サンファンからすぐに予約できる素晴らしい6人用デッキボート!1日あたり300ドルから。シュノーケリングや史跡の観光など、水上にいる間は見どころやアクティビティがたくさんあります 。水辺のサンフアンのゴージャスな地域を発見してください。家族での休暇でも、友人との休暇でも、のんびりリラックスするのに最適なボートです。太陽とこのボートの快適さをお楽しみください 。旅程を選んだ一生に一度のツアーの準備をするか、完璧なボートツアーの作成をお手伝いさせてください。水辺でしかアクセスできない場所に行くのも快適で便利です。出発地はサンフアンで、近くにはアクセスしやすい場所がたくさんあります 。ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
A full service, eco lodge on the Montecristo´s Private Natural Reserve, in the rain forest of the San Juan River, Nicaragua. A great place for tarpon fishing, birding, canoeing, kayaking, hiking and horseback riding, good for all the family. All inclusive system, $75.00 per person per night, includes lodging, all meals and activities such as horseback riding, canoeing or kayaking, fishing from the river bank, hiking in our reserve, birding trails. We are the oldest eco hotel in Rio San Juan, a place to rest, experience and learn. Created for those who like to enjoy an alternative tourism with many mainland adventures as well as on the river. In addition to the beautiful surroundings and the many facilities we offer a variety of activities for all tastes in the abundant tropical rain forest of the San Juan River.Eco alberge Montecristo is an eco tourism complex in constant change we are socially responsible and apply better practices for a sustainable development. Since 1999. Best hotel eco lodge Rio San Juan Nicaragua.
Fishing boat rental per day. Include 8 gallon of fuel, captain/guide and gear. does not include tips, nor drinks. You may want to visit Montecristo Eco Lodge "The famus Tarpon Camp" they offer lodging and 3 meals per day for $75.00 per person