2台のヤマハ300馬力船外機を搭載した印象的なロバロR300に乗りましょう。フルナビゲーションシステム、2つのマリンラジオとレーダー。この最先端の船は、6つのスピーカーとサブウーファーを備えたSiriusラジオの音を聞きながら、スムーズで安全な水上旅行を保証します。フルカスタムのシーデッキ。船首席と後部座席があり、船内には頭と洗面台が密閉されているので便利です。忘れられない釣り体験をする準備はできていますか?半日(4時間)、3/4日(6時間)、終日(8時間)の釣りチャーターなど、さまざまなエキサイティングな旅行からお選びください。フルーク、バス、ブルースのいずれの天候でも、専門の乗組員が素晴らしい釣りに最適なスポットをご案内します 。料金は以下の通りです:半日 $500 3/4 日 $650 終日 $850 安全が最優先事項です 。私たちはすべての沿岸警備隊の安全装置を提供し、すべての州および連邦の許可証を保持していますのでご安心ください。沿岸警備隊認定の船長が指揮を執るので、リラックスして釣りのスリルに集中できます。他に類を見ないフィッシングアドベンチャーに乗り出す準備をしましょう。ご希望の旅行期間を予約して、水上で素晴らしい思い出を作る準備をしてください !釣りのチャーターは最低4時間、ツアーは最低2時間です。
Perfect cant be better.
Robert has a wealth of experience of the water and makes you feel comfortable with the experience of being in the water.
- The Charter operates under the authority of the Captain. The Captain has the authority to terminate the Charter in the event of unacceptable conduct by the Charter party. - 1 to 6 people per Charter plus crew. Children are welcome but count against the Charter limit. - No illegal substances or firearms are permitted on board. Discovery of and or use of illegal substances or firearms will terminate the Charter without refund immediately - When you reserve your date it is your date. If the Captain determines that the day is fishable or sailable it is your responsibility to arrange your party unless otherwise agreed on in writing. - A cancellation called by the Captain due to weather or mechanical issues will create a credit towards another Charter date or you may request a refund. A trip terminated due to weather after it has left the dock will not be entitled to a refund if the Chartered agreed to leave the dock. - If you don't show up at the dock on the day of your Charter you will loose your deposit. - The Charter includes proper use of our property insured and outfitted Charter boat. Including The Captain , Mate and all fishing equipment. - The Charter does not include Food, Drinks sunscreen ect... - Children under the age of 12 must wear a PFD. This is a Coast Guard requirement. Do not ask us to break the law. You will be reminded of the requirement when you board. We will provide you and your children with Coast Guard approved PFD. - The Captain, Owner and Crew shall not be held liable for any injury or fatality that is caused by either direct or indirect action of any member of the Charter party. - We abide by all New Jersey and New York State Saltwater Fishing regulations !! Please don't ask us to break the law. All short or over fish will be returned to the water.