

ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️

ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️


私のレイクユニオンとワシントン湖のリラクゼーションエスケープおもちゃには、バスルーム、プッシュボタン式アンカーシステム、どんな天候からも保護できるファスナー付きのフルエンクロージャー、燃える太陽から身を隠すためのサンカバー/ビミニ、テーブル、素晴らしいサウンドシステムへのBluetooth接続、どこにでも入れるカブホルダー、ボートの前部の大きなデッキ、大人5〜6人が簡単に収まる大きなデッキ、スイムラダー付きの大きなスイムプラットフォーム、ホットタブが付いています水に飛び込んだ後は、冷たいシャワーで洗い流してください。インテリアキャビンには、快適なソファと取り外し可能なテーブルがあります。後部座席エリアには大人4〜6人が座ることができ、取り外し可能なテーブルが付いています。内側のキャビンは4〜6人を収容できます。キャプテンズエリアは2人を収容できます。キャビンテーブルを下げてクッションを入れるとベッドになります。自分で用意したインフレータブル用のインフレーターがあります。携帯電話の充電ケーブルもあります。子供用のライフジャケットはいくつか持っています。すべての安全装備は直接ご案内します。ボートには乗船者全員分のライフジャケットがあります 。✅ セルフキャプテン付きのレンタルには、経験豊富なオペレーターが必要です。以前のキャプテンやボートハンドリングの経験を共有してください ✅ 休日の週末、シーフェア、セイルゲーティングハスキーのフットボールゲームなどではより高額になります ✅ 定員は、キャプテンを含め、年齢に関係なく10名です。 ✅ ガスはレンタル終了時に、現金または電子送金アプリを使って1時間あたりの定額料金で支払われます。現在は1時間あたり64ドルです。所有者が他のレンタルボートよりも水上で過ごす時間を増やすため、所有者は所有者の時間にガスを充填します。これにより、レンタル時間の多くをガスドックで過ごすことになり、ドッキングによる損傷リスクが高まります。 ✅ これらのアドオンは追加料金でご利用いただけます:✔️ Sublue Navbow ウォータースクーター ✔️ Seadoo Spark Trixx Jetski ✔️ パドルボード ✔️ フローティングマット ✔️ フローティングドック ✔️ Bring-a- ペット ✔️ クーラー (アイス/ドリンクはご持参ください) ✅ ボートの注意事項:これはキャビンクルーザーであり、速く走ることを目的としたものではないことを覚えておいてください。私には、巡航速度制限があり、残念ながら賠償責任があります。また、ボート仕様のけん引車も許可されていません。安全上の理由から、他のレンタルで発生するリスクとタイミング遅延の可能性を抑えるため、オーナーの許可がない限り、ボートはピュージェット湾に行けない場合があります。私は、12時間の終日レンタルまたは複数日レンタルを前提として、ボートをピュージェット湾に持ち込むことを許可します 。船内には深度ファインダー/ナビゲーションユニットがあります。追加の損傷リスクを最小限に抑えるため、ボートを他のボートに縛ることはできません。1)アンカー [プッシュボタン式ウィンドラスアンカーシステム](ユニオンベイ、コージーコーブ、アンドリュースベイにのみ停泊可能)をアンカーする場合、または2)どこにでもドッキングしたい(経験豊富なオペレーター向け)場合は、許可を求めてください。喫煙/電子タバコは一切禁止です。赤ワインやシミになる食品は使用しないでください。ペット追加オプションを購入しない限り、ペットは同伴できません。靴/サンダルは搭乗時に脱いで収納する必要があります。ボートは規定どおり完全に清潔でなければなりません。そうでない場合、最低100ドル、体液には最低200ドルのクリーニング料金がかかります。ゴミは必ず持ち帰ってください。飲み物、食べ物、スナック、クーラーとアイス、タオルなどは各自用意してください。200ドルから1000ドルの延滞料(極端に遅れたために別の予約をキャンセルする必要がある場合)がかかりますので、時間通りに返却してください。詳細と開示事項は、予約時にテキストで送信されます。レンタル開示の全リストをご覧になりたい場合は、インスタント予約の前にお問い合わせください 。料金: レンタル業者が平日 • 2時間389ドル • 3時間 499ドル • 4時間 629ドル • 6時間 879ドル • 8時間 959ドル 金曜日、土曜日、日曜日 • 4時間 679ドル • 6時間 949ドル • 8時間 1049ドル/キャプテン付きレンタル(平日 )• 2時間 489ドル • 3時間649ドル • 4時間879ドル • 6時間1229ドル • 8時間1409ドル金曜日 、土曜日、日曜日:• 2時間519ドル • 3時間699ドル • 4時間929ドル • 6時間 1299ドル • 8時間1499ドル • ホリデーウィークエンドや特別イベント(メモリアルデー、プライドウィークエンド、7月4日、レイバーデー、シーフェアウィーク、ワシントン州のセーリングゲームなど)では料金が異なり、値上げされます。


  • $259/時間
  • $129/時間


Best of 2023



5.0 (52件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  2. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  3. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  4. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  5. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  6. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  7. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  8. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  9. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  10. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  11. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  12. ワシントン州レイクユニオンを探検しよう!📍 エンクロージャー ☔️😎✅ トイレ 💩✅⚓️✅ ⛽️ OnMyTime ✅ 29' 🛥️
  1. PN


    Brian responded immediately to my post, communicated clearly, departed the boat on time and fully engaged us with great conversations and education of the area we were sailing. He was friendly and connected with us immediately. Because of him, I was able to give a great gift of exploring Lake Union and Lake Washington to my wife for her birthday. He is a great find and we will rent with him again.

  2. KG


    Recently we chartered a boat with Jason to go on Lake Washington with several friends. The boat was lovely and Jason was an amazing captain who made the time fun, informational and relaxing! We would highly recommend Jason and his boat and we are looking forward to the next trip!

  3. Shikhar

    Had a great time on Brian's boat! Despite our slight lateness, Brian was really accommodating. He navigated us from SLU to a fantastic swimming location in Lake Washington. Later, we returned to the Westlake side to catch the sunset. Only suggestion would be a slightly larger boat for our group of 9 and slightly louder speakers. All in all, a fantastic day out on the water!

  4. Carolyn

    Last week I chartered one of Captain Brian’s board with a group of friends for my friend’s bachelorette party. Brian went above and beyond to ensure that our group had the absolute best time on his boat. He was accommodating and very transparent with all of the details of our trip. We could not have been happier with our experience. Thank you Captain Brian for a great day!

  5. Prueth

    Brian proved to be an exceptional host. I approached him with the intention of proposing on his boat, and he exceeded my expectations. Brian generously upgraded us to his larger and more exquisite boat. Not only was he accommodating with our schedule, but he also provided us with precise directions to ensure we found the boat easily. His acting skills were superb as my girlfriend had no inkling of our boat adventure. On the water, Brian's energy and charisma were infectious. He exhibited remarkable expertise, making us feel incredibly secure throughout the journey. Additionally, he allowed us to enjoy music and brought along two adorable puppies, enhancing our overall experience. We had an absolute blast, and I wholeheartedly recommend booking with Brian. Thanks to him, I have cherished memories of an unforgettable experience, capped off by my partner's acceptance of my proposal—making us newly engaged!



Best of 2023

I’ve been around the water most of my life from the family boat to a decade in the sport of rowing. Thanks for your interest in renting!


2700 SCR
  • Bluetooth
  • GPS
  • 積み卸しスペース
  • 燃料:ガソリン
  • シングルエンジン
  • プロッター
  • 日除け
  • 船内エンジン
  • エンクロージャー
  • 洗面所
  • 音響システム
  • ジェットスキー
  • SUPボード
  • トイレ
  • キャビン
  • ラジオ







By booking, taking possession of the vessel, you automatically agree to the following: Operating vessel: We will go over safety information in person. This is NOT a speed boat, it is a cruiser. Single engine vessel: this is not the boat for you if you are wanting to go fast. No towables, watersports etc. I do have a bow rider boat with watersports tower that can be rented and for experienced operators, towables, watersports could be allowed on that boat. It’s a legal NO WAKE zone/7 knots speed limit from Ballard Locks to Lake Union/Ship Canal to the 520 bridge/Webster Point (entrance to Lake Washington). Be careful so a ticket doesn’t ruin your day! If heading out to Lake Washington, when traveling through Union Bay, stay in the main channel or to the left all the way past Webster point before turning right, to the south. There are shallow places with under water pilings that can cause severe damage. Note: it takes 45 minutes to get from Union Bay to the starting point in South Lake Union. Once on Lake Washington I have a vessel speed limit of 15 knots if you only have a few passengers, otherwise, if a large load of passengers, a lower speed applies. It is easiest to follow the speed limit by RPMs, please ask what max and best cruising RPMs to run engine at depending on load. It is possible for an exception to be made depending on passenger load/skill set of renter and comfortability of owner. The engine(s) suffer much wear being a rental boat and any higher speed greatly reduces the life of the engine in addition to owner not knowing the true skill set of individual renters knowledge of planing/using trim tabs properly and the fact of speed leading to increased safety issues and dramatically higher gas consumption which comes with an uncomfortable sticker shock. I have remote boat monitoring including GPS & speed tracking so please understand this rule is to be strictly followed. If rule is blatantly and obviously broken there could be a $500 fee which goes towards future necessary mechanical work. Please provide a backup contact person/phone number for me to reach the boat in case your phone is out of reach or you are distracted. Communication is critical to ensure a great experience! Safety Equipment: The lifejackets are in the compartment on the left side of the boat. Pull the compartment doors down from the top with fingers to access. The throwable cushion is in the rear left compartment as well as more life jackets. The flare kit, a first aid kit, throw rope, other safety gear are in the safety supplies cabinet next to steps going down into cabin. The orange swimmer flag and a boat hook are readily accessible. The horn is operational at the helm via a switch. A backup horn is in the safety supplies cabinet. The fire extinguisher locations: to the right rear of captain seat, mounted on the wall above safety supplies cabinet and more in the safety supplies cabinet. For rentals in evening hours: please turn on by pressing the top of switch forward, at dusk the NAVIGATION light switch on the far left side of helm, to the left of the steering wheel. DO NOT turn on any other switches on accident as it could burn out the bilge pumps or accidentally trim the engine into trailer mode etc. Other equipment: There are two tables stowed down in the cabin. There is an inflator for blow up inflatables. There is a multi-type charging cable to the right of the captain chair. The entire seating area of the boat has a full zip-in windowed enclosure for cooler/rainy days. Insurance: The rental does not come with any insurance provided by the site, if you booked on any platform. Insurance is accessible by the Owner only which has a renter endorsement. Renter agrees by taking possession of the vessel to be immediately liable for the first $3,000 in damages before pursuing any such insurance claim to prevent an inundation of insurance claims caused by renters which would in turn would cause higher premiums and potentially being dropped by insurance carriers. If an insurance claim is filed and in the event insurance will not cover an incident for whatever hypothetical reason, the renter is completely liable for any and all damages to the vessel, other vessels and structures, contents of vessel, damages to other’s property, injuries, death that occurs do to any incident while under the control, possession of the renter even if the renter is away from the vessel, during the rental period. Renter understands by taking possession of vessel, renter waives all rights for any suit against and all liabilities to vessel owner and understands renter is solely liable for the complete cost of damages to vessel caused by renter or anyone else including other vessels causing damage to the vessel, vessels contents, damage to any other’s property, the health and safety of renter’s self, any of renters passengers and anyone renter may encounter during the duration of the rental. If an insurance claim is filed and denied, or the costs exceed insurance limits, and in the event of any injuries to any parties, renter understands all medical costs are the renters responsibility and liability and the owner is not to be liable in any way whatsoever. The owner of the vessel may choose completely and solely at owner’s discretion to offer to limit damages sustained to vessel to the full amount of owner’s insurance policy’s deductible and any other incidental costs associated with making a claim. However, if damage affects future rentals or for any reason at owner’s discretion, complete costs of damages, medical bills, or any incident caused by renter or renter’s guests will be solely and completely renter’s financial responsibility and fully liable for any incidents and costs of loss of usage for future canceled rentals due to damage caused during the rental. Pickup location/process: We will be meeting at the public dock/walkway at the GPS location sent via text message. In an extenuating circumstance we might have to meet at Lake Union Piers, Lake Union Park or the Sunnyside Ave N Boat ramp/dock in northeast Lake Union or another possible location. Owner will communicate if a backup location is needed in advance of rental. Please note the pickup location may have to be changed from these locations depending on circumstances. Most likely, I or my assistant will shove the boat away from the dock after going over everything you need to know about the boat and possibly after doing a demonstration docking of how to slowly approach the dock at the end of the rental. PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH the dock until we communicate and that I or my assistant is waiting for you at the dock.  Boat rules: Be respectful of other boats and noise levels especially in marina/dock area. No pets. Please remove shoes and keep under rear seat on single engine vessel or in rear exterior cabin on dual engine vessel. No sitting/leaning/jumping off bow deck railing or sitting on bow deck hatch. Do not allow any passengers to stand on the bow deck while the boat is in motion or while stopped to protect the structural integrity of the bow deck. The only time people should stand is moving to and from the area.  For safety and to prevent damage, no standing on swim platform while the engine is on and please never sit on top backrest of rear seating. Follow legal requirements for children wearing life jackets where applicable. When engine is off, maximum of 3 people standing on swim deck as a weight limit exists. No smoking, vaping and no drugs. Be aware that waterways are patrolled by the Coast Guard and possessing marijuana is still a federal crime. No tying up to other boats and absolutely no docking unless asking for and granted permission first as the risk of damage is greatest in these two situations which has happened in the past. Please inform me if you plan to anchor so I can let you know the two spots you can anchor the boat. I’ve had renters lose money due to losing the anchor and line by anchoring in the wrong location. Be careful to stay in the main channel and away from the south shore towards the 520 bridge and only maneuver boat under main tall passageways. I’ve had a renter break the propeller disabling the boat completely by going in shallow waters next to a dock. Absolutely no docking at the Madison Beach Dock. Boat may not go on the Puget Sound through the locks due to much greater risks and future rental time constraints.  Gas/Extra time: Gas is paid in cash or electronically at the end of the rental. The minimum (depending on usage, could be higher): $64 per rental hour on single engine vessel. Gas can be more than the minimum especially on half day trips if the engine is run the full 4 hours and the trip includes circling Mercer Island for example which usually means the engine is run at a higher RPMs. It currently costs about $800 for a full tank. I have minimums as it takes quite a bit of work and extra time to keep refilling the boat which I or my assistant does instead of other rental companies which make the renter spend too much of their rental time on refilling the gas. My process leads to happier customers and less damage to the boats since constant docking isn’t required. If payment for fuel or extra time is not sent same day as rental an additional charge of 20% of owed balance will be added. Cleaning: Entire boat must be returned in same clean condition as provided. You must use a provided boat towel located in cabinet to the left of bathroom door, slightly dampen and scrub all decking and seats upon return and best to do after most have stepped off boat. Cleaning wipes, cleaners, rags, paper towels, vacuum are all provided. Keep wet clothes and feet out of cabin to keep carpet and upholstery dry. Please keep any dark liquids outside and not in the cabin. No red wines as when spilt is difficult to impossible to remove. No open containers in cabin so spills won’t get on carpet or upholstery. No pets allowed. Please again, no smoking. If the boat is left dirty, carpets soaking wet, or smoking occurs there will be $100 minimum cleaning fee. If any bodily fluids need to be cleaned, minimum $200 cleaning fee. Any stains to upholstery will incur a $750 fee for reupholstering. Music: The boat has Bluetooth. Press the top left button on music unit to turn on the device. The Bluetooth name is “Dual BT”. The passcode is 1234. Toilet: The bathroom toilet has a holding tank on the boat which can fill fast, make sure to follow these instructions to flush. There is a handle that you pull and press up and down to flush. To flush pee, there is a lever behind the handle, move lever to the right to flush pee. Move lever to the left to flush poop and to add some water to bowl. Don’t use lever on left to flush pee. The toilet can easily over flow this way leaving a mess all over the bathroom. Always return the lever to the right for safety. There is extra toilet paper in upper cabinet. The light switch is on the wall. Make sure not to press the red switch which is the shower drain pump. Water pumps should never run without flowing water through them. To turn on the water pump to wash hands in sinks, press red switch above kitchenette counter left side. Late fees: 10-29 minutes late $200. 30 minutes or more up to $1,000 if another booking is affected/canceled. Cancellations: Please note my cancellation policy is the same whether on the platforms or directly booked through me: -Free cancellations until 30 days before the booking start date. -50% refund for cancellations between 14-30 days before the booking start date. -Cancellations within 14 days of the booking start date are non-refundable.  Rescheduling and Weather: I do not offer the ability to reschedule to another date. The boat has a full zip-in enclosure and goes out in Seattle’s unpredictable weather. Seattle has variable weather and clouds and rain are a constant part of life here so unfortunately I can’t accommodate rescheduling or refunds for cancellations due to rain and clouds.


レイバーデーウィークエンドスペシャル $600 半日!今すぐ予約(最大12名まで)
シアトルのパワーボート · 12名様

レイバーデーウィークエンドスペシャル $600 半日!今すぐ予約(最大12名まで)

カークランドのイベント · 15名様


ヴィンテージバイキングプリンセス 385 チャーター用ヨット
シアトルのイベント · 13名様

ヴィンテージバイキングプリンセス 385 チャーター用ヨット

カークランドの旅行 · 8名様


マーサーアイランドのパワーボート · 11名様


Best of 2023