環境にやさしい電動ボートに乗って、カリフォルニアのマリーナデルレイの静かな魅力を発見してください。最低レンタル時間は2時間で、1時間あたり115ドルでレンタルできます。 静かで持続可能な船で気軽にクルーズしながら、マリーナ・デル・レイの素晴らしい景色を眺めながら出航してください。友人、家族、同僚に最適なこの体験は、マリーナの手つかずの海を楽しみ、豪華ヨットの壮大さを堪能できるまたとない機会です 。グライドしながら、マリーナの活気ある雰囲気に浸り、この海岸沿いの楽園に生息する多様な野生生物を見つけましょう。Bluetooth 対応のスピーカーが搭載されていれば、お気に入りの音楽を再生して完璧な雰囲気を演出して、冒険をカスタマイズできます 。弊社は、わずか5つ星の評価で250件以上のレンタルを行っていることに誇りを持っています。これは、すべてのお客様に素晴らしい体験をご提供していることの証です。 お好みのスナックや飲み物を持参して、旅を充実させましょう。飲み物を完全に冷たく保つためのイエティクーラーを用意しています。カジュアルなお出かけでも、特別なお祝いでも、電動ボートのレンタルで忘れられない休暇をお約束します 。 4時間
We had such a wonderful time on our cruise, I can’t wait to do it again! We toured the harbor and Curt gave us the low down on all the local yachts. One of the highlights was seeing the California sea lions lounging on the docks. We brought our family and Curt was such a gracious host, especially with the kids. Highly recommend!
We had a great trip, Curt was a great captain and took us all around the marina. He has a lot of experience and fun tidbits to share, but is also very laid back and not intrusive if you just want to relax or are less talkative. We had a great time and would definitely do this again.
Booking with Chris was wonderful! Curt was our captain and we couldn’t have gotten luckier. Chris and Curt are amazing!! Curt went above and beyond to give our party an absolutely lovely afternoon. He was flexible when we needed a slightly later start time and his friendly, laid back style was perfect for our party. We had such a fun day on the water!
Chris was an exceptional boat operator! He expertly guided us through the marina, pointing out some amazing sights and sharing interesting details along the way. His recommendations for places to eat were spot on. The boat ride itself was incredibly smooth and safe, making the whole experience even more enjoyable. I’d highly recommend this adventure to anyone looking for a great time on the water!
Chris was an exceptional host and boat rental. Super smooth sailing your classic Duffy ride perfect setting we couldn’t ask for more and Chris provided us with some great details of the harbor things like that joked around laughed with us. We had a great time awesome knowing Chris hope to ride with him again.