



プライベート送迎付きの豪華なダブルデッキカタマラン(スライド付き)4時間のツアーをお楽しみください 。少人数の家族、大学パーティークルーズ(春休み、バチェラーパーティー、誕生日のお祝い、新婚旅行、結婚祝い)、または家族や友人の大グループで集まって人生の思い出を作るためにお楽しみください 。美しいババロビーチでのエキサイティングなボートライドにぜひご参加ください!、私たちのボートはカリブ海の素晴らしい景色をクルーズします。指定のシュノーケリングエリアでは、カラフルな海底サンゴ礁の世界に飛び込むこともできます。マスクやベストは、シュノーケリング体験をさらに快適にします。 次に、私たちのボートはイルカ公園を通り過ぎます。そこでは、遊び心のあるイルカを観察する素晴らしい光景を楽しむことができます。イルカ公園の近くに立ち寄り、これらの魅力的な海洋生物を間近で見ることができます 。 そして、最もエキサイティングなのは天然のスイミングプールへの訪問です。たくさんのカタマランや音楽が流れ、人々が腰まで水中に立って食べたり飲んだりする場所、そして水上レストランやバーがある場所です。コンゴウインコ、サル、イグアナと一緒に写真を撮ることができます 。私たちのアニメーションチームと一緒に船上で最高のパーティーを楽しみましょう。 内容 •認定キャプテン • 完全プライベートなダブルデッキへのアクセス • プロのガイドクルー兼ライフガード! • シュノーケリング用具 • Wi-Fi • バーテンダー • • シュノーケリング • ショー・オン・ボード • ライフジャケット • アンリミテッドバー •ロム・コカ・コーラ • ウォッカ-クランベリー • モヒート • サント・リブレ • ママ・フアナ • • コカ・コーラ • スプライト • トロピカルジュース! • 水 スペシャルスナック • チップス • トロピカルフルーツ ブランチサービス (後で追加) (オプション) •チキンカボブ •タコフェスティバル •エビカボブ •チキンの串焼き •ハンバーガー •ドミニカンランチ。年中無休でお気軽にお問い合わせください ! パラダイスでお会いしましょう!


  • $14/時間
Paradise Travel

Paradise Travel



Paradise Travel

Paradise Travel



HH Catamarans
  • バー
  • Bluetooth
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • バーベキュー
  • Wi-Fi
  • シュノーケル
  • ダイビングマスク
  • ガイド
  • ツインエンジン
  • ハンドル操作
  • 音響システム
  • カタマラン
  • トイレ
  • ラジオ







TERMS AND CONDITIONS The information data and material contained in this website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information about Paradise Travel Excursion DMC, its subsidiaries and partners and the services that they offer. Your access to the website is subject to the following terms and conditions. By using the website you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions and we therefore encourage you to click through to read the Terms and Conditions in full. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions please do not use the website. Please also see our Privacy page, which explains how we treat your information. 1. YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE 1.1 You agreex to abide by all applicable laws, regulations and codes of conduct when using the website and to be solely responsible for all things arising from your use of the website; 1.2 not to use the website in any way which might infringe any rights of any third party or give rise to a legal claim against Paradise Travel Excursion DMC by any third party; 1.3 not to damage, interfere with or disrupt access to the website or do anything that may interrupt or impair its functionality; 1.4 not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access, through whatever means, to the website or other services or computer systems or areas of our, or any of our partners’,networks which are identified as restricted; 1.5 not to collect or store personal data about other users for commercial purposes; 1.6 to respect the privacy of your fellow Internet users; 1.7 to provide true, accurate, complete and current information to us and notify us immediately of any change. 2. 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Since Paradise Travel Excursion DMC does not approve, check, edit, vet or endorse such sites, you agree that Paradise Travel Excursion DMC is not responsible or liable in any way for the content, advertising or products available from such sites or any dealings that you may have, or the consequences of such dealings, with the operators of such sites. You agree that any dealings you have with such third party site operators shall be on the terms and conditions (if any) of the third party site operator and should direct any concerns regarding any external link to the site administrator or Webmaster of such site. Paradise Travel Excursion DMC makes no representations nor does it take any responsibility in relation to the content of any sites accessed through these links. 4. 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Paradise Travel Excursion DMC is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. The information does not constitute any form of advice, recommendation or arrangement by Paradise Travel Excursion DMC or its affiliates or any other party involved in the website and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or refraining from making) any decisions based on such information. You must make your own decisions on whether or not to rely on any information posted on the website. 6.3 While Paradise Travel Excursion DMC takes all reasonable steps to ensure a fast and reliable service it will not be held responsible for the security of the website or for any disruption of the website however caused, loss of or corruption of any material in transit, or loss of or corruption of material or data when downloaded onto any computer system. You will remain responsible and liable for material you upload on to or access from the website and you will indemnify Paradise Travel Excursion DMC in the manner set out in paragraph 9.2 below in the Terms and Conditions in relation to your accessing or uploading. 7. 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Paradise Travel Excursion DMC reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, and in such case, you agree to co-operate with out defense of such claim. 8. EXCLUSIONS The exclusions and limitations contained in these Terms and Conditions apply only to the extent permitted by law. 9. LEGAL JURISDICTIONS AND APPLICABLE LAW Bailon Excursions La Fuente, S.R.L is a Dominican company and Paradise Travel Excursion DMC is a Dominican Republican company. The terms and conditions of the use of this website shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the Dominican Republic. The user is deemed to hereby submit and agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Dominican Republic in respect of any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Web Site, so the user expressly waives any jurisdiction that may correspond by reason of his domicile. These terms and conditions or any further terms and conditions referenced on this Web Site or any matter related to or in connection herewith. 10. LIABILITY 10.1 Online Booking of Independent Third Party Suppliers: Booking services provided for excursions on this site involve services offered by independent third party suppliers.Paradise Travel Excursion is not liable nor does it accept liability for actions or omissions of the independent contractors supplying the excursions for which booking services are provided; and the purchaser of the excursions here provided shall be deemed to have waived any claims against Paradise Travel Excursion in connection with the excursions purchased. 10.2 Products, services or excursions on this site for which booking services may be requested involve activities that may involve risk. The consumer of this service assumes the risk inherent in all such activities. By accepting these services, the purchaser thereof agrees that Paradise Travel Excursion is not responsible for losses or damages including bodily injury, property damage, or economic loss incurred while participating in the activity for which booking services are provided. 11. PROTECTION PLUS Protection Plus is an insurance supplement to your personal travel insurance. Protection Plus provides basic personal coverage in case of an accident which may occur during an excursion booked through Paradise Travel Excursion. The policy includes limited financial reimbursement for ambulance, medical coverage, accidental death and repatriation. Protection Plus is contacted through established insurance companies in destination. 12. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT OF ONLINE BOOKINGS The service supplier reserves the right to cancel, shorten or alter the excursion due to circumstances outside of their control. In the event of such an occurrence, a full or partial refund may be given, however, the consumer hereby waives any claim against Paradise Travel Excursion DMC, or the service supplier for any consequential damages arising as a result thereof. 13. REFUNDS, CANCELLATIONS AND CHANGES 100% of purchase price when cancellation is made 72 hours in advance. 30% fee of purchase price when cancellation is made 6 days in advance. All cancellations made less than 72 hours prior to the start time of the service will be charged in full unless otherwise supported by a medical note from a qualified doctor stating the valid medical conditions for which the client cannot receive the reserved service(s). All changes to the day/time of the same service shall be subject to the following conditions: No charges shall apply to change requests made more than 24 hours in advance. Some charges may apply when the request is made less than 24 hours in advance. 14. TERMINATIONS AND SUSPENSION Paradise Travel Excursion DMC (and any persons authorized by it), may at its sole discretion immediately suspend or terminate your right to use the website without any warning if it considers that you have contravened any of these Terms and Conditions. This is without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that Paradise Travel Excursion DMC may have. 15. ASSIGNMENT Paradise Travel Excursion DMC may assign its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions and upon any such assignment it shall be relieved of any further obligation hereunder.


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