



Stingray 225 SEでラニア湖で純粋な興奮を体験してください 。ラニア湖のパワー、ラグジュアリー、スタイルを究極に融合させたスティングレイ225 SEボートのレンタルで、内なる冒険心を解き放ちましょう。頑丈な300馬力のエンジンを搭載したこの洗練された船は、時速60マイルに近いスリリングな速度を実現し 、水上での爽快な乗り心地を求める人に最適です。最大限楽しめるように設計された機能:-スキータワー: ウォータースポーツ愛好家に理想的な一体型スキータワーは、水上スキーやチュービングなどのアクティビティに安定性と汎用性をもたらします 。- 色付きの窓:スタイリッシュな色付きの窓でプライバシーを強化し、まぶしさを抑え、太陽の下でもより快適に過ごせます。-Fusion Bluetooth サウンドシステム:Fusion Bluetooth サウンドシステム:ハイファイの Fusion Bluetooth サウンドシステムを使用してお気に入りの曲を聴きながらムードを盛り上げ、最高のオーディオ品質を保証します 。旅の途中ずっと。 -カスタムブルー照明:ボートの内部と水中を照らし、魅惑的な雰囲気を作り出すカスタムブルー照明で、夜の冒険を盛り上げましょう。 -電子式トリムタブ:電子式トリムタブでスムーズな操作性と安定性を実現。水の状態に応じてボートの性能を調整できます。 -チークフローリング:ボートの美的魅力を高めるだけでなく、快適さと耐久性も兼ね備えた豪華なチークフローリングに足を踏み入れてください。 -広々とした座席:豪華な座席には最大10人の乗客を収容できますが、6〜7人のゲストの方がリラックスして快適に乗車を楽しめる十分なスペースがあります。 月曜日~金曜日、週末、祝日の週に設定されている料金は、ウォータースポーツやサンセットクルーズ、のんびりとした時間を計画している場合でも、もっとお得です 。ラニア湖の風光明媚な美しさを探索するスティングレイ225 SEは、忘れられない体験をお約束します。今すぐレンタルを予約して、ラグジュアリーでスピード、そして水上アドベンチャーの旅に出かけましょう 。


  • $595/日


Best of 2023




Best of 2023

Welcome to our boat rental service! I have a deep passion for boating that I've nurtured for years. Inspired by the joy and freedom that come with being on the water, I started this business to share my love for boating with others. Whether you're looking for an exhilarating adventure or a peaceful retreat on the lake, my goal is to provide you with an unforgettable experience. Rent one of our well-maintained, high-quality boats and create lasting memories on the water.


225 SE
  • Bluetooth
  • 水深計
  • 牽引バー
  • 日除け
  • 船内エンジン
  • 音響システム
  • ラジオ







BOAT RULES AND DISCLAIMER - - Minimum Age and Experience Requirement: All boat operators must be at least 25 years old and possess extensive boating experience with a bow-rider NOT just Pontoons. No exceptions will be made. If you are not qualified to operate the boat safely or do not meet the age requirement, you will not be permitted to drive and no refund will be issued. - - Boating Safety Video Requirement: The designated captain must watch the Georgia Boating Safety video and adhere to all lake laws and regulations. A brief test may be administered. - - Top Down Rule: Please refrain from putting the top down on the boat. - - Fuel Policy: Fuel is not included in the rental price. You will be charged $40 per engine running hour. ONLY WHILE ENGINE IS ON. Overnight rentals require the tank to be refilled upon return. - - Sobriety of Captain: The boat's captain must remain sober and alert at all times while operating the vessel. - - Responsibility Acknowledgement: The captain is fully responsible for the safety of all passengers and the condition of the boat. - - Glass Prohibition: For safety reasons, no glass containers are permitted on or near the boat. - - Smoking and Open Flames: Smoking and open flames are strictly prohibited onboard. - - Dock Usage: Use designated docks only; do not take the boat ashore. - - Cleanliness Requirement: The boat will be clean upon rental. Please ensure it is returned in the same condition. A $100 cleaning fee will apply for excessive sand or difficult-to-clean substances. - - Weather Policy: No refunds will be issued due to weather conditions. Cancellations made 48 hours in advance are free of charge; please use your discretion. - - Damage Liability: Any damage to the boat or its equipment will be deducted from the deposit. - - Life Vests: Adult life vests are provided; specialty sizes (e.g., child vests) must be provided by the renter. - - Prohibited Activities: Fishing and the use of sharp objects that could damage the interior are strictly prohibited. - - Pet Policy: Pets of any kind are not permitted onboard. - - Punctuality: Please arrive on time before and after your trip. A $50 fee will be charged for delays exceeding 30 minutes out of courtesy for our schedule. - - Additional Services: A captain may be available for an extra fee if desired. These rules are in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all guests. Please adhere to them during your rental period. BY ACCEPTING AND BOOKING THIS BOAT YOU ARE AGREEING TO THESE TERMS AND STIPULATIONS. 1. INDEMNIFICATION. The Owner or appointed captain BY THE OWNER will not be liable for any damage or injury to  Renter, or any other person, or to any personal property located on the Boat or at Owner’s rental facility. Renter releases Owner or appointed captain BY THE OWNER from liability for, and agrees to indemnify Owner or appointed captain BY THE OWNER against, all losses incurred by Owner or appointed captain BY THE OWNER as a result of (a) Renter’s failure to fulfill any conditions of this Agreement; (b) any damage or injury happening in or about the Boat to Renter, Renter’s invitees or licensees or such person’s property; (c) Renter’s failure to comply with any requirements imposed by any governmental authority; and (d) any judgment, lien, or other encumbrance filed against the Owner’s as a result of Renter’s actions or the actions of any invitees or licensees. Renter’s indemnification will include attorneys’ fees and court costs incurred by Owner or appointed captain BY THE OWNER for enforcing any provision under this Agreement. Owner does not provide insurance on Renter’s, invitees’, or licensees’ personal property. 2. RELEASE OF LIABILITY. RENTER HEREBY RELEASES AND HOLDS HARMLESS OWNER OR APPOINTED CAPTAIN BY THE OWNER FROM ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION FOR ANY INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PERSON OR PROPERTY SUSTAINED BY RENTER, INVITEES, OR LICENSEES WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF OWNER OR CAPTAIN APPOINTED BY THE OWNER OR OTHERWISE. THIS INCLUDES ANY INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PERSON OR PROPERTY INCURRED AS A RESULT OF A HIDDEN, LATENT, OR OBVIOUS DEFECT ON THE BOAT OR ANY OF THE INVENTORY USED ON THE BOAT, OR ANY FAILURE TO PROPERLY INSTRUCT, SUPERVISE, OR TRAIN. 3. ASSUMPTION OF RISK. RENTER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE OPERATION OR USE OF THE BOAT HAS INHERENT RISKS THAT MAY LEAD TO BODILY INJURY OR DEATH OR LOSS OR DAMAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. RENTER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT RENTER HAS NO  HEALTH RESTRICTIONS THAT WOULD PREVENT RENTER FROM SAFELY OPERATING THE BOAT OR PARTICIPATING IN ANY WATER ACTIVITIES DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT. RENTER AGREES THAT RENTER HAS THE NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL TO OPERATE THE BOAT. RENTER KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUMES ALL RISK OF INJURY, ILLNESS, DAMAGE, OR  LOSS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RENTAL OF THE BOAT.


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