

「シャーロット」プレステージ X70「シャーロット」プレステージ X70「シャーロット」プレステージ X70「シャーロット」プレステージ X70

「シャーロット」プレステージ X70

私たちの艦隊で最新の船、「シャーロット」という名前の2023年のプレステージX70にようこそ。幹から船尾まで、フロリダの太陽の下で楽しむようにデザインされました。見どころとしては、折りたたみ式サンパッド、ゾーン型ブルートゥースステレオ、水圧式スイムプラットフォームへのアクセスなど、ウォーターアクティビティからすぐの場所にある「ビーチクラブ」があります。メインデッキの後方には、日陰のあるラウンジシート、電気グリル、ウェットバー、製氷機、6人掛けのダイニングテーブルがあります。パラダイスを360度見渡せる広々としたフライングブリッジの上には、電気グリル、ウェットバー、製氷機、もう1台の6人掛けダイニングテーブル、マルチゾーンのラウンジシート、リラックスして日光浴を楽しめる十分なスペースを提供する格納式屋根があります。中に入ると、シャーロットは自然光を取り入れ、モダンなスタイリング、贅沢な快適さ、ご自宅にいるように感じられるようデザインされたアメニティに感動することでしょう。今すぐ予約して、私たちのクルーが一生に一度の旅にお連れします! -シーキーパージャイロが安定しました。(揺れを軽減) -ビーチクラブ:折りたたみ式サンラウンジ、独立したBluetoothステレオ、油圧スイムプラットフォームへのアクセス -メインデッキ後部:製氷機、電気グリル、ウェットバー、サンシェード付きラウンジシート、6人掛けダイニングテーブル-フライングブリッジ:マルチゾーンラウンジシート、格納式屋根、6人掛けダイニングテーブル 、電動式グリル、シンク、製氷機、冷蔵庫、日よけ付きサンパッド -リボン:サンシェード付きソフトパッド -インテリア:温度調節、向かい合ったソファ付きのサロン、設備の整ったキッチン、ベッドルーム4室/バスルーム3室、3ゾーンBluetoothステレオ (サロン、後方にメインデッキ、フライングブリッジ) -氷付き大型クーラー -11'5 テンダー、40馬力のヤマハ船外機 (乗務員操作のみ) -テンダー用プルビハインドチューブ -ウォータートイ:インナーチューブスタイルのフロート、11'6 (最大300ポンド) のインフレータブルパドルボード (最大300ポンド)、フローティングアイランド 8フィート x 10フィート、大きなプールヌードル2本、たくさんのシュノーケルギア (大人用) 子供用ビーチおもちゃ


  • $1,548/時間








  • エアコン
  • Bluetooth
  • コンロ&オーブン
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • ディンギー
  • フライブリッジ
  • 洗面所
  • SUPボード
  • チャーター
  • キャビン
  • 浴槽







Our company enforces a standard cancellation policy on all vessels in the CYM fleet. This policy is to protect both the owner and the renter (Charterer).  CYM recommends the Charterer to read through the Cancellation Policy thoroughly and understand the responsibility when agreeing to the policy.  Deposits, Payments and Refunds as follows:  Please advise: CYM enforces a strict non-refundable cancellation policy. Charterer cancellation request will be handled based on the rules below.  If Charterer is to cancel the charter within 30 days of making full payment, that does not follow under CYM’s extenuating circumstances, the payment is non-refundable.  If Charterer is to cancel the charter and has made their full payment, that does not follow under the CYM’s extenuating circumstances, the full payment is non-refundable. Charterer will receive the option to reschedule with a reschedule fee.  Charterer’s deposit will be held if the vessel has been damaged by the Charterer and/or Charterer’s guest. Please advise, the Charterer assumes responsibility for themselves and their guests within their party once the agreement has been signed. Once the damages have been assessed and discussed with both owner and Charterer, CYM will hold the deposit as payment towards the damage cost.  Charterer’s deposit and/or payment will be refunded for extenuating circumstances, which will include the following. Death of charterer or family member, Covid-19 (will require a positive test from a clinic or doctor, as well as within 5 days of the charter date), Natural disaster, Weather (will be the captain's decision the day of charter),Political unrest or Mechanical failure of the vessel. Please advise, refunds will not be given if the request does not meet CYM’s extenuating circumstances. Charterers will have the option to reschedule with a reschedule fee. A cancellation will NOT BE APPROVED if requested within 30 days of the charter date and the request does not meet CYM’s extenuating circumstances.  Provision orders Provision orders requested directly from CYM will need to be placed at minimum 72 hours prior to the day of charter.  Please advise, if the Charterer orders provisions direct  from CYM or provides their own, the Charterer will be held fully responsible for the provision order if a charter is to be canceled. Provisions orders are non-refundable in the event of a cancellation for any reason. RULES, GUIDELINES & FINES It is our mission to provide a safe and fun option for anyone looking to enjoy the water and charter a vessel. You and your guests must abide by the rules and guidelines set forth in order to keep you, your guests, the Crew, and the Vessel safe. Any violation of these rules will result in fines and fees charged to the credit card of the Charterer. By signing this agreement, you are agreeing to any of these fines and charges. The Captain and Crew have the right to terminate your charter at any time if your actions and behavior puts you, your guests, the Crew, or the Vessel at risk and NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN REGARDLESS OF THE TIME NOT USED ON THE VESSEL. In addition to the full charter price being charged, the Charterer will also be responsible for any and all fuel expenses, taxes, gratuity, and other expenses incurred including but not limited dockage, provisions, etc. The rules and guidelines include but are not limited to: 1. THE LEGAL PASSENGER CAPACITY OF THE VESSEL MAY NOT BE EXCEEDED for any reason, at the commencement or during the charter. THIS IS A FEDERAL LAW AND ANY CITATIONS BY THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD (or any other law enforcement agency) ARE THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHARTERER. If the Coast Guard or other governmental agency administers a fine you will be responsible for the fine and all legal costs associated with the fine. The Captain will report any over boarding and has the full right to terminate the Charter with no refund of the deposit of full charter amount. 2. NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAMES ON BOARD. Smoking of any kind is strictly forbidden. Any burns in the seats, flooring, bedding, teak, or otherwise must be fully repaired to “like-new” condition at the expense of the Charterer. 3. Any stains on the seats, flooring, bedding, teak or otherwise must be fully repaired to “like-new” condition at the expense of the Charterer. 4. No loud or vulgar music or sound pollution allowed when in a private marina. Private marinas strictly prohibit loud or vulgar music, and the Captain and Crew needs to be able to hear while docking and undocking the vessel. Once you exit the marina area, you are allowed to turn up the music and have a good time. You acknowledge that the Captain and Crew have complete control over the volume of music and it can be turned down for any reason. 5. NO ILLEGAL DRUGS OF ANY KIND are allowed on the vessel. Captains have the right to terminate the Charter immediately and no refund will be given to the Charterer(s). Captains also have the right to contact law enforcement and have any illegal drug activity reported to law enforcement agents. 6. NO JUMPING OFF OF THE VESSEL while it is underway or when the motors are running. Whether you are wanting to jump in the water, onto a beach, dock, or other surface, you must wait for instructions from the Captain or Crew. YOU MUST ALWAYS INFORM THE CREW if you are jumping in the water. 7. LISTEN TO AND FOLLOW THE CAPTAIN AND CREW’S INSTRUCTIONS AT ALL TIMES. The Captain and Crew have a duty to keep you, your guests, the Vessel, and themselves safe. They have the final say in safety. LISTEN TO THEIR INSTRUCTIONSAT ALL TIMES. CHARTERER: ***I have read all of the rules and Understand I am fully responsible for myself and my guests’ behavior and actions and I authorize any charges if I violate any of the rules above.***


美しいベニントン TRITOON 150 HP ホームズビーチ、アンナマリアフィッシングシリーズ
ホルムズ・ビーチのパワーボート · 12名様

美しいベニントン TRITOON 150 HP ホームズビーチ、アンナマリアフィッシングシリーズ

パルメットのパワーボート · 10名様


ホルムズ・ビーチのパワーボート · 13名様


ブレーデントンのパワーボート · 8名様


ホルムズ・ビーチのツアー · 6名様

