

105フィートのアジムットヨットでの贅沢な体験 | プエルトバジャルタ (食事を含む)105フィートのアジムットヨットでの贅沢な体験 | プエルトバジャルタ (食事を含む)105フィートのアジムットヨットでの贅沢な体験 | プエルトバジャルタ (食事を含む)105フィートのアジムットヨットでの贅沢な体験 | プエルトバジャルタ (食事を含む)

105フィートのアジムットヨットでの贅沢な体験 | プエルトバジャルタ (食事を含む)

私たちが達成したいのは、100% 海辺のメキシコ体験を提供することです ⚓ 太平洋の美しさを感じながら、世界中のどこにでもあるような素晴らしい体験をすることをお約束します。メキシコ人は私たちの人々にそう警告しています 。私たちは、海での最大限の贅沢であるアジムット105に乗って、長い間忘れられない体験を提供したいと考えています。 雄大で豪華でパノラマの景色を楽しめるこの船は、現代的なデザイン、息をのむような美しさ、そして数々のアメニティが完璧に融合した、まさに水上住宅です 💫 👫🏽 20名様分の料金には 、次のような軽食や飲み物が含まれています 。-ウェルカムワイン -ソーダ-ボトル入りウォーター -テキーラ入りトロピカルカクテル-スパイシーなマグロのモンタディトス -生ハムのタパス-グアカモーレ -パネラチーズセビチェ ⚓ どのマリーナにも行きます。送迎サービスは追加料金でご利用いただけます 🕑 追加時間 $1,942 USD 忘れられない思い出をお求めのお客様には、以下のサービスをご提供しております 。 旅行 (追加費用含む): 📷 プロの写真家 🚐 宿泊施設からドックまでの陸上輸送 👩🏻‍🍼 ベビーシッター 🛒 ショッピングサービス 🎧 DJ 🎉 テーマ装飾 👨🏻‍🍳 シェフ(この船には彼女/彼のサービスが含まれています) 🛥️ ウェーブランナー他のボートと同様に 、次のアクティビティを練習する機会も提供します 。- ホエールウォッチング(シーズン中、11月〜2月)🐳 - 湾をぶらぶらして、セーリングすることもできますマリエタス島。(予約前に時間条件をご検討ください) この体験は、湾周辺の最安値でご提供いたします 。ペットにも優しいです!だから、友達を連れてきてください。みんなに楽しい時間を過ごしてもらいたいので、まず獣医に確認することをお勧めします! ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。これ以上はありません。船上で会いましょう!


  • $2,807/時間







Hola, my name's José, and I'm proudly Mexican! Me living in Jalisco my whole life, I cannot stop surprising myself on how beautiful our country is and how proud of it I am. And I want to share that beauty with the people who visit us, from all over. We offer our boats so you can have the opportunity to do it with style!


Fly 105
  • エアコン
  • Bluetooth
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • ウォータースポーツ装備
  • 魚群探知器
  • シュノーケル
  • SUPボード
  • カヤック
  • トイレ







Terms and Conditions Article 1 – General. 1. The company offers exclusive experiences on boats within Bahía de Banderas and surroundings. 2. We reserve the right to change routes as well as start and finish locations when weather conditions, shallows or other legitimate reasons require. To the extent possible, we will inform passengers of this in a timely manner. 3. By reserving an experience or renting a boat you are accepting the terms and conditions of the company and boat. Article 2 - Boat Rental 1. The minimum rental of a boat is four hours. 2.To make a reservation it is necessary to make the payment through the app. 3. The rental of the company's boats always includes the crew and captain. 4. It is not allowed to sublease the boat to a third party, except with the authorization of the company. Article 3 - Waiting times and delays. 1. The rental time will start running from the reserved time. 2. The captain will wait up to 20 minutes from your reservation time, after that time it will be up to the captain to cancel the trip or charge a penalty for extra time on the dock when boarding. Article 4 - Extra hours. 1. To require extra hours when sailing, it is necessary to notify the company contact directly at least one hour before arriving at the marina. Article 5 - Trip suspensión. 1. Valid reasons for trip suspension are weather conditions that make navigation difficult or impossible. The Captain will determine in the first instance if such conditions apply and in the second instance it will be the maritime authority who allows or denies the departure of the marine vessel. 2. In case of misconduct, whether or not caused by the consumption of alcohol, the Captain has the right to immediately suspend the trip. Persons already under the influence of alcohol/drugs at the start of the trip will be denied access to the vessel. The customer's payment obligation remains in force. 3. Alcohol is prohibited for those under 18 years of age. The company reserves the right to request photo identification. 4. Guests must follow all instructions of the company or its employees promptly and without delay. Access to boats and docks can be denied without giving a reason, if the company considers it necessary, for example, in relation to capacity, security, public order or the imminent threat of damage or nuisance. Article 6 - Company responsibility 1. The company and boat is not responsible for any damage and / or loss of the possessions or belongings of the guest(s). 2. The company and boat is not responsible for damage to people or property of the guests, caused by not following the instructions of the crew Article 7 - Responsable Guest. 1. The guest is responsible for any damage caused to property/goods used by the company or third parties. 2. All activities organized by the company and the boat are carried out at the expense and risk of the guests. Article 8 - General Responsibility. 1. The company and vessel are not responsible for personal injuries or damages of any nature, regardless of their cause, before, during or as a result of the trip. The exception to this is damage caused by the deliberate act or gross negligence of the company and vessel. Statutory damages are limited to the price of the boat rental for the trip in question. 2. Children are under the responsibility of the parents. Upon request, a life jacket and babysitting service can be provided. 3. If the company and vessel could not fulfill their obligations due to force majeure, they are not entitled to restitution or compensation Article 9 - Payment and cancelation. 1. Due to the type of service, as well as the logistical operation involved in renting a boat, our cancellation policy is extremely strict. 2. In the case of accepting a reservation: in accordance with our offer, we will first send you a written confirmation of the reservation. 3. The reservation will be paid before the trip. 4. The guest can cancel their experience or boat rental only in writing, subject to the term described in the subsequent point. 5. If the cancellation is made more than 30 days in advance of the experience, a 50% refund of the amount paid will be issued. 6. If the client does not show up on the day of their reservation without any notification. The client accepts that the company applies the reservation deposit as a cancellation fee. Article 10 - Change of reservation date 1. The client can request a change of date for his reservation, with a term not less than 30 days before his original reservation without any penalty. 2. The client can request a change of date for his reservation, with a term not less than 15 days before his original reservation, with a penalty of 30%. The client accepts that the company applies the reservation deposit as a penalty. 3. The client can request a change of date for his reservation, with a term not less than 7 days before his original reservation, with a penalty of 50%. The client accepts that the company applies the reservation deposit as a penalty. Article 11 - Cancelation by the company and refunds 1. If there is a breakdown, mechanical failure or any unsafe situation notified by the captain before setting sail. 2. In the event that any of these situations occurs, the company will reimburse 100% of the cost of your experience or boat rental. 3. If there is a breakdown, mechanical failure or any unsafe situation notified by the captain during the rental time of your boat or experience that you reserve, a refund will not be possible.


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