



ボートを借りて、ゼーウォルデの美しい湖を探索したいですか?12人用のラウンジボートを1日195ユーロという低価格でレンタルできます。すべての料金には、ボートの燃料と必要なライフジャケットが含まれています 。ラグジュアリーラウンジボートを3隻ご用意しています。これらのユニークなボートはあなたに無限の快適さを提供します!快適なソファと平らな床があり、十分なスペースがあります。ボートには最大12人が乗ることができ、水上でリラックスした一日を過ごせます。ボートは25馬力の4ストロークエンジンを搭載しており、静かで丈夫で操作が簡単です。基本的な操縦方法についての説明や説明の後、セーリングアドベンチャーを始めることができます 。セーリング場所: ランドメレンは美しく、さまざまなセーリングエリアがあり、フェルウェメールとウォルダーワイドは広く、自然がたくさんあります。たくさんある島の1つでは、上陸してのんびりランチやバーベキューを楽しめます。あるいは、そこの水門から干拓地に入って、これまでにない自然の美しさを楽しむこともできます 。価格: • 午前9時から12時30分:115ユーロ • 午後13時から18時まで:135ユーロ • 9~18日の終日:195ユーロ • 夕方18時30分から2100ユーロ:85ユーロ • デポジット:130ユーロ • すべての料金には、ボートの燃料と必要なライフジャケットが含まれています。 長期間の場合。割引についてはお問い合わせください。 賃借人のためのいくつかの規則 • 16歳以上である必要があります • 身分証明書を所持していること • 家賃を前払いする • 130ユーロのデポジットを前払いします。このデポジットは、インレードボートを清掃して損傷を受けなかった場合に返金されます。 • 詳細な条件をお知らせしますレンタルは午前9時から18時まで終日ご利用いただけます。基本的に、オフシーズンやその他の静かな時間帯の終日のみレンタルを行っています。それより短いレンタルも可能です。到着時にレンタルフォームにご記入いただき、身分証明、家賃の支払い、セキュリティデポジットをチェックし、ボートの説明をして、水上で一日をお楽しみください。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $243/日







We are a CWO-certified sailing school in Harderwijk with our own hotel ship, situated directly on the border lakes, the Wolderwijd and the Veluwe. Cozy and challenging sailing camps of high level, the hiring of beautiful boats and organize the best company outings that is what we are good at! That's what we do for over 12.5 years with passion for sailing.


  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • トレーラー式
  • 燃料:ディーゼル
  • シングルエンジン
  • CDプレーヤー
  • 日除け
  • ハンドル操作
  • 船外機







Rental Agreement Article 1 - Definitions These conditions provided the following definitions apply: 1. Landlord: The Sailing School which commercial goods against payment to any third parties. 2. The Tenant/Hirer: the person (or entity) who is not acting in the exercise of a profession or business (consumer) on payment of third-party products using. 3. The lease: the contract by which the lessor undertakes to give the tenant a fee a vessel without crew. Article 2 - Obligations of the Landlord At the start of the tenancy the landlord bears the vessel to the tenant. The landlord shall ensure that the vessel is in good condition, it can serve the purpose for which it is intended and that it is provided with an agreed trade proper safety equipment. Article 3 - The Obligations of the Tenant  1. The tenant is obliged to transfer the vessel to meet the costs of commissioning. 2. The tenant is required to check the inventory and report missing or broken parts to the landlord before departure. 3. The lessee shall use the craft as a good skipper. The tenant may not make any changes in the vessel. The tenant must not cede to use the vessel without the written consent of the landlord. 4. At the end of the tenancy the tenant bears the vessel to the lessor at the agreed time and place and in the same condition as he received it. 5. The costs directly related to the use of the vessel, such as ports, bridges, quay and demurrage and additional fuel costs, are borne by the tenant. 6. The tenant must report any damages of any nature whatsoever as soon as possible to the landlord. The tenant must abide by the instructions of the owner to maintain the vessel. 7. Failure to comply with Article 3.6 may cause the tenant to full liability for damages and costs. Article 4 - Liability The tenant is liable for damage and / or loss occurring during the time that the vessel he has in his possession. The tenant is not liable if he can demonstrate that the damage and / or loss not by him o caused by one of his passengers, or his family is responsible. Damage caused damage includes any. Article 5 - Default and Negligence 1. If the landlord fails to provide the tenant can lease without judicial intervention as terminated. The landlord must immediately repay all amounts already paid. 2. If the vessel longer than the agreed time is transferred to the agreed place, the landlord is entitled to a proportionate increase in the rent. 3. If the vessel is not transferred in the state by the tenant when he received the landlord is entitled to charge fees to recover costs. 4. If one of the parties is forced to seek legal advice in connection with a dispute relating to the agreement between them, the party being in default or the unsuccessful party (also) the costs associated with derechtsbijstand due. These extrajudicial collection costs amount to 15% of the amount owed by one party to the other party with a minimum of € 115.00. Article 6 - Cancellation If the tenant wishes to cancel, he must inform the landlord as soon as possible aware of the lease. In case of cancellation the tenant to the landlord a percentage compensation of the total amount of the lease due to measures: In case of cancellation of the lease for more than two weeks in advance: 0%. In case of cancellation of the lease shorter than two weeks but longer than a week in advance: 25%. In case of cancellation of the lease for less than a week but more than 48 hours in advance: 50%. If canceled less than 48 hours in advance: 75%. Force majeure is the the lessor free to make another offer than the compensation described above, but the landlord is not obliged to do so. Article 7 - Complaints Complaints about the performance of the lease must be made completely clearly defined textually at the landlord within two weeks after the tenant has ascertained or has discovered the defect. Not timely filing the complaint may result in the tenant loses his rights. Article 8 - Conditions of the exceptions Individual exceptions, including additions and extensions of the general conditions should the parties be recorded in writing. At any lack of a written record deviations parties by all means can be proven legally. Article 9 - Disputes Any disputes regarding this agreement is governed by Dutch law and exclusively a Dutch court has jurisdiction to hear such disputes. 


ゼーウォルデのパワーボート · 3名様

