豪華なスピードボートに乗って、ベトナムのタンポーホーチミンの活気に満ちた海での爽快な冒険に備えましょう。最大11人の乗客を収容できる11席のこのおしゃれな船は、快適さと興奮を完璧に融合させ、忘れられない旅を演出します 。料金: • 2時間:$640 ボート保険すべての入場料ミネラルウォーターとウェットタオルバッハダン桟橋でのお迎えバッハダン桟橋でのドロップオフ
With the allowance to access to many of ports any time, a private charter can get you closer and faster than any commercial ferry or wooden boat and in a shorter time. Professionalism and luxury treatment is what you will receive when you choose to travel with us. When you travel private speedboat charter with Saigon River Tour, you can skip the hassles and headaches of shuttle bus travel such as traffic jam and wasting time on the road for traffic light. Running a little late? No worries! The speedboat leaves when you arrive! You will arrive rested and ready for your business meeting or well-deserved vacation.
Travelers will not receive any refund regardless of cancellation status.