Pinhaoのほとりを巡る2時間のノンストップツアーでは、息をのむような風景を楽しんだり、有名なワイン生産者を訪れたり、その歴史を知ったりできます。 プライベートツアーでは、他の乗客とボートをシェアすることなく、すべて独り占めできる静けさと独占性をお楽しみください。プライベートツアーでは、個人的な好みを損なうことなく、より多くのスペースと快適さをお楽しみいただけます。 料金: 1時間あたり260ユーロ、 最低予約時間は2時間です。含まれるもの: 乗組員、飲み物、水、スナック、お土産、ボート限定、保険 。
Our company is created in August 2019, aiming at offering a unique way to feel the Douro by combining the tasting of great wine (enotourism) with a personalized service that displays the region in “a more intimate fashion”. To achieve that, the Porto-based company offers a wide variety of experiences supported in exclusivity and privacy, assuring that the calmness and beauty of the landscape is fully absorbed by its visitors. Our company presents a number of special itineraries for better enjoyment of the Douro Valley. This includes moments of gastronomical and enophile nature, as well as visits to places out of reach by traditional tourism. Such is only possible through its fleet of two vintage wooden boats of timeless charm: Mary and White Swan. These vessels were projected by a Portuguese shipwright whose design bears in mind the innate characteristics of the Douro River, guaranteeing safety, stability and perfect harmony with the region.