🌊 スタイリッシュで快適なクルーズ 🌊 おしゃれで広々とした240サンデッキに乗って出航しましょう。太陽の下でリラックスしたり、冒険したり、楽しい一日を過ごしたりするのに最適です!最大10人まで乗れる十分なスペースがあるこのボートは、友人や家族と快適で楽しい時間を過ごせるように設計されています 。🚤 含まれるもの: - 船長:経験豊富な船長が旅をナビゲートする間、座ってリラックスしてください 。- 燃料:隠れたコストはありません。ガスは含まれています! - クーラー&アイス:飲み物を冷たく保ち、気分を盛り上げましょう。 - 安全:お客様の安全が当社の最優先事項です。安心して乗れるように、救命胴衣を用意しています 。🌴 ツアーのハイライト: - フォートローダーデールとマイアミの息をのむほど美しい砂州を探索しましょう。 - ウォーターフロントのレストランでドッキングして、素晴らしい景色を眺めながら美味しい料理を楽しみましょう。 - 美しいイントラコースタル・ウォーターウェイをクルーズしながら、豪華な邸宅を眺めましょう。 水上で完璧な一日を過ごす準備はできていますか?今すぐ予約して、冒険を始めましょう!
The Renter agrees to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Failure to arrive on time may result in a reduction of the rental period, with no additional time or refund granted for lateness. Cancellation Policy: - Cancellations 24 hours or more prior to departure: Cancellations made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled departure time will receive a full refund of the rental fee. - Cancellations less than 24 hours prior to departure: No refunds will be issued for cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled departure time. Late Arrival: The Renter agrees to arrive on time for the scheduled rental. In the event of a late arrival, the rental period will not be extended, and the Renter will have less time on the water. No refunds or discounts will be issued for lost time due to tardiness. Boat Condition and Responsibility: The Renter agrees to return the boat in the same condition as it was at the start of the rental period. The Renter will be responsible for covering the additional costs if there are any damages while the duration of the rental period. Safety and Regulations: The Renter agrees to follow all safety regulations, including the use of life jackets and adherence to local boating laws. The Owner reserves the right to terminate the rental if the Renter engages in unsafe or illegal activities, with no refund provided. Anyone under the age of 6 years old must have their own life jackets. Anyone ages 12 and under must wear their life jacket for the duration of the entire tour. Prohibited Activities and Items: During the rental period, the following activities and items are strictly prohibited on the boat. Violation of any of these terms may result in immediate termination of the rental, with no refund provided, and potential additional charges for damages or cleaning: - Red Wine: The consumption or possession of red wine is strictly prohibited on the boat due to the risk of staining and damage. - Markers/Crayons: The use or possession of any permanent or non-permanent markers is not allowed on the boat to prevent damage to surfaces. - High Heels: High heels are not permitted on the boat as they can cause damage to the deck and other surfaces. - Smoking: Smoking of any kind, including cigarettes, cigars, vaping, or other tobacco products, is strictly prohibited on the boat. You can smoke outside the boat once we dock the boat. - Pets: Pets of any kind are not allowed on the boat during the rental period. - Fighting, Violence, or Conflict: Any form of fighting, violent behavior, or conflict among passengers will not be tolerated. If any such behavior occurs, the rental may be terminated immediately, and the boat will return to the dock. No refunds will be provided for early termination due to violence or conflict. The Renter agrees to adhere to all the above restrictions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Liability: The Renter assumes all responsibility for personal injury, damage to property, or any other liabilities incurred during the rental period. The Owner is not liable for any injuries or damages sustained by the Renter or any passengers during the rental period.