エレガンスと洗練さを兼ね備えたオデッセイヨットは、豪華さと洗練さの証です。マスターベッドルーム2室とダブルベッドルーム1室を含む4ベッドルーム、1/2バスルーム2室、高度な安定システムを備えたカボ随一の船は、ワクワク感とエレガンスの両方をお約束します。3つの広々としたデッキを備え、モダンとクラシックの美学がシームレスに融合し、 豪華さの新たな基準を打ち立てています。プライマリデッキでは、大きな窓からダイニングエリアとラウンジエリアに自然光がたっぷりと差し込みます。屋外には、ウェットバー、サンパッド、ダイニングエリアを備えた広々とした屋外スペースがあり、おもてなしに最適です 。オデッセイヨットは成功の象徴であり、チレノ湾でのんびりとしたひととき、メダノビーチでのんびりとした午後、または8〜12ノットの驚異的なスピードでの爽快な沿岸航海に理想的な環境を提供しています。このヨットは、真のラグジュアリーとは快適さ、スタイル、パフォーマンスの融合という概念を体現しています。 ご不明な点がございましたら、「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックしてメッセージをお送りください。お支払い前に、予約リクエストに合わせたオファーが届きます 。
Throughout my career, I have specialized in customer service, maintaining a demeanor that is both amicable and professional. With over a decade of experience, I have had the privilege of serving a diverse clientele ranging from high-end patrons to the general public. This journey has afforded me the chance to partake in remarkable experiences like whale watching, delving into coral reefs, and visiting renowned landmarks such as the Cabo San Lucas arch in Mexico.
Cancellation policy: If you cancel within 48 hours of your scheduled trip departure, a fee of 50% of the total trip cost will be charged – If you cancel within that 24-hour period a net of a 100% will be charged - No show is responsible for 100% trip fees - During the months of September and October we experience a hurricane season, If we need to cancel your trip due to hurricane alert, high winds-waves, or port closure, we can either provide you with a full refund or reschedule your trip at no cost. Guest assumes full responsibility for his/her actions and the actions of the other members of their group during the rental or charter. Guest agrees that the company has the right but not the obligation , to end the charter preemptively if guest or other members of the guest’s party damage, behave inappropriately or misuse the yacht during their rental or charter. In any of the aforementioned cases, the company will have no obligation to reimburse Guest for hours unused by guest. Guest agrees to be fully responsible for all furnished equipment aboard the yacht. Guests agrees to fully reimburse the amount necessary to replace any and all damages or lost equipment during their charter. Guest agrees these charges be charged to the credit card on file in this form below.