このチャーミングでユニークな木製船は、上品さとモダンさをうまく融合させたもので、モンテネグロで最も快適で楽しいボート体験ができます!ブドヴァからこのボートをチャーターすると、オールインクルーシブのお得なオファーが受けられます !チャーター料金には、船長サービス、クルージング用燃料、飲料水、そしてたくさんの地元の情報が含まれています!ボートは現地のオーナーが操縦してくれるので、隠された宝物をすべて見せてくれます !アペロは、夏の日焼けをするのに理想的な広々とした船首サンデッキ、または波に乗って楽しむ日陰のある後部座席で、最大11人のゲスト(およびキャプテン)を収容できます。 ブドヴァはモネテンギン海岸の活気あふれる中心地で、歴史と文化のほか、素晴らしい地元料理を提供する活気あるバーやレストランもたくさんあります。透き通るような青い海を楽しんだり泳いだり、周辺の村にある隠れた湾やラグーンを発見したりして、一日をスタートさせましょう。最後に、船長から地元のおすすめのおいしい料理を見つけましょう !
We spent four wonderful hours by the sea. Stevan took us to beautiful places that you can't reach by car. He and his wife swam with us in the sea and took us through a cave in the sea. They even took pictures and videos from us. His boat is super nice. He and his wife are very friendly. We really enjoyed the boat trip and it was a very successful day. We can recommend Stevan 100%. Many thanks to Stevan and his wife!
Stevan was an awesome Captain & guide for our 6 hour tour. He took us to the most amazing locations to swim in beautiful, clear water, and even swim through a cave and back out towards the boat. And for the more adventurous, he brought us to an area where you could cliff jump, if you dared! The scenery was breathtaking, and Stevan made sure to point out many interesting sights. We had time to swim in several different areas, eat our packed lunch on the spacious and comfortable boat, and take in all the beautiful views. It was so worth it, and we couldn't have picked a better boat or a more accommodating & experienced Captain. We recommend Stevan's boat to everyone & we hope to be back and do this exact same tour again one day!
Lovely Trip! Good talks and perfect up to 6 guests. Stevan took us on a nice trip for 5 hours. Recommends!! :)