フロリダ州オーランドでレンタル可能なゴッドフリー20フィートポンツーンボートで、究極のリラクゼーションと興奮を体験してください。最大11人まで収容できる十分なスペースがあるので、友人や家族と一緒に、絵のように美しい地元の海で忘れられない冒険の日を過ごしましょう。パワフルな90馬力のモーターを搭載し、美しい夏の天候を楽しみながら簡単にクルーズできます。快適なラウンジでのんびり過ごしたり、Bluetooth 接続でエンターテインメントを楽しんだり、付属のクーラーで飲み物を冷たく保ったりできます。 料金は1日あたり525ドルで、この最高級のポンツーンボートに乗って、贅沢にふけり、心に残る思い出を作りましょう。 ご注意:体重が20ポンドを超えるペットは同伴できません。
What a great experience! Thanks to Omar, my family and I had a stress free weekend cruising on his boat. He was very attentive to us and addressed all our needs. Highly recommended to anyone who is interested on spending a great weekend on the waters around the Orlando area.
This boat was PERFECT for our triathlon swim! Omar was great to work with! :)
Omar’s boat was great for our family of 8! The grill was nice to have as well. His communication was amazing especially since we contacted him later the day before to see if it was available. Would definitely rent from Omar again!
Omar provided our family a day full of fun! Sightseeing for a bit, showed us some cool properties, crazy low bridge too! Bird island was a hit with us for sure, the boys wore themselves the hell out, mission accomplished,
Omar was super friendly, communicative, efficient & timely! The boat rental process was super easy. The boat was awesome. We didn’t want to give it back! Will contact Omar in the future for any other rentals!
I am excited to be a part of the GetMyBoat movement in making boats more accessible and affordable to others. I hope to get you out on the water more and help boating grow!
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