カリフォルニア州マリーナデルレイで、このベネトー40クルージングモノハルを最大6人までレンタルできます。1時間あたり150ドル(最大3人)という低価格で、4〜6人の場合は少し高く、最低2時間の予約が必要です。マリーナを出て実際にセーリングをするにはそれだけの時間が必要です。通常、航海中はリクエストに応じることができないため、夕方まで返信がない場合がありますのでご了承ください 。料金: • 最低2時間:1~3人で1時間あたり155ドル • 最低2時間:4〜6人で1時間あたり185ドル • 終日:1,000ドル • 2日間:1,900ドル期待できること: 船長との出航 マーク。私はロサンゼルス出身で、ずっとマリーナ・デル・レイから航海してきました。私は25年以上ヨットのレースをしていて、14年以上USCGのライセンスキャプテンを務めています。セーリングについて何か学びたいと思っている人なら誰にでも教えるのが大好きです。ほんの数時間で何が学べるか驚くでしょう 。指揮を取って学ぶか、ただ帆船を楽しむか!サンタモニカ湾の日帰りセーリングまたはカタリナ宿泊をご利用いただけます(週末および宿泊料金はご要望に応じて )。グループの最大人数は6名です。ボートはチャーターの合間に消毒され、清掃されます。ボートの3つのシンクすべてに、ペーパータオル、ナプキン、十分な量の手指消毒剤が設置されています 。お見積り価格はすべて込みです。追加料金や手数料は一切かかりません。デイセイルにはソフトドリンクと水が含まれます。お望みであれば、食べ物やアルコールの持ち込みも許可されています。機内には、物を保管するための小型冷蔵庫と冷凍庫があります 。
Mark was a fantastic captain. He accommodated our last minute booking and had great communication with us leading up to our arrival. He created a very relaxed environment on the boat for our family and I'll absolutely be booking with Mark again!
My wife and I had a wonderful anniversary cruise. Mark was amazing. He would let you do as much or as little as you wanted with the boat. Same with conversations. He would be quiet and just pilot the boat or happy to answer questions and share stories. Since it was just then 3 of us we decided to ask lots of questions and hear his stories. It was so enjoyable to get to know Mark. He has so much sailing and boating experience we felt he should charge double afterwards. Highly recommend him!!!!
Captain Mark is the captain every passenger wishes to see at the helm of a boat: professional, pleasant, patient, funny and most of all, caring. My family went on a cruise with him today to celebrate my grandson’s 4th birthday. No doubt this day will be imprinted as a very sweet memory in our hearts and minds. Thank you Captain Mark, you’re the best. Suhayl Sauma and family.
We had the best sunset boat sail with Mark! He was so helpful with parking, and made the evening so easy! The boat was perfect and we were able to enjoy the whole space! We sat at the front and by the wheel, and had the perfect wind for sailing! Thank you Mark!
I brought my 2 adult children, 86 year old Dad and brother on this sailboat excursion. Mark was a wonderful, knowledgable Captain. We had an amazing time on his beautiful vessel. Mark even helped my brother get my Dad on and off the boat. The entire trip was so relaxing and beautiful.
Hi , I have been a USCG Master licensed Captain since 2009. I starting sailing when I was 11 with my brother an eight foot sabot and have never stopped. I raced keel boats for over 25 years and still like to get in a little race every now and then. I have been a Captain on vessels as large as a 75 foot expedition yacht and sailed in locations around the world. Sailing is my passion and I would love to share it with you. Please join me soon.
見積価格はすべて込みです。手数料や追加料金はありません。2日前以降の場合は 50% が返金されますが、残金は将来の予約に使用することができます 。天候によりキャンセルされた場合、船長が判断した場合は全額返金されます。