ミルウォーキー川をクルーズしてバー、レストラン、ショップに立ち寄ったり、保護された海で泳いだり、日光浴をしたり、防波堤の外でファストライドをしたり、ミシガン湖の海岸線周辺の景色を眺めたりしたい場合でも、26フィートのチャパラルが最適です。アメニティには以下が含まれます: - -最大15人まで収容できる座席 - -水洗トイレ付きのバスルーム - -流水付きシンク - -Bluetoothステレオ - -軽食用のテーブル2台 - -完全に囲むことができるコックピット 悪天候料金:-2時間: - 350ドル-3時間:450ドル - -4時間:540ドル-5時間:625ドル - - - -6時間:720ドル-7時間:$ - - 805~8時間:880ドル私たちのボートはミルウォーキーのマッキンリーマリーナで停泊しています 。安全のため、レンタル者はパワーボートの操作とドッキングの経験が必要です。お問い合わせの際、パワーボートの体験を記入してください 。
02 May 2025から復活予定です。
This was a simple and smooth rental experience. The boat was great, 100% as advertised. Great value!
Great experience renting with Mark! He explained everything very well and the boat was clean and fun to drive. Will definitely return!
Milwaukee's premier self-operated fishing and recreational boat rentals. Fully-rigged for fishing with the latest downriggers, planer boards, dipsy divers, tackle, and electronics. Recreational rentals include two tables for refreshments, two seating areas, running water, and a cooler with ice. All boats include a flushing toilet and running water!
- The driver must be at least 23 years old and have a valid driver's license. - If the driver was born after January 1, 1989, Wisconsin law requires the driver to have a boater's safety certificate. - The driver must have experience operating and docking powerboats. We reserve the right to refuse boarding if the driver lacks experience. - Full refund if canceled by the customer 5 days prior to the rental. Customer can reschedule is canceled within 5 days. No shows and cancellations within 24 hours are not given a refund or rescheduling option. - We reserve the right to reschedule a trip due to inclement weather. - Rental agreement and waiver must be signed before boarding.