この素晴らしい豪華フルオプションヨットに乗って、ティレーノ海の息をのむほど美しい海岸線や島々を巡りましょう。 コンバーチブルハードトップ /ヨット 50フィート/外径15,00トン/480馬力のカミンズエンジン2基/巡航速度24km/1日以上のクルーズ/クルージング乗客12人/寝ている乗客4人 電子式ナビゲーション補助装置/Bluetoothミュージックシステム/フロント/アフトサンベッド/冷蔵庫2台/エスプレッソ&カプチーノマシン/キッチンサービスご利用可/キャビン2室 (ダブルベッドとツインベッド) /寝台4台、トイレ2室/独立した乗務員用客室/全周に高い手すり/エアコン/セーフティー/WI-FI プロの乗組員(STCW)が常駐する、完全認可および保険付きのチャーター・レジャークラフトを提供しています。 ボートには、ミニクルーズや乗り継ぎの速度と利便性を確保するために、昼夜を問わず航行できる最先端の安全システムが搭載されています。 料金は2000ユーロからで、ソレント、カプリ、アマルフィ、ポジターノ、イスキア、プローチダ、ナポリ、サレルノカンパニアから出発するクルーズのディーゼル消費料と港湾料金(乗船後に支払う)を加えたものです 。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
We have been in Sorrento for 8 days now and this was the best time we have had and one of the best experiences boating. Leonardo the Captain me Rico his first mate were amazing and knowledgeable about the surrounding areas. They took us to all the places that we wanted to go and showed us even more than we could hope for. Roberto and his company have been super easy to work with and very helpful getting us a car service and making sure we never wanted for anything. We would definitely is Roberto’s service again and we will suggest him to everyone we know. Thank you Matt Ramaekers
I must say that this rental experience was worth much more than the pricing. The yacht was exceptional and so was Leandro and Bianca. They ensured that we had a great time and gave us insight and history on all of the locations on our itinerary. We truly enjoyed every minute!
The experience was amazing. The boat was beautiful and the perfect way to see Capri and the Amalfi Coast from the water. The hospitality shown by Leonardo and Bianca was as good as it gets. This was our favorite experience and day that we spent on the coast. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable experience!!
Leo and Daniella were AMAZING! We had the time of our lives. They were knowledgeable of the area, friendly and extremely hospitable. Daniella took amazing pictures for us! We brought some meats and cheeses and they did a great job making us a beautiful lunch. Our glasses were never empty! It was our honeymoon and they surprised us with a bottle of beautiful champagne! We went swimming in the beautiful emerald sea and stopped in many beautiful caves. We enjoyed a fabulous sunset off the island of Capri! Leo was a superb captain! We would highly recommend them. Thank you so much Leo and Daniella! Cheers, Pete and Gina.
Leonardo and Daniella gave a rate A service. amazing vessel, Spectacular treatment. You will never forget the experience in your life. worth every penny. do yourself a favor and Book this boat. Forget about everything else on your itinerary. This is the must do! I'm from NYC. I have travel extensively and experienced many things. This is top 3!
Passionate about the sea
料金は8時間のクルーズ(プラットフォームでお支払いください)で2000ユーロからで、ディーゼル消費料と港湾料金(乗船後に支払います)を加えた終日(8時間)のエクスカーション料金には 、VAT、保険、乗組員、飲み物、スナック、ビーチタオル、シュノーケルキットが含まれます 。その他のギャレーリクエストは別途計算されます。 クルーズ中は身分証明書を忘れずにお持ちください。