午後5時にマリーナにエスコートします。ボートに乗せて安全対策を講じた後、サンタマルタベイエリアを巡る1時間のセーリングに乗り出します。天候が許せば出航しますが、天候が許さない場合はモーターを使用します。 その後、さらに1時間湾に停泊し、素晴らしい夕日とサンタマルタの素晴らしい夜景を楽しみます。 午後 7 時 30 分までにマリーナに戻ります。水、ソーダ、アイスのほか、飲み物や食べ物を持ち込む場合は、グラスとクーラーを用意しています。 これはパブリックツアーであり、他の乗客も同席する場合がありますのでご注意ください。定員は12名です。
We are a small team that run private charters out of Santa Marta Marina in Colombia and operate the Tayrona Monkey Foundation. We are committed to empowering our community with educational sailing experiences and giving back to our beautiful planet that provides so well for us. Meet the Global Sailing Colombia team committed to your safety and enjoyment. Both native to Colombia, Manuel and Laura are partners in owning and operating GSC and the Tayrona Monkey Foundation. They've been running private charters for about two years together. Manuel is a 5th generation Captain and has over 18 years in naval experience along with being a former Naval Commander. Laura is a PADI Advanced scuba diver and cares deeply for protecting and conserving the Ocean. Our work culture is laidback and harmonious despite having strict measures in maintaining the boats, equipment, and providing responsive and compassionate customer service. All of us enjoy a good light hearted laugh while taking our mission seriously.