人混みがなく、親しい友人とこのクラシックで美しい38フィートのヨットに、米国沿岸警備隊のライセンスを受けた船長/オーナーと一緒に乗船してください。美しいニューヨークのママロネック港を出航し、お好みの目的地や、風が吹くところならどこへでも行きます。ハンドルを握ってシーツを整えたり、横になって太陽とそよ風を楽しんだりできます。終日のヨットチャーター、ロマンチックなサンセットクルーズ、または長期旅行をご用意しています。すべてはあなた次第です。 料金: • 全日:1名あたり100ドル (最低予約人数は4名)、最大人数は10名です。 船上で期待できること:ニルヴァーナはビル・ショーが設計し 、最高の仕様で製造された美しいクラシックピアソン386です。386は、このサイズのクルーザーで考えられていたよりもはるかに優れた性能を備えたボートの典型です。水面上空での伝統的なスタイルを取り入れたアンダーボディには、応答性に優れ、操縦性に優れ、航行が楽しい万能クルージングボートを求める今日の考えが反映されています 。常に安全を最優先に、ニルヴァーナには沿岸警備隊が承認した浮揚装置と予備の電子航法装置がすべて装備されています。 デッキの下にある386は、独立したシャワー付きの専用バスルームなどの機能を備え、クラシックとモダンが融合しています。機内には、冷蔵庫と3口コンロ、2人用の非常にプライベートなフォワードキャビン、さらに最大6名まで宿泊できる広々とした寝室などのアメニティがあります。収納スペースが豊富なため、いつでも簡単に船型の外観を維持できます。適切なスペースを、適切な場所に、適切な目的で、実際の人々が使用できるようにすること。これは、経験豊富な巡洋艦にとってありがたいことであり、率直に言って、期待されていることです 。
Captan Rick's boat trip was an incredible experience that I highly recommend ! The planning was flawless, offering a perfect blend of activities. Captan Rick excellent communication and warm demeanor made the journey even more enjoyable. This boat trip is a must-do for anyone looking for an unforgettable day on the water!
The boat is large enough to comfortably fit a group of 10. We learned some new terms and had a sailing lesson. Capt Rick is a great vibe and fits right in with the group from kids to adult, the experience was one of a kind. Boat is very well kept and has lots of lounging areas inside and outside.
Captain Rick was excellent!!! He is a skilled and patient captain. We had so much fun on the trip. Lots of laughs and great conversations. This day could not get any better. The boat and amenities were as advertised. I will definitely book this trip again with Captain Rick!
Capt. Rick was so fun! His knowledge of sailing and expertise made him a wonderful guide. Plus he is so personable! You can tell he really enjoys the water and loves to share the joys of being on the water with his guests! The boat was great and well outfitted! Such a wonderful experience!! I highly recommend! The trip on Capt. Ricks boat was so memorable and special! It made my 40th birthday an event to remember!
Rick was amazing and his boat was perfect for a larger group. He offered us an amazing time and great hospitality. We shared many laughs and many great stories. I would recommend it for anyone and you could not pick a better host. The boat was capable of hosting a party of 8-10 comfortably with plenty of room to lounge and take in the sun. Super clean and super well kept. He also offers several great historic pieces about the area and don’t forget to ask him about the jacuzzi!!!
Capt. Rick has over 30 years of sailing experience and is Coast Guard licensed. He has been hoasting groups of up to 12 people and as a licensed minister, he's even married a few.Nirvana is a beautiful classic 40 foot sloop with all the safety features and amenities that you would want in a private yacht. Capt. Rick encourages you to participate in sailing Nirvana or you can simply lie back and soak up the sun and gentle breezes. Come sail with us!
Please contact me for availability. Deposits are completely refundable or we can reschedule the charter in cases of inclament weather. (renters choice).