この2014年の美しいサントラッカーパーティーバージスポーツは、家族で楽しい一日を過ごすときも、数人の友達を連れてボートに乗るときにも最適です。このボートは日の出から日没までレンタルできます 。料金は1時間あたり90ドル、最低予約時間は3時間です。 お客様は燃料費を支払います。平均費用は1時間10ドルです。問い合わせるべきその他のボートレンタルオプション:複数日レンタル割引。希望するレンタル時間より早くボートを停めて、準備万端ですか?つまり、チャネルパーキングが利用可能です。 この料金は、休日や忙しい週末には異なります。 このボートは最大12人の乗客を快適に収容でき、この暑いハバスの太陽から遮られるダブルビミニ、各乗客用のライフジャケット(複数の乳児/幼児が自分のライフジャケットを必要とする場合)、スパイクアンカー、ブイ、ドックラインなど、ボートの必需品がすべて揃っています。友達と一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしているときに音楽を聴くのが好きなら、このボートは間違いなくあなたにぴったりのボートです。 音楽システムが内蔵されています。また、曲に合わせて浮かぶフローティングエコブームボックスも含まれています。12 x 6 フィートのリリーパッドもご用意しています。これらのアイテムには、レンタル時の状態で返却された場合の保証金確認書が含まれます 。
Big thanks to Jordon for providing a great experience out on the lake. Departure was smooth and easy and provided all the necessary information to us. This pontoon ran excellent the whole time we were on the lake. Upon return we had some windy conditions and Jordon stepped in from the dock to provide his expertise and getting us back safe and sound! 10/10 experience.
Our boating day was perfect! Lake Havasu was fun to explore and this boat was great! Jordon had it ready on time and it was plenty large for all of us. We cruised, anchored in a cove, played music, swam and did some sightseeing. I would recommend renting from Jordon. He made it so easy.
Jordon was so easy and great to rent from! We will definitely be renting again from him in the future. The whole family fit comfortably with all our ice chests and stuff. We had a great time tubing and using the lily pad mat Jordon provided. I highly recommend him!
Jordan was awesome. The boat was clean, and working very nicely. Jordan was extremely helpful getting us on the watwr, and off it as well. He also gave us some helpful info about the lake. His price was extremely reasonable as well! Would highly recommend renting from him.
Jordan was amazing. He was super patient and informative. Took the time to tell us places to visit on the lake. We were having such a great time we decided to add another hour. Jordan was flexible and accommodating.
Hey there! As an avid boater of 25 years, I look forward to sharing great places, experiences, and water safety. Get on the water in a Flash!