レジャーと興奮の両方を兼ね備えた37フィートのシーレイボートに乗って、ドミニカ共和国の魅力を発見してください。ラ・ロマーナから出発し、手付かずのビーチ、隠れた入り江、紺碧の海を探索しながら、忘れられない思い出を作りましょう 。料金:• 8時間:1272ドル: ドミニカのビーチを探検しましょう 。
We love to spend time on the water and we are excited to be listed with GetMyBoat making boats more accessible to everyone that wants to get out on the water. We look forward to showing you the local area by water and doing everything we can to provide an amazing boating experience. If you are visiting for fun or simply looking for a relaxing time locally and want to get out and enjoy all the amazing waters this place has to offer.