このモダンなヨットでクルーズをお楽しみください。パームビーチ周辺の観光スポットを眺めながらリラックスしたり、ウォーターフロントで食事をしたり、ボートに停泊して泳いだり、ピーナッツ島でシュノーケリングをしたり、セーリングのスキルを磨いたり、ラウンジでサンセットクルーズを楽しんだりしてください。専門的に整備されたこのJeanneau 389セーリングヨットを最大8人まで予約でき 、旅程の選択肢は無限にあります。期待できること: 保護されたパームビーチの入り江を出発して大西洋へ。8人用の部屋で、お好みの日帰りセイルアドベンチャーをお楽しみください。 「問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、友人や家族を乗組員として自分でヨットを操縦する方法について質問してください。メッセージアプリが開き、オーナーとチャットできます。キャプテン・ビルが乗組員にコツを教えてくれるので、経験は必要ありません。
We had an amazing day sailing with Captain Bill. Highly recommend chartering this boat.
Captain Bill is professional, prompt, knowledgeable, and fun! Highly recommend booking with Captain Bill whether it’s a pleasure cruise or making your boyfriend’s dream come true by going ocean sailing. Captain Bill is amendable and very generous with letting us operate the boat. Thank you Captain Bill!
Bill was great! There was regular, clear communication leading up to bareboat charter. He was also extremely accommodating as we made itinerary adjustment based on weather. He also provided helpful local knowledge during briefing to ensure safe and fun charter. Lorikeet is well maintained with up to date electronics and in excellent shape. I hope to return for future trips! Thanks Bill
Great overnight charter! Spent the day sailing the Atlantic followed by an evening of dining and nightlife in West Palm Beach. Bill was very thorough in making sure everything was prepared for an overnight charter. I will be doing another overnighter again!
Captain Bill was very prepared, on time and helpful. The vessel was in excellent condition with all the gadgets, electronics and bells and whistles anyone would want. Boat handles well. Captain Bill is pleasant, easy to get along with and good company. Would highly recommend this charter without hesitation. Looking forward to next time.
Love sailing? I am providing captained outings and bareboat charters from the West Palm Beach inlet area. Day sails and long term charters available. There's lots to do in this area waterfront dining, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking, anchoring, sailing inland, sailing the ocean, exploring islands, sight seeing, etc. Please contact me early as I am often out of the area but will do my best to make the boat available to you.
表示料金はキャプテンチャーター料金です。4時間未満の料金、宿泊、週末、1週間のチャーターについては、オーナーにお問い合わせください。夜間寝台、係留、燃料などには追加料金がかかります 。