

エクスクルーシブラインカルニック 225HP 8Mエクスクルーシブラインカルニック 225HP 8Mエクスクルーシブラインカルニック 225HP 8M

エクスクルーシブラインカルニック 225HP 8M

私たちは、キプロスのラッチの美しい港にある一流のボート会社です。 1989年に設立された家族経営の会社で、30年以上にわたって地元の人々や観光客に最高品質のボートサービスを提供してきました。セルフドライブ式スピードボートや豪華ヨットなど、幅広い種類のボートをご用意しています。 専用ラインボートへようこそ!最大乗客数は9名です。 基本的な標準機能に加えて、エクスクルーシブラインボートには次の機能が装備されています。すべてのボートには、基本的な標準機能と安全装置が装備されています 。サンキャノピー、VHF、無線通信/パラシュートロケット、スモークキャニスター ライト&コンパス 、メディカルユニット、セーフティボックス、消火器、電動アンカー、沿岸地図、225HP、専用ラインスピードボート、トイレ、シャワー付き 大型サンデッキ取り外し可能なテーブルステレオウォータースポーツ用品のレンタルは 、モーターボートの免許を持っている場合のみ可能です。 ウォータースポーツには、最低3人 (運転手1人、展望台1人、ウォータースポーツの練習者1人) が必要です。ご不明な点がございましたら、「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックしてメッセージをお送りください。お支払い前に、予約リクエストに合わせたオファーが届きます 。


  • $98/時間







Our company is a well-established business that settled operations in 1989 in the small graphical harbour of Latchi. Latchi harbour is located on the North West of the island and lies on a beautiful coastline and a panoramic peninsula. During the summertime, Latchi Harbour attracts thousands of tourists every year that want to visit and explore by themselves the magnificent bays and the beauties that Akamas forest offers. We offer self-drive speedboats for hire, a great opportunity for YOU and your family to add a difference and excitement on your vacations. Our company offers people the opportunity of visiting the wonders of Akamas and swim in the crystal clear waters of the famous blue lagoon. However, our Business also offers private speedboat trips, waterskiing, tube rides, knee boarding, wakeboarding and sun bets and umbrellas at a nearby beach. The legislation on speedboat rentals offers flexibility in Cyprus and differs from other countries.


SL 701
  • Bluetooth
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • ウォータースポーツ装備
  • シュノーケル
  • ダイビングマスク
  • 燃料:ガソリン
  • 日除け
  • ハンドル操作
  • クルージングスピード
  • 音響システム
  • トイレ
  • 船外機







GENERAL CONDITIONS: We will go far and beyond to assure you have the best possible experience aboard our boat rental. Unfortunately, there are times that circumstances completely out of our control unwillingly present themselves, which very occasionally obliges us to proceed with cancellation, below you will find our cancellation policy for some of the different causes we can foresee taking place. Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy: Late arrivals will be charged the full rental rate.  Early return will be charged the full rental rate. In no case will it be possible to make the decision of shortening the rental, once it has already begun, in exchange for a reduction of price. Deposit/Prepayment, for a self-drive boat &/or charter bookings cancelled &/or rescheduled within 48 hours of the scheduled departure time, will not be refund. Cancellation & Reschedule due to weather conditions: Before we continue, it must be explained that meteorology is not an exact science, especially during the spring or the end of summertime. Therefore, final confirmation of bookings will always depend on weather conditions, especially during spring and autumn season. If the weather/Sea Conditions are not suitable/ adverse to take a boat out as per official Cyprus Authority Guidelines, we will let you know prior to your rental day /or departure and you can reschedule at your convenience at no extra charge, depending on availability. The change of date or schedule does not imply any reduction in the rate or conditions of the contract unless the period of time of the excursion is reduced. In this case, the new rate corresponding to the new duration of the rental would be applied. If you are not able to reschedule due to end of holiday/ flight home, we will refund any prepayment &/or Deposits made. If Weather conditions unpredictably, suddenly changes during your rental time, and you wish to come back earlier although after enjoying at least 75% of your rental time, no discount, partial or full refund will be given.   Examples of adverse weather conditions · Forecast of strong waves, with a wave height of more than 1.5 meters, in the area where the boat trip takes place. · Strong wind forecast with speeds exceeding 25 knots. · Prediction of intense rain for a period of time exceeding 20% of the total duration of the excursion. Examples of weather conditions that are NOT adverse to navigation · There is a forecast that shows it is cloudy or there is little sun. · There is possibility of weak rains during a period of less than 20% of the total time for the excursion. · We are cold because we have not read the instructions and we have not brought appropriate clothing. Refunds or partial refunds for any other reason We try our hardest to offer the best experience while renting a boat with us, however nobody is perfect and very rarely, a customer may find a detail on board that is not as we planned: an area that may not be cleaned as thoroughly as expected, a break down of some sort, amenities promised and not presented, a changed of boat or shortened trip etc. Please DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE RETURNED HOME to write us an email with your complaints. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL WHILE YOU ARE STILL ON BOARD SO THAT WE HAVE TIME TO FIX THE PROBLEM AND MAKE IT UP TO YOU. Please note that we have a strong policy against refunds or partial refunds if we receive the notification AFTER the boat trip has ended and it is no longer possible to resolve the issue for you. Policy for cancellation with alternatives Whilst we endeavour to provide the actual boat you reserved we cannot always guarantee it will be available due to circumstances such as weather conditions, repairs, maintenance and other situations arising beyond our control that can affect availability. If for any reason your chosen boat is, or becomes unavailable, we will contact you to offer you an alternative boat. You are free to decide if you wish to take the alternative or cancel your booking. Navigation & Limitation: Our fleet is located in Latchi Harbour in the Polis Chrysochous Bay, about 30km north of Paphos. All our departures and arrivals are from and to Latchi Harbour. You can cruise along the 13km long North Coast of the Akamas Peninsula, from Latchi Harbour up to the Arnautis cape. You are not allowed to go deeper than 700m from the Coast line. Along the coast you can visit and anchor in all the multiple bays, such as Manolis- Sea Caves, Bladji-Amphitheatre bay, Chamili – Blue Lagoon Bay, Fontana Amoroza etc… It takes approximately 30min from harbour to Blue Lagoon. Age Limitation: We have customers from 0 to 99 years old. There are no age limitatiom as for passengers on the boat. We do have life jackets for small children (starts from weight 10kg). We do have customers taking small children and infants on board. However please note that it remains your own responsibility to decide the appropriate age to take your child on a boat. Carrying Capacity: Please allow for carrying capacity before renting your boat. Our company reserve the right to change your booking for a more appropriate boat (according to availability) if it judges the carrying capacity of the boat and balance of the boat are not complying with safety measures. You may need to pay the price difference if the appropriate boat is in a bigger category.  Safety: Our company has a safety boat that patrols up and down the coast. Its main role is to assist you and mind your safety. You can contact the Safety Boat on VHF Radio Channel 10. All boats are equipped with VHF Radio, Safety Equipment and first aid kit. We suggest, according to weather conditions and season to bring with you Sunscreen, Water, Hat, Sunglasses, Swimming gears, Beach Towel, Change of clothing, Windproof clothing, Waterproof bag. Suggestions: Bring your mobile phone and download free app “Navionics. DISCLAIMER & RELEASE OF LIABILITY: The Hirer and Participants understand that Watersports’ activities involve inherent dangers, hazards, and risks, and that all activities are undertaken at their own risk. Our company will not accept any liability, however caused, for personal injury, loss or damage suffered by participants other than assumed under its public liability/professional liability insurance cover. SELDRIVE RENTAL CONDITIONS: High speed small vessels of category B`, as defined in Regulation 3(1) of the High Speed Small Vessels (HSSV) Regulations of 1999 may be rented for private use and be operated by persons, who are or are not in possession of a license or certificate of operator of HSSV, provided that the following conditions are met: The Hirer must listen carefully to Mandatory Safety Briefings and Driving Instructions before taking part in the activity and must obey the instructions given by our staff and instructors. All Participants are bound and agrees to follow and obey every law, rule, regulation and practice of sailing in Cyprus. The Hirer undertakes not to go outside the indicated radius and is liable to pay a penalty otherwise. The Hirer must be over 21 years old and holder of a valid car driving license. The Hirer and all participants must be medically fit to undertake their chosen Watersports & Boating activity. Strictly no alcohol and/or drugs are to be consumed before or during the activity, the Hirer must not drive the boat under the influence. All protective clothing that is provided, including buoyancy aids, must be worn for the duration of the activity. All equipment must remain on site and should be returned to the designated area after use. Equipment remains the property of our company at all times. The Hirer, agrees and is obliged to return the boat and accessories in the same good condition as this was delivered to him. Please help us keep the boat as clean as possible and collect all your garbage before leaving the boat to avoid additional cleaning costs. In the event of damage caused by the Hirer or Participants are liable to pay the full repair/replacement costs (as detailed below). Only Hirer with valid boat license are able to rent Watersports equipment (at an extra cost) such as knee board/water skies/ wakeboard, upon presentation of such license, with a minimum of 3 passengers on the boat (1 Driver, 1 Lookout, 1 watersport user). The Hirer will not enter or exit the harbour by himself, a member of GW’s Team will pilote the boat in and out of the harbour to the Pick-up and Drop off point. GW covers third part liability insurance, Hirer pays loss & damage fees for an excess of €300 for standard line boats, €600 for luxury line boats, €850 for exclusive line boats and €1000 for the exclusive line RIB boat. Our company holds professional liability/public liability insurance cover as required by Cyprus law. Participants must agree that any legal actions over damage or loss to persons and property will be handled solely under Cyprus law and by Cyprus courts. Any loss or damage not caused directly by actions or omissions of GW staff or by faulty equipment, is specifically excluded from coverage. The Hirer agrees to pay fuel costs additional to the agreed rental price. Boat is rented with full fuel tank on departure, GW will refuel on return of the boat. Hirer pays his consumption. Fuel is charge at current market price. The Hirer and all Participants must understand and accept that Watersports of any nature involve inherent dangers and risks associated with an unpredictable sea environment. While GW has an excellent safety record and makes all attempts to safeguard customers from such dangers, accidents and injuries can occasionally occur. In agreeing to participate in Boating & Watersports activities and signing this Binding Declaration /disclaimer/ release, you are acknowledging these dangers and agree to take part at your own risk. If you need to know more about the dangers and risk, please research the topic further on the internet or ask for independent expert advice. Hirer and Participants normally resident outside Cyprus must possess valid medical insurance in the form of EU EHIC cover, holiday insurance or private medical insurance. In the unlikely event of medical treatment being required, GW will arrange transport to a local doctor or hospital, but participants must cover all costs that maybe incurred. Excess fee: Additional Cleaning Fees 30€ Life Jacket 70€ Cool Box (Set with lead) 35€ Inflatable Ring 100€ Mask  30€ Snorkels 10€ Fins (Set) 20€ Kneeboard 300€ Waterskies (Set) 300€ Wakeboard 300€ Towrope 60€ Anchor Set 100€ Propeller 60hp 300€ Propeller From 100hp to 130hp 350€ Propeller From 150hp to 250hp 400€


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ラグジュアリーラインカルニック 100HP 6M

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