26フィートのモントレーM5 MSXスキーボートで、水上で比類のない一日を過ごす準備をしましょう!12名までのグループに最適なこのスキーボートは、 忘れられない冒険をお約束します!この美しく豪華な船に乗り込んで、誕生日やバチェロレッテパーティーなど、お祝いする価値のあるあらゆる機会にぴったりです!Bluetooth接続を備えたハイエンドサウンドシステムが、壮大な水上体験の舞台となります。さらに、DJ 対応ミキシングテーブルがあれば、冒険にぴったりのサウンドトラックをキュレーションできます。他にはない素晴らしいサウンド体験ができます 。しかし、楽しみはそれだけではありません!大きなフローティー/チューブ、パドルボード、のんびりとしたひとときのためのバーベキューなど、水上での一日を充実させるさまざまなアメニティーをご用意しています。ボートにはバラストとサーフタブシステムが装備されており 、いつでも完璧な波をキャッチできます。氷を入れた大型クーラーでリフレッシュしてください。お気に入りの飲み物やスナックを持参するだけで、体験を完成させることができます。冒険をワンランクアップさせたいとお考えですか?認定インストラクターによるウェイクボードやウェイクサーフィンのクラスを選ぶか、チュービングのスリルを満喫してください。選択はあなた次第です !
We had an amazing day on the water with David as our wakeboard boat captain! He was not only a skilled and knowledgeable guide but also incredibly friendly and patient. Even those in our group who had never wakeboarded before ended up catching some waves and surfing by the end of the day, thanks to his great instruction and encouragement. David made sure everyone felt comfortable and had fun, creating an unforgettable experience for all of us. Highly recommend him!
Great boat and tube!! Thank you David!
David was a fantastic captain! Very friendly and knows his stuff! He was extremely helpful with us wakeboarding. If you have never done wakeboarding before but want to try, he is the captain to book! We went to a great spot that has a beautiful Miami view behind us which was fun to see while surfing. He keeps his boat extremely clean and tidy which shows how much he’s cares! We even got to see a few dolphin while we were out! Boat had plenty of space and seats surprised me with how comfy they were! Great sound system. All around a 10/10. You must book with David!
David was an awesome captain! To taking us to a nice sandbar, cruise and able to wakesurf and tube it was awesome. If you want to have the ultimate experience on the water in miami and not just sit in a yet definitely book Davids boat. You won’t be disappointed.
David is a great Captain and just as great person. We rent the boat for wakeboarding and wakesurfing. He was giving each of us advices during our ride of how to perform better, so eventually everybody on the boat have been able to get up on the board and enjoy the experience. I will definitely recommend David to my friends!
Get the most fun boating Miami! Like new 26' ski boat for 12 people, beautiful leather seats for everyone. My boat is great for WATERSPORTS and BOAT PARTIES I have all material, wakeboard, wakesurf and tubing and a large floatie mat. awesome sound system!! BBQ available Snorkels sets available