMMING:  Our company, the Yacht owner, and the insurance underwriters shall not be held liable for accidents, injuries, or death due to swimming, windsurfing, kayaking, or the use of snorkels, masks, or allied equipment such as scuba equipment and sailboards. RUNNING EXPENSES:  The Charterer agrees to pay any additional running expenses during the term of the charter, which have not been prepaid as part of the charter package. Such additional running expenses may include but are not limited to, food and other consumable stores, fuel, pilotage, mooring and docking fees, port charges, cruising taxes and park permits, customs and provisions, and supplies for the Charterer and their party. EQUIPMENT AND YACHT INSURANCE COVER: Our insurance policy provides comprehensive and adequate cover for the equipment and yachts for your skipper and crew. The Company cannot be held responsible for any loss which you may suffer as a result of the insurers refusing cover, including without limitation, which is as a result of you providing incorrect information, such as previous sailing experience, when requested, or due to your negligence, deliberate default or willful misconduct. Should damage or loss to yachts and equipment be caused as a result of not obeying the Company’s instructions, you will be liable for the full amount of repair or replacement and any resulting costs. Adults will at all times be responsible for minors in their charge. The Company agrees to insure and keep insured the yacht against public liability and marine public liability to such an extent as the Company in its absolute sole discretion shall deem appropriate. Such insurance policy does not cover loss of life (except that caused through the negligence of the Company), or damage to or loss of property of any person on board against which you must ensure prior to the charter. Advice about such insurance is available from the Company on request. REDELIVERY: The Charterer shall surrender the Yacht at the expiration of the charter at the release port specified, free and clear of any indebtedness and liens whatsoever, and in condition and the clean state as when delivered (fair wear and tear from ordinary use excepted), and having properly cleared customs. The Charterer is responsible for allowing sufficient time for unforeseen contingencies to permit the return of the Yacht at the stated time. Should the Charterer not make redelivery of the Yacht at the time and place hereinbefore stipulated for any cause, other than that occasioned by an occurrence beyond the Charterer’s control, the Charterer shall pay a charter fee pro-rata for the time that such delivery is delayed plus any losses that our company or the Yacht Owner may sustain due to the delayed delivery. The Charterer shall surrender the vessel’s equipment in as good a condition as delivered, with fair wear and tear excepted. If the Yacht requires unusual cleaning, we may charge the Charterer accordingly. RESTRICTED USE: The Yacht shall be employed exclusively as a pleasure vessel for the sole and proper use of the Charterer, his or her family, guests, employees, and agents, during the term of this charter and shall not transport merchandise or carry passengers for pay or engage in any trade, nor in any way violate the laws of the United States or of any other government within the jurisdiction of which the Yacht may be at the time and shall comply with the law in all other respects. The Charterer agrees to restrict the use of the Yacht to the “cruising area” defined in the base information sheet provided to him/her. Rafting to another vessel at anchor is strictly prohibited. Night sailing (between 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise) by the Charterer is not permitted. NON ASSIGNMENT: The Charterer shall not assign this Agreement or sub-charter the Yacht without the prior written consent of our company. We may assign its rights to payments under the charter. COMPETENCY: The Charterer certifies that he/she is experienced and competent in the handling and operation of the inboard auxiliary powered sailing craft of the general type and size as the Yacht herein chartered and that the Charterer has also had sufficient practical knowledge of seamanship, piloting, and Rules of the Road. The Charterer shall not delegate any of these duties to any person not equally qualified. The Charterer agrees not to sail the Yacht single-handedly and to ensure at all times a competent skipper and leading crew member are aboard except while safely moored. We may in its sole discretion verify the Charterer’s or leading crew’s competency at the time of the charter. Should the Charterer or leading crew be deemed less than fully competent by our company in its sole discretion, we may provide for the Charterer, at the Charterer’s expense, a hired hand to assist the Charterer in achieving competency. Should a hired hand be unavailable, we may restrict the Charterer’s use of the Yacht to the charter party’s occupancy of the Yacht at our dock until a suitable hired hand has become available. The Charterer acknowledges that our company does not independently investigate the competency of any Charterer to sail, but relies solely and exclusively on the resumes provided. The Charterer further acknowledges that our company in its sole discretion may refuse to release a Yacht for sailing but this exercise of discretion shall in no way be construed as an acknowledgment or determination of the competency for the sailing of the Charterer’s crew or the assumption of any liability for loss or damages incurred as a result of sailing, for which the Charterer assumes sole responsibility. TERMINATION OF VACATION & INDEMNITY: The Charterer accepts responsibility for the proper conduct of themselves and their crew. We reserve the right in our absolute discretion to terminate, without further notice, the vacation arrangements for any Charterer who refuses to comply with the instructions or orders of our company and whose behavior or competence in our company opinion is likely to cause distress, damage, danger or annoyance to their crew, other customers, staff, any third party or to the property. Upon such termination, our responsibility for the Charter’s vacation ceases, and shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Charterer. CREW: We shall provide a competent skipper/guide for the Charterer if so requested in advance. Although the Charterer shall exercise control over the Yacht, the Charterer shall depend upon the skipper/guide for the safe navigation of the Yacht and shall abide by the judgments of the skipper/guide as to sailing, weather, anchorages, and pertinent matters. The Charterer shall not have the authority to discharge the skipper/guide without prior consent from our company. MISCELLANEOUS: It is understood that we are acting for and on behalf of the owner of the Yacht. Neither our company nor the owner will be liable to any person for any loss, damage, injury, or death that results from the Charterer’s use of the Yacht. We make no representations other than those contained in this Contract, the current company brochure, and any written materials provided as part of the booking procedures. We will not be responsible for any fees, expenses, airline tickets, hotel rooms, food, phone calls, or other expenses incurred by the Charterer for any reason whatsoever. The Charterer will indemnify and hold us and the owner of the Yacht harmless from and against any and all claims for loss or damage to property or injury to persons (including loss of life) resulting from the use, operation, or possession of the Yacht and related equipment or other Inventory by the Charterer or any crew, and from any claims whatsoever from loss or damage to personal property of the Charterer or any crew carried on the Yacht or dinghy. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico


⭐️ 🎉 プロモーション:1 時間無料 ☀️ VIP カタマラン 41フィート 🐳 🌴 ラグジュアリーサービス 🛥️
プラヤ・デル・カルメンのヨット · 25名様

⭐️ 🎉 プロモーション:1 時間無料 ☀️ VIP カタマラン 41フィート 🐳 🌴 ラグジュアリーサービス 🛥️

プラヤデルカルメンのオールインクルーシブラグーン 42フィートセーリングカタマラン
プラヤ・デル・カルメンのヨット · 30名様

プラヤデルカルメンのオールインクルーシブラグーン 42フィートセーリングカタマラン

Best of 2023
プラヤ・デル・カルメンのパワーボート · 20名様


Best of 2023
プラヤ・デル・カルメンのイベント · 20名様


Best of 2023
ソナ・オテレラ・ノルテのヨット · 20名様

